8 Ways to Keep Your Spine Healthy
The backbone of your movement, of your ability to function and sleep, is literally your spine. Almost all movements originate from the spine and without a healthy spine, it is difficult to even conduct daily tasks like sitting, standing or walking without discomfort and pain. As people age, they often complain about back pain from either sitting too long or too much activity or just old age.
Spinal diseases are highly common, especially when people start ageing. Owing to the flexibility of the cervical spine, it is common for people to damage that area over a period of time. Some of the common cervical spine diseases include degenerative disc disease, cervical stenosis, and cervical disc herniation. This occurs when the discs within the vertebrae begin to disintegrate, owing to damage to the fibres deteriorating with time. Other injuries include spina bifida, scoliosis, lumbar spinal stenosis, spondylitis and even tumours spreading and growing between your spinal cord.
Often these diseases present themselves as common symptoms like lower back pain, nausea, radiating pain in your limbs, stiffness, bladder or bowel dysfunction and more. Make sure you take these symptoms seriously and get professional help before it gets worse.
While most of these require medical attention, some spinal issues can be corrected with a change in lifestyle habits and can even be prevented by taking proper care of your spine. Taking care of your spine can be a part of your lifestyle. Certain activities and habits can help keep your spine healthy and happy, making your life much easier. Some of the ways to take proper care of your spine are:
- Stay Active: Maintaining an active lifestyle can help reduce the chances of experiencing lower back pain. Core strengthening and stretching can help the body be more flexible and move easily. Overall, an active life helps keep your back healthy.
- Lift Right: Many people experience severe back pain after they try to lift something heavy. It is important to be in the right posture and use your legs and knees to lift rather than your spine. Do not try and lift an extra-heavy object alone. Instead, get help and lift together.

- Stretch Regularly: To stay flexible and promote your spinal health, you should be stretching your neck and back every day. It helps maintain joint functions, improves your range of motion as well as reduces your risk of a back injury.
- Get Proper Rest: A good night’s sleep can do wonders for your body and especially your spine. Doctors recommend sleeping on your side as sleeping on the stomach puts pressure on the spine. A supportive mattress and pillow alignment also helps with the spine.
- Change your Posture: Often, people experience back pain because of the wrong posture, especially sitting. It increases the load on your spinal discs and wrong posture can cause inflammation, pain and more. It is vital to follow the natural curves of the spine and reevaluate your posture.
- Stay Hydrated: Staying hydrated maintains soft tissue elasticity and fluidity in joints. Loss of fluids causes discs to become brittle and eventually might lead to them slipping. It is also a cause for sciatica. Staying hydrated not only affects the spine, but your entire health.
- Maintain a Healthy Weight: Maintaining a healthy weight helps to take off pressure from the spine. Overweight or obese people put extra pressure on their spine and the muscles around them. A healthy diet and an active lifestyle helps avoid the lower back pain that comes with weight.

- Work Smart: Most adults spend hours in front of some electronic gadget, be it a laptop, mobile phone or television. The right kind of chair and seating position can help improve your back pain and lend functionality. Taking periodic breaks to walk around also helps the muscles to relax.
Despite your best efforts for a healthy lifestyle, sometimes preventive methods are not enough to alleviate back pain. Back pain can indicate more serious problems that might even lead to spine surgery. Seeking medical care is important in such situations to avoid further damage. ILS Hospitals, one of the leading healthcare facilities in Kolkata has an excellent neurological department that deals with spinal injuries and other issues. Visit www.ilshospitals.com to know more or call ILS Care, +91 90514 60000.
Keeping Your Digestive Distress in Check
Gastrointestinal or Digestive Distress is caused, due to a variety of reasons, such as stomach flu, food poisoning, parasite infections, or cancer. The major symptom of digestive distress is food which includes caffeine, alcohol, carbonated beverages, fried food, or high-fat food. Typical symptoms of gastrointestinal distress may include abdominal pain, gas, cramps, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation, weight gain or loss, and fatigue. If you suffer from constant stomach problems and digestive issues, you might have digestive / gastrointestinal distress.
Digestive distress is usually caused by unhygienic food, stress, being physically inactive, intake of large amounts of dairy products, stomach infections, or a low fibrous diet.
What is the treatment?
When it comes to treatment, one size doesn’t fill all. So, we combine various treatment options in creating a personalized treatment approach.

