Most Common Health Complications of Newborns

‘A newborn – a new beginning of life, a new hope, a new possibility’

If you are a new parent, you too can clearly relate to the same. However, having a child brings several concerns along with it. It is highly likely that you are constantly worried about the health and wellbeing of your little one. If you do, you are not alone and as per obstetricians, your worries are not pointless either. Newborns and infants are most susceptible to various illnesses from right after birth and until they turn at least a year old. You can find several infants being treated in hospitals on a daily basis. Here we present, a few most common health problems of newborns and infants-

Read moreMust-Have Immunization For Your Kids

1. Birth Injuries

It is the most common type of trauma seen in newborns and often occurs due to the use of forceps during childbirth. It is more common among breech babies and the ones with difficult labor. Most of the birth injuries resolve with time, however, in a few cases the degree of damage is more severe such as fracture and needs immediate care.

2. Diarrhea

Having loose motion is quite normal for young infants. It is often due to the reaction of antibiotics and infections. It is recommended to keep the baby hydrated and if the color and texture of the stool change rapidly, it is wise to seek an opinion from an expert.

3. Vomiting

Just like the loose motion, vomiting is quite common among newborns as well. It is particularly prevalent after feeding. Thereby, parents and other caregivers are encouraged to burp the child after feeding them. Persistent vomiting leads to severe dehydration and thus proper care is advised. Moreover, throwing greenish vomit is a red flag and requires immediate medical attention.

4. Fever

Infections are quite common among infants due to a low immune system. Thereby, having a fever too is common, as fever is the body’s autoimmune response to fight the infections. But parents are advised to seek help, if fever higher than 101 degrees persists for long, as it may lead to severe complications in the future.

5. Skin Problems

The baby has very soft and delicate skin during infancy and they suffer very frequent diaper rashes. It can lead to itching, irritation and other dermatology issues. It is therefore advised to use a good diaper cream and change the diapers more frequently.

We are observing newborn care week from 15thto 22nd November. And thereby encourage every new parent to take adequate measure towards ensuring that their child has a healthy childhood and life ahead. We, at ILS Hospitals, have expert neonatologists and pediatricians to deal with any kind of infant medical condition. Also, we are all equipped with the Neonatal intensive care unit.

Rely on the quality treatment and care of ILS Hospitals to treat any illness or injury of your newborn.

Watch Out For These 5 Health Hazards During Diwali

It is the time of the year when we all have the best excuse to have as many sweets we want because it is the festive season of Diwali. This festival brings joys and celebration, but sadly, it often brings several unwanted medical complications as well. Watch out for these health hazards that might come uninvited during this time.

1. Burn Injuries

The festival of lights is celebrated with candles, diyas, and firecrackers by the enthusiasts all over India. Moreover, cooking for hours and roaming around ritual fires also increase the chances of fire-related accidents. Needless to say, burn injuries are the most common accident that occurs during Diwali. Unless it is a minor, first-degree burn, it is always recommended to get it treated under a medical specialist.

Read more – A Guide To Types Of Burn And Its Treatment Approach

2. Blood Sugar Fluctuation

As Diwali involves binge eating on delicious treats and sweets, keeping blood sugar in check is quite challenging. In fact, many people hanging in the pre-diabetes zone become susceptible to diabetes during Diwali and seek diabetes treatment afterward. Though it is not exactly a medical emergency, it is crucial to keep count of the sugar intake as diabetes is tricky to resolve after it onsets.

3. Respiratory Discomfort

The level of air pollution increases profoundly due to fireworks during this period of time. This leads to severe respiratory discomfort, especially for children, expecting mothers and older people. People with any respiratory discomfort are particularly advised to practice caution against possible exposure to dense smoke and polluted air.

4. Ear Injury or Hearing Trauma

Firecrackers also produce an abundant amount of loud noise of high decibel. Often it gets corrected on its own, but exposure to the same from a close range can cause some severe damage such as temporary or permanent deafness. Just like the previous safe measure, ENT specialists advise people with a sensitive ear to practice caution to mitigate any severe injury or complications.

5. Cardiac Ailments

The eruption of sudden loud noise due to crackers causes alarm and uneasiness in people, especially, those who suffer from hypertension and other underlying cardiac discomforts. It also might induce sleep disturbance, restlessness, fidgetiness and impulsive behaviors among more susceptible people.

So, keep a note to avoid these health hazards amidst of enthusiast Diwali celebration. Always have a first aid kit within reach, but seek medical help, to rule out the chances of long-term consequences. Happy Diwali!

