7 Ways to Boost your Immunity

Your health is your biggest asset. In the last few months of 2020, many people have come to this realisation the hard way. Health and hygiene have been the top-most priority of most people this year, owing to the pandemic. A healthy person with a strong immune system can defend his body against disease-spreading microorganisms. Giving your immunity that boost requires a balance in your eating habits, exercise, stress levels and depends on various factors like age, genetics and lifestyle choices. Hospitals in Kolkata, even the multispecialty hospitals have been pointing out the benefits of a strong immunity system.

To give your immunity a boost, it is essential to follow a healthy lifestyle and maintain balance and harmony in your body. Here are certain ways to give your immunity that boost and defend any disease-causing germs and viruses.

  • Healthy Diet: Rich in nutrients and antioxidants, a healthy and balanced diet provides your body with the fuel needed to keep it going. Adding more fibre, omega-3 fatty acids, probiotics to your diet can help keep your system healthy and fight diseases.
  • Limited intake of Sugar: Added sugar contributes to obesity and too much sugar can cause a spike in blood sugar as well as increase the risk of diabetes. Curbing sugar can lead to weight loss which might reduce the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
  • Adequate Sleep: 6-8 hours of sleep is essential for your body to function well. Poor quality sleep is highly linked to increased risk of sickness. Getting adequate rest strengthens your natural immunity and more sleep helps the immune system to fight sickness.
  • Moderate Exercise: Regular, moderate exercise like brisk walking, aerobics or sports can help reduce inflammation and improve your immunity. It aids in weight loss and helps improve your metabolism. It leads to quicker regeneration of immunity cells in the body.
  • Proper Hydration: While there is no direct link between hydration and your immunity, preventing dehydration is the goal for better health. Dehydration can cause headaches and ailments in the digestive system, kidney or heart which can make your body susceptible to illness.
  • Stress Management: Stress levels and anxiety need to be kept in check for better immunity. Prolonged stress can lead to suppression of the immunity system and can imbalances in the cells. Regular exercise, yoga, journaling, meditation or seeking professional help is advised for relieving stress.
  • Maintain Hygiene: Washing of hands frequently, especially before eating or after coming back home, wearing clean clothes, eating properly cooked food, wearing a mask in public and taking precautions to avoid infections is recommended.

People with low immunity are more prone to diseases like pneumonia, bronchitis, meningitis and are at higher risk of contracting diseases from bacteria and other microorganisms, including COVID-19. These few changes in your lifestyle can really improve your health. While they do not guarantee your protection from different diseases, they do help you put up a better fight when your body is exposed to disease-causing microorganisms.

If you face any such issues, don’t delay the treatment and fix your appointment with our Pulmonology and Chest Medicine Department. In case of any emergency, contact or visit ILS Hospitals, a multispecialty hospital, known for its excellent healthcare services. To know more, call ILS Care +91 90514 60000 or visit www.ilshospitals.com.