- Healthy diet – A healthy diet keeps your immune system strong and prevents other diseases too. A healthy diet should include a low-lactose diet – deprived of dairy products and should consist of a high-fiber diet – fiber can positively affect constipation and other stomach problems.
- Avoid Fatty Food – You can avoid consuming fatty and oily foods and aerated beverages if you are suffering from heartburn. You can take lactase supplements, simethicone and probiotics.
- Probiotic supplement – probiotics are efficient for digestive disorders. These microorganisms help to improve intestinal health and in turn reduces digestive distress.
Some of the best foods to improve digestion are yoghurt, chia seeds, ginger, fruits, whole grains, dark green vegetables, peppermint, and salmon. And some unhealthy food that you should avoid for the sake of intestinal health. For example, high in fats include cheese, carbonated beverages, alcohol and milk and white chocolates.
The best ways to improve your digestive system
- Manage your stress – Stress hormones directly affect your digestion. Yoga and meditation help to improve not only your mindset but also your digestion.
- Stay Hydrated – Doctors recommend drinking 1.5-2 litre of water per day to prevent constipation.
- Fibrous Food – Eating enough fibers helps prevent digestion problems. It’s naturally available in fruits, green vegetables, beans and whole grains.
- Intake of Zinc – Zinc is a mineral that is critical for a healthy gut, and a deficiency can lead to various digestive disorders. Experts recommend that daily intake for zinc is 8mg for women and 11 mg for men.

Some nutrients are necessary for a healthy digestive system. Ensuring that your body gets enough probiotics, glutamine, and zinc may improve your digestion.
The digestive system plays an important role in our immune system. In our stomach, there are a large number of immune cells which give us 70% of our immunity. There is also a complicated balance of good and bad bacteria that give us a healthy immune system.
At ILS Hospitals, the gastroenterology department addresses all illnesses related to digestive problems. Some of the major organs along with several illnesses include oral diseases, gastric disease, intestinal disease, rectum and anus.
To book an appointment or for any other queries, call ILS Care +91 90514 60000 or visit www.ilshospitals.com
The Importance of a Healthy Lifestyle During the Pandemic
If the pandemic of 2020 has taught us anything particularly, it is the importance of having a stable, healthy lifestyle. While the definition of a healthy lifestyle is subject to many facts and interpretations, it should be taken into account that it is both mental and physical. Adopting healthy choices for both your mind and body is crucial and can result in a thriving life at large. The choice is ours to make – eating an apple over the tempting bowl of fried chips to taking a digital detox and picking up a book. Here is a list of things that you should definitely incorporate into your lifestyle for long-term benefits.

1. Hydration is the key
A human body needs enough water to keep the fluid balance in check. Not only that, hydration plays an important role in nutrition as well. We need water to digest the food, get rid of waste and for perspiration. All humans should consume a minimum of 1.5 to 2 litres every day. However, drinks with high sugar level should be avoided.
2. Eat your bowl of fruits and vegetables
As per the USDA’s Dietary Guidelines, it is recommended that adults should eat anywhere from 5 to 13 servings of fruits and vegetables per day as per their age and gender. Five servings of fruits & vegetables are one of the golden rules of nutritional science. This is an excellent way of consuming essential vitamins that contribute to our overall nutrition.
3. All Fats are not bad
It is no news that every balanced diet should include fats – mono unsaturated and poly unsaturated fats. It is important to include healthy fats in our diet from avocados, olive oil, nuts, seeds, etc. to ensure that we consume more healthy than unhealthy fats.
4. Mindful Meal Preparation
Anther tricky aspect of eating healthy is the correct preparation of meal. How well you cook a vegetable ensure the nutrient count – All healthy nutrients can be lost if they are cooked too hot or for too long.The ideal and safe way to go about is by cooking light and thus, eating right. Prepare a diverse meal – the more type your plate has, the more balanced your diet will be.

5. Bid Sugar & Fast Food, Goodbye.
No matter what you have grown up listening to or how much you love your cake, stop consuming sugar. Your body does not need artificial sugar and it is doing more harm to you than any good. Stay wary of what you eat and stay away from the sugar trap. Another evil in the world of a healthy lifestyle is the unhealthy fats that fast food has to offer. Delicious on the tongue and delirious for the body, one should avoid fast-food at all costs.
Making the shift to a healthy lifestyle is not easy but isn’t impossible either. At ILS Hospitals, we advocate a healthy and happy lifestyle. With an underlying mission of ‘Your Health, Our Happiness’, we provide the best of quality healthcare.