ILS Hospitals is open 24*7 even during this Diwali to offer you complete medical assistance if needed.

Bursting 5 Myths About Stroke Everyone Should Know About

Stroke is one of the leading causes of death all over the world. Stroke is a medical emergency that requires immediate medical attention. If that is availed on time, stoke can be managed effectively. However, many individuals fail to recognize its symptoms on time and as a result, precious moments go by. Today, we will segregate 5 most common myths from the facts. So, let’s check them all, one by one.

Myth – Stroke and heart attack are the same thing

Fact- This is the most common myth about the stroke and heart attack. They both are a medical emergency and caused by a blocked blood vessel, but their locations are completely different. The stroke happens in the brain, while the heart attack occurs in the heart, as the name clearly indicates.

Read more – The Difference between Heart Attack and Stroke

Myth – It is challenging to recognize a stroke

Fact- Thankfully, it is a myth. Stroke gives several prior indications for about 85 % of the time.

The acronym FAST should be followed. It stands for Face, Arm, Speech and Time. It is noted for facial drooping, weakening of arms/legs and speech difficulty in the suspected person and the time to call emergency service and reach qualified health provider.

Myth – Stroke is a disease for older people

Fact- The older people, more than 65 years, are clearly at a higher risk of the same. However, that does not mean younger people are protected from it. In fact, many younger people are being diagnosed with stroke these days from excessive built up stress, over a prolonged period of time. This myth makes many young people ignore the signs of the same and needless to say, it results in catastrophic consequences.

Myth – You can manage a stroke on your own

Fact- Absolutely not! Many times, the primary symptoms of a stroke go away after a while, making people believe it is resolved. However, it is just a warning sign and most likely to relapse shortly. Always remember stroke is a medical emergency that requires immediate treatment from an experienced medical team. It cannot be managed with anything else.

Myth – Strokes cannot be prevented

Fact- Thankfully, it is not factually correct. The adequate measure can keep a stroke at bay. This includes managing stress, following a healthy diet, keeping blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, etc. in check, and seeking medical help for any related discomfort on time.

Stay aware of the warning signs of an imminent stroke and reach your nearest quality caregiver. At ILS Hospitals, we provide 24*7 critical care for every medical emergency, including stroke. Take down the emergency helpline for the hour of need,


Agartala: 8974050300, 0381-2415000
Dumdum: 033-40315000
Salt Lake: 033-40206500

Do You Need A Gallbladder Surgery To Cure Your Gallstones?

Your occasional stomach pain and digestion troubles not resolving even with home remedies and over-the-counter medicines? Are you certain it is not your gallstones? Knowing the symptoms of the gallstones help with an early detection and thereby a timely treatment. Few patients do not even realize the presence of the gallstones unless they block the path of bile, triggering ‘gallstone attack’ and cause unbearable, sharp pain. To avoid any such trauma and complications, it is advised to undergo timely, elective gallbladder surgery, also known as a cholecystectomy.

8 out of 10 patients with underlying gallstones need to undergo cholecystectomy either as an elective or emergency procedure. Those who might never need any surgical cure have what is called the ‘silent gallstones’ and can manage it and have a normal life with mild medication and lifestyle change. However, those who are experiencing any symptoms of the same, are always advised to avail the surgery.

The gallstone surgery can be done either by open or by laparoscopic surgery technique. The procedure is finalized by having multiple diagnostic screenings. These include blood tests, MRI (HIDA), ultrasound scan and endoscopy. After this thorough evaluation, the doctor finalizes the surgery mode. Here we present a brief description of them both. In both the procedures, often the gallbladder is removed altogether to mitigate the possibilities of its recurrence of the gallstones in the future.

Open surgery – The surgery is carried out through 5-8 inch incision made near the site. After the procedure, the incision is again stitched up. Now, it is suggested only for those who have some severe gallbladder complication or are in their 3rd-trimester pregnancy.

Laparoscopic surgery – It is also known as minimally invasive surgery or keyhole surgery and is carried out through 4-5 minute incisions and with the help of the modern instruments. These include laparoscope, camera, cold light source, and many other assisting instruments. A well-experienced surgeon operates effectively with the assistance of this advanced surgery and offers multiple benefits to the patients. These include much lesser operative and postoperative infection, bleeding, pain and recovery time.

ILS Hospitals, being a pioneer of laparoscopic surgery in eastern India, offers this advanced surgical technique for the people suffering from gallstones. However, open gallbladder surgery is also offered for patients with complications. In case, you or any of your loved ones is suffering the pain of the same, come down to ILS Hospitals to resolve it for once and all.

