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Pacemaker Implantation

Revolutionizing Heart Health with Pacemaker Implantation

Understanding Pacemaker Implantation

A pacemaker is a small device comprising a generator and wires placed beneath the skin on the chest to regulate heartbeat. It is recommended for various reasons, primarily to address arrhythmias, where the heart rhythm is abnormal.

Heartbeat tends to slow down with age, and conditions like heart attacks can damage heart muscles, disrupting the heartbeat. Medications or genetics can also cause irregular heart rates. Regardless of the cause, a pacemaker helps in rectifying these irregularities.

The primary role of a pacemaker is to regulate your heartbeat. It can be temporarily implanted to treat a slow heartbeat after an attack, overdose of medication, or surgery. It can also be permanently implanted to regulate heartbeat or treat heart failure. An implanted electronic pacemaker mimics the actions of your natural pacemaker and consists of two parts:

  • Pulse generator: Contains a battery and electrical circuitry controlling the rate of electrical pulses sent to your heart.
  • Leads (Electrodes): Flexible insulated wires placed in your heart chambers, delivering electrical pulses to adjust your heart rate.

Pacemakers monitor, slow down, or pace up your heartbeat by sending electrical signals to your heart. They also have sensors that detect breathing rate or body motion, sending signals to your heart to function optimally and maintain a balanced level of oxygen and blood.

Types of Pacemakers

  • Single Chamber Pacemaker:
  • Sends electrical impulses from the pulse generator to the right ventricle of your heart.
  • Dual Chamber Pacemaker:
  • Sends electrical impulses from the pulse generator to both the right atrium and right ventricle, monitoring contractions between the chambers.
  • Biventricular Pacemaker:
  • Recommended for individuals with heart failure, stimulating both lower chambers to enhance heartbeats’ efficiency, often referred to as cardiac resynchronization therapy.

Who Needs a Pacemaker Implantation Surgery?

  • A pacemaker implantation is recommended for various reasons, including:
  • Sinus Node Dysfunction (Sinus Syndrome)
  • Atrial fibrillation post Arrhythmia treatment
  • Medication-induced slow heart rate
  • Persistent symptoms of a slow heartbeat
  • Hypersensitivity of the artery supplying blood to the brain
  • Muscle problems causing slow electrical signal transmission
  • Congenital heart diseases or heart transplant recipients

Reasons for Pacemaker Implantation Surgery

  • Abnormally fast heartbeat (Tachycardia)
  • Abnormally slow heartbeat (Bradycardia)
  • Heart block causing irregular heartbeats due to unstable electrical signals

Diagnosis Before Pacemaker Implantation Surgery

  • Several diagnostic tests determine the need for pacemaker implantation:
  • Electrocardiogram (EKG): Records electrical activity and heart rhythm, showing the heart’s timing and strength of signals.
  • Holter and Event Monitors: Monitor heart’s electrical activity for 24-48 hours, providing extended monitoring periods.
  • Echocardiography: Uses sound waves to create images of the heart, assessing its condition and functioning.
  • Electrophysiology Study: Involves inserting a wire into the heart to record electrical signals.
  • Stress Test: Involves exercising to increase heart rate for comprehensive heart assessments.

Pacemaker Implantation Procedure

  • Endocardial Approach:
  • Common technique involving local anesthesia, a chest incision, and lead insertion through a vein to guide the lead into the heart.
  • Lead tip attaches to the heart muscle, and the other end is placed in a pocket under the chest skin.
  • Epicardial Approach:
  • Performed by a surgeon under general anesthesia, creating a pocket under the abdomen skin for lead placement.
  • Longer recovery, but minimally invasive techniques ensure shorter hospital stays and quicker recoveries.

Post Pacemaker Implantation

  • Usage of Electronic Devices: Electric blankets, heating pads, and microwave ovens can be used without interfering with the pacemaker’s function.
  • Mobile Phones: Keep the cell phone on the side opposite to the pacemaker implantation.
  • Precautions: Avoid strong electromagnetic fields and tests like magnetic resonance imaging.

Recovery and Follow-up

A complete pacemaker check is usually done after six weeks, allowing adjustments based on recovery and discussions with the doctor.

At ILS Hospitals, we prioritize your heart health through seamless and safe pacemaker implantation procedures. Trust our skilled experts and advanced medical facilities to guide you toward a healthier heart.

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