Our branch of General Medicine deals with common illnesses, addressing the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and recovery from a wide range of diseases involving most of the body parts. To know more, visit www.ilshospitals.com or call +91 90514 60000.
7 Ways to Boost your Immunity
Your health is your biggest asset. In the last few months of 2020, many people have come to this realisation the hard way. Health and hygiene have been the top-most priority of most people this year, owing to the pandemic. A healthy person with a strong immune system can defend his body against disease-spreading microorganisms. Giving your immunity that boost requires a balance in your eating habits, exercise, stress levels and depends on various factors like age, genetics and lifestyle choices. Hospitals in Kolkata, even the multispecialty hospitals have been pointing out the benefits of a strong immunity system.
To give your immunity a boost, it is essential to follow a healthy lifestyle and maintain balance and harmony in your body. Here are certain ways to give your immunity that boost and defend any disease-causing germs and viruses.
- Healthy Diet: Rich in nutrients and antioxidants, a healthy and balanced diet provides your body with the fuel needed to keep it going. Adding more fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics to your diet can help keep your system healthy and fight diseases.
- Limited intake of Sugar: Added sugar contributes to obesity and too much sugar can cause a spike in blood sugar as well as increase the risk of diabetes. Curbing sugar can lead to weight loss which might reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
- Adequate Sleep: 6-8 hours of sleep is essential for your body to function well. Poor quality sleep is highly linked to increased risk of sickness. Getting adequate rest strengthens your natural immunity and more sleep helps the immune system to fight sickness.
- Moderate Exercise: Regular, moderate exercise like brisk walking, aerobics or sports can help reduce inflammation and improve your immunity. It aids in weight loss and helps improve your metabolism. It leads to quicker regeneration of immunity cells in the body.
- Proper Hydration: While there is no direct link between hydration and your immunity, preventing dehydration is the goal for better health. Dehydration can cause headaches and ailments in the digestive system, kidney or heart which can make your body susceptible to illness.
- Stress Management: Stress levels and anxiety need to be kept in check for better immunity. Prolonged stress can lead to suppression of the immunity system and can imbalances in the cells. Regular exercise, yoga, journaling, meditation or seeking professional help is advised for relieving stress.
- Maintain Hygiene: Washing of hands frequently, especially before eating or after coming back home, wearing clean clothes, eating properly cooked food, wearing a mask in public and taking precautions to avoid infections is recommended.

People with low immunity are more prone to diseases like pneumonia, bronchitis, meningitis and are at higher risk of contracting diseases from bacteria and other microorganisms, including COVID-19. These few changes in your lifestyle can really improve your health. While they do not guarantee your protection from different diseases, they do help you put up a better fight when your body is exposed to disease-causing microorganisms.
If you face any such issues, don’t delay the treatment and fix your appointment with our Pulmonology and Chest Medicine Department. In case of any emergency, contact or visit ILS Hospitals, a multispecialty hospital, known for its excellent healthcare services. To know more, call ILS Care +91 90514 60000 or visit www.ilshospitals.com.
Best Ent Specialists In Kolkata Share Useful Tips For Healthy Ears
Ear health is often ignored by many people. Ears are important as they help us hear various sounds. Today, renowned ENT specialists from ILS Hospitals – Kolkata and Agartala will share some useful tips that will help you maintain good ear health.
Follow these below-mentioned tips by our ENT experts for good hearing health.
Use of earphones/headphones/earbuds at a lower volume
Nowadays, everyone uses earphones or headphones while listening to music and watching videos online. Earbuds have come into existence as well. We don’t want you to stop using them, but we would highly recommend you to use such devices at lower volumes. Also, clean your earbuds and headphones regularly.
Clean your ears the right way
Cleaning your ear should not be overlooked as the accumulation of ear wax can impair hearing. Do not clean your ears with Q – tips, instead soak a cotton ball into warm water and clean the outer part of your ears gently. Remember to not push the ear wax towards the ear canal. In case of earwax blockage, you should refer to an ENT specialist.
Use earplugs when exposed to loud noises
Long exposure to loud noises can cause hearing loss. Take precautions and wear noise-baring earplugs.
Don’t insert anything inside your ear
Don’t insert anything into your ear, not even your own finger to avoid injuries or infections in the ear canal.
Visit an ENT specialist every year
If you want to ensure good ear health, visit an expert ENT specialist for your annual ear check-up. If you use a hearing aid then you should visit your ENT doctor more frequently. You can visit our hospital units in Kolkata and Agartala to get medical consultations from our ENT professionals.