5 Most Common Eye Surgical Procedure These Days

As H.G Wells, had rightly said, ”The beauty is in the eye of the beholder”

Indeed the eyes are the most important part of our body that enables us to unlock the beauty of nature. Most of us suffer from some or the other medical complications and discomfort related to vision that requires consultation and treatment from an expert eye specialist. Minor issues are often resolved with glasses, eye drops or mild medication. But, several of them need a surgical approach to resolve them for good or for better convenience.

Read more – 20 Fun Facts About the Human Eye

Here we present 5 most common eye surgery procedures that are prevalent.

1. LASIK and PRK Surgery

These are both surgical procedures to correct vision. Undergoing this surgery enables the individual to have good visuals even without their glasses and lenses. It uses the laser to reshape the cornea to correct vision, in case of the prior procedure and is somewhat similar in the later one as well. Both these procedures are done usually on an outpatient basis and are highly effective.

2. Cataract Surgery

Cataract is the natural cloudy formation over the lens that makes the vision blurry and dull. It is quite common in aged patient, but some young individuals are developing them these days as well. Cataract surgery is carried out by emulsifying the natural lens and replacing it with an artificial one. It is mostly an outpatient procedure.

3. Glaucoma Surgery

Glaucoma hampers vision significantly as it damages the optic nerve of the eye. It often leads to excessive build-up pressure in the eye and eventually towards blindness. There are two surgery procedures, laser, and conventional glaucoma surgery. Patients can resume their routine life in a matter of days.

4. Diabetic Retinopathy Surgery

It is prevalent among individuals who are suffering from diabetes and their fluctuating blood sugar is affecting their vision, by damaging blood cells of the eyes. It is often closely related to the formation of the floaters as well. Usually, a laser surgery is done to prevent swelling in the eye and promote new blood vessels in it.

5. Macular Degenerative Surgery

Macula of the eye enables focus on the details for the vision. It breaks down and hampers vision upon aging. The laser light is used to destroy unwanted blood cells and the surgery is often the outpatient type and might need to follow up procedures to address it more efficiently.

As we are observing World Sight Day, let’s pledge to take care of our vision. Any discomfort related to the vision must be addressed to a reliable eye specialist. Coincidentally, as we are also in between celebrating this puja festival, it would be incomplete to mention that goddess Durga has 3 eyes, but not we. So, let’s preserve both our eyes and vision.

Health Tips To Stay Healthy This Durga Puja Festive Season

Durga Puja – the festival that brings us closer to our family and friends. Amidst these overwhelming seasonal spirit, often we let our guards down and fall in tarps to several health complications. ILS Hospitals lists out some of the health issues related to festive-season and offers some tips and precautions to stay healthy.

1. As we are going through a confused climate, it is uncertain to say whether or not it will be raining in between Puja season. So, take every precaution you should during this time. Also, while pandal hopping, don’t forget to use the mosquito repellent.

2. Despite the prevailing monsoon, the intense sunlight, during the day with clear sky, can cause severe dehydration and sunburn if proper measures are not taken. So don’t forget to carry your umbrella during your day voyages and apply your sunscreen cream as well.

3. You should also be very particular about the food and drinks you feast upon outdoors, with your friends and family. Practice extra caution while going for the Fast food items like Noodles, Rolls and Pani Puri from street vendors.

4. Carrying and consuming bottled water is highly advised. Unpackaged water can be contaminated and thereby can lead to Diarrhoea, Typhoid, Food Poisoning, and Hepatitis.

5. Being in crowded places can cause spreading of several contagious illnesses such as cold, cough, flu and viral infections. Stay on guard while being with crowds in pandals and never-ending queue leading towards the same.

6. Pandal hopping for hours, regardless, of day or night is tiresome. Adequate rest is extremely necessary for you. So, even if you are extremely busy having fun, take out atleast 6 hours each day for sleep. Staying awake all night long is particularly not advised for elderly people and children.

7. Over excitement and enjoyment without caution can also lead towards mild to major injury. So keep a leash on the same and make health and safety your first priority.

8. If you already have any medical discomfort, you should be extra careful. For eg., if you have diabetes, you should keep taking your medicine without a miss and in case you have asthma and respiratory discomfort, it is best to plan your visit to avoid crowds as it might trigger an attack.

So, follow these simple precautionary tips and reap the best of this festive season. Also, take note that ILS Hospitals is all set and functional during the entire puja season. So come down at ILS Hospitals to address any medical emergency or discomfort that you encounter.

10 Facts About Breast Cancer Every Women Should Know About!

Cancer, in general, is a critical illness, but breast cancer is one very common type that claims many lives all over the world. World Health Organization identifies breast cancer as the most prevalent type of cancer among women and a leading cause of death among them. Gynaecologists advise every adult woman to have some knowledge about breast cancer in brief as it often comes handy to seek timely treatment.

Here we present a few facts about breast cancer

1. Aging is a prime risk factor of breast cancer. Though many younger women are being diagnosed with breast cancer, it is mostly found in women aging more than 55.

2. Though women have an exceptionally high risk of breast cancer, more and more cases of male breast cancer are surfacing in recent years.

3. One in every 8 women is at risk of developing breast cancer, in their lifetime.

4. Women with first family (mother, daughter or sister), with a history of breast cancer, have a higher risk of the same. It is almost twice as compared to women without it.

5. However, surprisingly about 8 out of 10 breast cancer patients have no family history of the same.

6. Having denser breast tissue, with more fibrosis and glandular tissue is more likely to have breast cancer. A routine mammogram can identify it in time and thus annual screening is advised for women above 40 years.

7. Breastfeeding for a year or so reduces the risks of breast cancer and a few other gynaecological issues in the future.

8. Overweight and obese is a major risk factor for breast cancer. Proper adequate exercise can mitigate its risk for good.

9. A proper self-breast exam can also detect an abnormality in time, leading to timely treatment of the same.

10. Many breast cancer tumours onset in the underarm and armpits as well. A timely ultrasound scan can detect them on time.

Bonus Fact-

Eating healthy and quitting smoking and alcohol can promote good health and mitigate the chances of breast cancer.

Every year, the month of October is observed as the breast cancer awareness month. During this festive season, when we bow down to the supreme female deity Durga, let us also acknowledge the empowering women, who work tirelessly for the family’s health and wellbeing. ILS Hospitals encourages every woman to avail Well Women Health Check-Up Package to address critical threats such as breast and uterus cancer along with other prevalent gynaecological discomforts.

Visit to book your package now!

5 Festive Season Related Health Hazards and Possible Emergencies to Watch Out For This Durga Puja

This time of the year evokes a different spirit altogether, isn’t it? After all Durga Puja has its own significance in the heart and spirit of every Bengali and other people belonging to Bengal. Though it is celebrated in several parts of the world, its essence and aura is unmatchable in this particular region. Needless to say, visiting hospitals in between this festive time, is never in one’s wish list, but every year, many people make these unexpected visits to address their health issues.

Here we present several festival-related health hazards and emergency that might need you to seek medical help during this Durga Puja.

1. Food Poisoning

Food Poisoning

Eating out with friends during pandal hopping is enjoyed by every youth. This binge eating can eventually end up causing food poisoning and other digestion discomforts. Seek Gastroenterologist if the problems persist.

2. Respiratory Difficulty


While participating in traditional rituals during puja, Dhunuchi dance or cooking and organizing Puja foods preparations for hours, it is not uncommon to encounter breathing discomfort. Seek respiratory & Chest Medicine if difficulty persists. In fact, people with a history of asthma and other respiratory issues should keep a distance from such activities, to be on the safe side.

3. Accidental Injuries to Children

Injuries to Children

Pandal hopping with family has its own fun and consequences. Having infants and toddlers along can often cause mild to severe injuries to the little ones. First-aid can be done at the nearest medical clinic or by a skilled family member, but a consultation from a pediatrician or neonatologist is advised to rule out the possibility of long-term complications.

4. Accidents and Trauma to Adults

Medical Emergency

While clicking selfies, in crowded pandals or during Bisarjan, might be a common practice for many skilled youths, but accidents can happen anytime if one becomes unmindful. Unless it is mild cut, bruise, or scrapes, it is best to address the trauma from a skilled orthopedics and emergency unit.

5. Headache and Acoustic Trauma

Headache and Acoustic Trauma

Loud music and people chattering cannot be mitigated in the puja festival and in fact, is enjoyed by most. However, it might cause minor to mild trauma for sensitive individuals, particularly the elders, kids and recovering patients. Seeking help from ENT specialist is advised for experiencing severe discomfort.

In case, you or your loved ones fall in traps to any of the above-mentioned health complications, rush to your nearest ILS Hospital and seek medical care. We are open 24/7 for your treatment and care. Jot down the numbers in case any medical emergency strikes.

Dumdum: 033-40315000

Salt Lake: 033-40206500

Enjoy the festive season to its fullest. Happy Durga Puja

Adapt These 7 Healthy Habits to Keep Heart Disease at Bay

Heart ailments are one of the major causes of death all over the world. To address its importance, we observe the World Heart Day every 29th September. On this occasion, the Internet starts flooding with articles on various aspects of heart and cardiac emergencies and best heart hospitals. On behalf of the ILS Hospitals, we offer 5 effective tips regarding our very own pumping device, the heart.

Read more – 5 most common heart ailments explained by cardiologists in Kolkata

1. Say Goodbye To The Smoke

No matter if you smoke regularly or ‘only to deal with stress’, it causes plaque to build up in the arteries and can cause a heart attack in the future. Try to quit it this year itself for a better heart and overall health.

World Heart Day

2. Attain A Healthy Body Weight

Do all you can to have a healthy body weight. A proportionate body ensures uniform blood circulation and mitigates the chances of having high blood pressure, up to a large extent. Moreover, the normal body weight will help you keep obesity-associated illness at bay, as a surplus.

World Heart Day

3. Manage Your Stress

Let it be work related or family oriented, stress buildup is kind of inevitable in today’s world. Prolonged stress can cause high cholesterol and eventually towards an untimely cardiac emergency.

World Heart Day

4. Eat And Live Healthy

Adapt a better diet and lifestyle to keep heart diseases away for good. Include lots of fresh veggies and fruits along with whole grains, low fat and lean proteins is a good start. Moreover, start exercising the at least 5 days in a week to keep the heart strong and healthy.

World Heart Day

5. Avail Cardiac Screening

Almost every cardiac emergency have some symptoms that stay noticeable over a period of time. Addressing it at the right time can prevent many cardiac emergencies. On this World Heart Day, avail ‘Cardiac Care health check-up package’ at a discounted rate from all the units of ILS Salt Lake, ILS Dum Dum and ILS Agartala. It will help you detect underlying cardiac ailments if any.

World Heart Day

World Heart Day

So, adapt as many of them as you can, to have a healthy heart and an overall healthy living ahead.

In case, you are already experiencing some cardiac discomfort and assuming it is best to accept it as the natural aspect of life, take a break, cause most cardiac emergencies are preventable. Always remember, the golden words said by Jennie Garth rightly said, “It’s never too late to take your heart health seriously and make it a priority.”

Preserve Your Beautiful Smile With These Healthy Oral Habits

Life Is Short, Smile While You Still Have Teeth”

On this September 12th, we are observing the World Oral Health Day. On behalf of the eminent dentists of ILS Hospitals, we bring you some useful tips to preserve that beautiful smile of yours. So, take down the notes and follows them like a regime to avoid untimely visits to seek teeth replacements.

1. Clean Your Entire Mouth, Not Just The Teeth.

Often people just settle with ‘twice a day’ brush mantra, but the oral health is comprised of the entire mouth. It includes teeth, tongue, gums, and roof of the mouth.

2. Hold the Right Brush In the Right Way

There are several types of brushes available in the market, it is crucial to pick the right brush as per age and special needs. It is also important to know the right technique to brush effectively. Holding the brush at an angle of 45 degrees to the gums and brushing both outward and inward, ensures the most effective cleaning.

3. Don’t Forget To Floss

Daily flossing can help to remove the residual food from the tricky corner of the mouth. Sadly, many people use hanging threads or other materials to floss, only when something stuck in-between teeth bothers them. It will cause more harm than good and is highly discouraged. Using a floss offered by a dental company is the safest.

4. Or To Use the Tongue Scraper

A brushing season is not complete without scraping the tongue clean. Apart from cleaning the bacteria from the tongue, it also helps to feel refresh.

5. Why Skipping The Mouthwash From The Regime?

Mouthwash is a new thing in the dental healthcare products. It acts as an extra layer of protection for teeth and gums. It also comes handy when one needs to have fresh breath in between a busy day.

6. Keep Your Diet ‘Teeth-Friendly’

Just like any other health aspect, dental health is also greatly affected by diet. Excessive consumption of soda, caffeine, sugar loaded food can cause enamel decay and other dental problems. Instead, eat fresh and crunchy, fruits and vegetables to nourish the gums and teeth. Moreover, midnight munching should be avoided at all cost unless it is followed by another sitting of brushing.

7. And Keep Your Brush ‘Dirt Free’

Cleaning the brush routinely is also crucial and so is changing them after every 6 months. This ensures the brush is good enough to keep up the good work.

8. Visit The Dentist Routinely

Seeing a dentist at least twice a year is strongly recommended. It can help in recognizing many dental problems at its first stage itself, which undoubtedly makes its treatment much easier.

So, pick your brush and cheers to a better, healthier smile. Happy and healthy brushing to you!