Eat healthy and do not stress as stress does no good to your ears. For any health-related advice, visit ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala.
Do You Have Gastritis? Abstain From These Foods
In simple words, gastritis is inflammation that happens near the lining of the stomach. Living with gastritis is not easy. When you’re diagnosed with gastritis by a gastroenterologist, you will have to make a lot of changes in your life style. The biggest mandatory transformation you make is in your diet. If you have gastritis, you need to follow a specific diet for a healthy digestive system.
Today, ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala will brief you about the foods that you must refrain from if you are suffering from gastritis.
Fried and fatty foods
Fried and fatty foods causes bloating and can even worsen your gastritis. Instead of deep-fry, opt for other healthier cooking mediums – stir-fry, air fry, roasting, steaming, and baking.
Spicy foods
Foods with a lot of chillies and spices are strictly prohibited in a gastritis diet as they worsen yours symptoms. If you have gastritis, ensure that your meals have fewer spices with low use of chillies.
Acidic foods
If you are a food lover which tends to be acidic in nature, then stop doing so. While suffering from gastritis, these foods will cause more harm than good.
Dairy products
Dairy products are beneficial for one’s health. But someone with gastritis should rather avoid the consumption of milk and its by-products as they can aggravate the gastritis symptoms.
Carbonated beverages
Carbonated drinks are not good, more so for gastritis patients. Avoid drinking soda and carbonated beverages.
Caffeinated beverages
Caffeinated beverages, like tea and coffee, should rather be avoided. If you can’t avoid them, then try to cut down the consumption. Switch to healthier alternatives, like green or matcha tea.
Alcoholic beverages
Consumption of excess alcohol or addiction of the same is not good for your health. It would be best if you stop consumption of alcohol completely.
If you face any gastritis related issue, visit ILS Hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala to consult our renowned gastroenterologists.
Want To Be Healthy? Sip A Cup Of Green Tea
After healthy drink of fruit and vegetable juices, another healthy beverage that must become a part of your life has to be green tea.
Green tea has many advantages to the health and it has been observed that the ones who regularly consume green tea are far healthier than the ones who do not. Everyone wants to be healthy. Today, ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala will tell you some superb health benefits of green tea.
Helps in losing extra pounds
Green tea has been proven to burn fat which further aids in weight loss. If you’re planning to shed extra pounds, drink a cup of green tea twice a day.
Boosts the immune system
A strong immune system ensures that you do not fall sick often. The polyphenols in green tea help in building the immune system.
Good for the heart
Drinking green tea regularly will lower your blood cholesterol and keep the blood pressure under control. If you have hypertension, then consuming green tea is definitely recommended.
Might prevent cancer
Antioxidants destroy free radicals checking oxidative stress. Due to the high content of antioxidants, green tea might help in preventing some types of cancer.
Great for diabetic patients
Green tea has polyphenols and polysaccharides. Both of them aid in lowering the blood sugar levels. Consumption of green tea is beneficial for the ones suffering from diabetes.
Can relieve stress and anxiety
Any herbal tea can reduce stress and anxiety. But still, green tea is highly preferred because of its high l-theanine (amino acid) which helps in alleviating stress and anxiety.
Green tea even helps in detoxifying your body. Make the most of green tea by brewing it the right way. It’s very easy to prepare a cup of refreshing green tea. All you need is boiled water and fresh green tea leaves or tea bags and a good strainer. You can even flavour your green tea with a teaspoon of honey or a few drops of lemon juice.
For any health-related consultations, visit ILS Hospital.
ILS Hospitals’ Guide On How To Prevent Fatigue
Feeling fatigued is, unfortunately, the new normal. All due to our modern lifestyle and more so because most of us are working from home due to this Pandemic situation. We are working extra to make up for the lost hours. Slow down, take deep breaths, and relax.
Fatigue is nobody’s friend. Preventing fatigue is better than combating it. Today, ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala will guide on how to prevent fatigue.
Eat a well-balanced diet
A well-balanced diet will ensure that your body is not deprived of any nutrients. Include protein, carbohydrates, fibers, vitamins, minerals, and good fats in your daily diet.
Drink water every hour
Dehydration leads to fatigue. Hence, stay properly hydrated by sipping water every hour. If you tend to forget drinking water then ensure a system where you are reminded to take water every hour.
Sleep early
Staying awake at night can cause lethargy. Think of your body clock and sleep on time.
Wake up early
Waking up late is one of the causes for drowsiness. So, if you wake up late you find yourself left with fewer hours to finish your daily activities, so yes, embrace waking up early.
Be active
Be physically active and shun your sedentary lifestyle. Exercise regularly as exercising keeps you energized throughout the day and beats insomnia.
Stay stress-free
Stress is the part and parcel of our today’s lifestyle. However, chronic stress hampers your immunity and mental health. When you are stressed, you feel physically exhausted. So, don’t stress.
Take breaks
Taking breaks between your work is not being selfish. It’s a necessity to keep you sane and refreshed. If you work constantly without taking proper breaks, then you invite fatigue. So, take breaks as and when required.
Hope this guide helps you. For any health-related concern, do not hesitate to visit ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Agartala and Kolkata.
World Tobacco Day: How To Quit Smoking Once And For All
We all know why smoking is considered a bad habit and how smoking affects our health. We all know how smoking kills. Yet, many people find it difficult to quit smoking permanently. The reason – nicotine addiction.
On World Tobacco Day, ILS Hospitals, one of the most renowned multispeciality hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala will show you effective ways to quit smoking for once and for all.
Know your reason
If there’s a will, there’s a way. If you add reason to your plan, it makes more sense and you have a higher chance of success. People smoke for various reasons, but, the most common reason is to get temporary relief from stress. Then why a sudden decision to want to quit smoking? Is it because you want to live a healthier lifestyle or is it because you want to keep yourself and your family healthy and safe? Know your reason.
Be determined
Determination is your best friend now. Be determined that you have to quit smoking no matter what.
Pledge to live a healthier lifestyle
Smoking is one of the unhealthy habits ever known. If you swap it with healthy habits, like eating healthy food, sleeping on time, doing regular exercise, then it would become easier for you to quit this unhealthy habit.
Avoid social gatherings with smokers
Human beings imitate others. When you’re on your way to quit smoking, you should avoid hanging out with your friends who are avid smokers so that you do not crave for cigarettes.
Stop the consumption of alcohol
People generally smoke cigarettes while consuming alcohol as it relaxes them. Well, it’s a temporary relaxation. For those who have newly quit smoking should definitely avoid the consumption of alcohol.
Find your support system
Your partner, friends, and family love you more than you know. If not for yourself, quit smoking for the sake of your loved ones. Let them know that you care for them, you’re on your journey to quit smoking and making them proud of you.
Keep yourself occupied in other activities
There are many productive things to do other than smoking. You should involve yourself in other activities, like doing household chores, spending time with your loved ones, reading books, watching informative and motivational videos, and upskilling yourself by learning a new course.
Seek professional medical therapy
If nothing else works, professional medical therapy will. Seek professional medical therapy for your nicotine dependence.
At least try to cut down the number of cigarettes you consume a day. Your journey will be difficult but worth it. ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Agartala and Kolkata wishes you best of luck.
How To Handle A Medical Emergency Effectively
A medical emergency is a serious condition that requires immediate medical supervision or else it can cause serious harm or injury to the affected person. Few examples of a medical emergency are burns, poisoning, injuries, bleeding, shock, strokes, severe allergic reactions and so on.
Not everyone knows what to do in case of a medical emergency, so ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Agartala and Kolkata will tell you how to handle a medical emergency effectively.
So without adding anything else, let’s continue further.
Stay Calm And Composed
Medical emergency is an alarming situation and can make people anxious. First and foremost thing to do during a medical emergency is to have a calm and composed demeanour until help arrives. Take deep breaths to calm your nerves and get relief from anxiety.
Call Medical Emergency Services At Once
Help takes time to arrive. So, whenever you notice someone in need of urgent medical supervision, call your local hospital for an ambulance without any delay.
Always Carry A First Aid Kit
First aid kit should be inside every home, school, college, office and any other organisations. You should even keep a small medical toolbox inside your car and backpack. Provide first aid to the patient to avoid any further damage.
Give CPR To The Patient
If the patient does not breathe despite a pulse then perform a CPR (Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation) or tell someone else to perform one if you do not know the CPR procedure. Ensure that the patient’s airway is not restricted by removing the patient’s tight clothing. Remember, it’s an emergency so you need to do things as required.
Always help people in need of medical emergencies whether you know them or not. For any medical emergency, you can visit ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala.