Are You More Susceptible To Heart Attacks If You’re A Man? Let’s Discuss

A distressing fact to convey is that heart attacks are getting more common in our country. The prevalence is strong among men as they get their first heart attack at a younger age compared to women. We do not imply that women cannot get a heart attack. Women usually deals with severe heart attacks after menopause. For any heart-related conditions, the respective person should visit the best heart hospital as the heart deserves timely and appropriate medical supervision. In this blog, we will discover why men are at more risk when it comes to heart attacks. The heart’s anatomy of men and women differ from each other. Women have smaller hearts than men and have finer veins, the response to stressful events of both the gender is contrasting as well. When a man encounters a stressful situation, his blood pressure levels rise, whereas in case of women, instead of blood pressure, we find an increase in the pulse rate which makes her heart to pump more blood. It is interesting to know that symptoms of heart attack are distinct for both the genders as well.

The primary reason that shields women from heart attacks at an early age is the presence of female hormone estrogen, the levels of estrogen drops when a woman enters or is about to enter her menopausal phase. However, after menopause, the risk of women getting a heart attack escalates, so women at the age-group of 50 – 60s should take special care of themselves.

We have discovered that the fault lies in the hormones, which makes men more susceptible to heart attacks. Though there’s a greater chance of men getting a heart attack, surely, not all men might get one in their lives. Let’s find out apart from your gender, are there any other risk factors?

So, what factors contribute to cause heart attacks in men? Read the points below to find out if you’re at a risk of experiencing a heart attack:

  • High blood pressure or hypertension

  • High blood cholesterol

  • Diabetes

  • Previous cardiovascular conditions

  • Chronic stress

  • Obesity

  • Consumption of alcohol

  • Smoking

  • Poor nutrition

  • Inactive lifestyle

  • Social isolation

  • Genetics.

People with underlying cardiovascular conditions should be extra watchful about their health. If you notice symptoms like chest discomfort, abnormal sweating, fatigue and irregular heartbeat, rush to ILS Hospitals, one of the best heart hospitals in Kolkata. Because your heart health matters a lot!

Also read: Why Are Indians So Vulnerable To Heart Diseases?

Follow These Healthy Tips If You Have High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is a condition in which the blood produces a lot of pressure in the artery walls, an important component of your blood vessels.

If your blood pressure reading exceeds the normal blood pressure range of 120/80, then you have high blood pressure which requires immediate attention. You can check your blood pressure from any good hospitals in Kolkata or use BP monitoring machines at home. There are many reasons for high blood pressure like:

  • Stress

  • Obesity

  • Poor nutrition

  • Chronic diseases and disorders like diabetes, thyroid, kidney diseases, congenital heart abnormalities etc.

  • Sleep apnea

  • High alcohol consumption

  • High cholesterol

  • Smoking

  • Lack of physical movement

  • Unhealthy lifestyle

  • Old age

High blood pressure is a serious condition so maintaining a healthy blood pressure is important for everyone. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, follow these healthy tips as shown below:

  • Maintain a healthy body weight: Being overweight or obese is linked with high blood pressure. So, do your best to have a healthy BMI (Body Mass Index) by following a healthy lifestyle and by not being either underweight or overweight.

  • Stay active: Participate in regular physical activities to lower your high blood pressure. Do activities like walking, cycling, dancing, swimming, yoga and so on. The more you move, the better it is for your blood pressure.

  • Eat a DASH diet: Have a Dash (Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension) diet which is a healthy and balanced diet suitable for people with high blood pressure. The DASH diet includes whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish and poultry, nuts and bean and low-fat dairy or no-fat dairy products, low-sodium content and high vitamins and minerals.

  • Sodium-restricted diet: The less sodium you consume, the more your blood pressure will lower so avoid high-sodium foods and beverages. Also, do not add or sprinkle salt on top of your foods if you have high blood pressure or hypertension.

  • Avoid highly-processed foods: High processed foods have a high sodium-content so do not buy them the next time you visit your grocery store.

  • Quit smoking: Smoking has no health benefits and it is responsible for high blood pressure and heart diseases. So, stop smoking right now.

  • Drink less alcohol: Too much alcohol consumption can raise your already alarming blood pressure. So, limit the amount of alcohol you consume and aim to stop it altogether.

  • Be stress-free: It is needless to say that stress causes your blood pressure to increase at an unhealthy level. Try to avoid stress as much as you can because your life matters more than anything in this world.

  • Get regular high-blood pressure check-ups: Visit the best hospital in Kolkata for your monthly blood pressure check-ups. It is important to keep a tab on your blood pressure readings if you are already suffering from hypertension.

In conclusion, if you follow these healthy tips you will see a difference in your blood pressure levels. If your hypertension still does not improve then it’s time for you to go to a heart specialist or cardiologist to find the underlying cause behind your high levels of blood pressure. We are one of the best heart hospitals in Kolkata.

3 Most Congenital Heart Disorders as per Experts Cardiologists

Heart ailments are becoming extremely prevalent these days. While some of these are acquired due to a sedentary lifestyle or some underlying illnesses, some heart defects are present from the time of birth itself. These are referred to as congenital heart diseases. A heart specialist can detect and address them timely. Let us discuss some common congenital heart diseases, in brief, but let’s first understand the structure of heart a little.

The heart is a pumping device of the body. It contains 4 valves, the upper chambers are called left and right auricles and lower chambers are called left and right ventricles. The blood circulated between the ‘body and the heart’ and between the ‘lung and the heart’ to facilitate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body.

Here we present the 3 most common congenital defects as explained by cardiologists.

1. Ventricular Septal Defect (VSD)

Almost 2 in every 10 cases of congenital birth defects is due to ventricular septal defect. VSDs are holes that are present between the lowers two ventricles of the heart. The size might vary from tiny to large and so is its severity (the larger the hole, the more the chances of the baby to develop cardiac ailments). It can be diagnosed by tracing an extra heartbeat in the cardiac cycle, but several babies show no symptoms, making its diagnosis quite tricky.

2. Pulmonary Valve Stenosis

It is a group of illnesses that are characterized by the ineffective flow of blood from the right ventricle to the lungs. Often it is due to the abnormal structure of the heart valves (which ensures the backflow of blood does not occur). These deformities lead to over-exhaustion of the ventricular muscle and cause extra pressure built up on the right side of the heart. Apart from a murmur, an echocardiogram might be needed to diagnose it effectively.

3. Aortic Valve Stenosis

This heart deformity comprises of a significant proportion of congenital heart defects. It develops within the first 8 weeks of pregnancy. The defect arises in the aortic valve (the final valve junction before the blood is pumped out of the heart. This obstruction can cause pressure build in the heart that can lead to thickening of the muscle and over the time, it can lead to enlargement of the heart. Aortic valve stenosis is detected more effectively through an echocardiogram. Cardiac catheterization or surgery might be required for its treatment.

Read more – Importance Of Cath Lab and Cardiac Catheterization

At ILS Hospitals, we address congenital defects for both inborn and outborn babies. Look out for the symptoms such as bluish skin, rapid breathing, fatigue and poor weight gain in your baby, consider getting a consultation with a pediatrician. The timely measure can treat them all effectively, while unresolved congenital defects might pose as a threat in the future.

Angina – Symptoms, Diagnosis, And Treatments

The heart’s functions play an important role in the body. Its malfunctions can lead to major medical threats. Heart attack and cardiac arrest count as cardiac emergencies and should be addressed at the earliest. Often these onsets due to the presence of some long-term unresolved cardiac conditions. Angina is one such underlying heart condition. Let’s understand all its aspects in brief.

Angina is characterized by feeling pain, discomfort or tightness in the chest. It occurs when the cardiac tissues do not get an adequate amount of oxygen.

Symptoms of Angina

Angina is easily recognizable due to the presence of the following symptoms, prominently on the chest region-

  1. Pain
  2. Tightness
  3. Burning Sensation
  4. Heartburn
  5. Pain that spreads to jaws, neck, shoulder or back

It can also be accompanied by secondary symptoms such as weakness, indigestion, nausea, cramping, sweating, etc. These discomforts may last in between a few minutes to several hours.


Diagnosis Of Angina

An accurate diagnosis of angina is crucial to resolve it for good. The following diagnostic approaches are carried out to diagnose angina and its degree of severity.

  1. Stress Test – It monitors the activity of heart performing under duress. It is estimated while the patient is in between physical stress.
  2. Chest X-ray – This imaging technique shows the structures inside the heart to look for the possible cause of the setting angina.
  3. Coronary Angioplasty – It uses special dye and x-ray technique to visualize the inside of the coronary arteries.
  4. Electrogram – It uses special equipment to record the electric activity of the heart to trace the amount of the oxygen it is getting.

Apart from these, the expert cardiologist or the pathologist will look for blood profile screening to evaluate the level of cholesterol and other factors. It often also involves evaluating family history and personal history.


Treatment Of Angina

The treatment approach of angina aims to treat the pain, ease symptoms, and discomfort, it also minimizes its chances of causing more severe threats in the future. It includes several lifestyle changes such as quitting smoking, losing weight, keeping cholesterol levels in check, dealing with stress effectively and other measures. However, often several medications are also advised to keep blood pressure profile in check. In fact, nowadays, coronary angioplasty and bypass are recommended for many patients dealing with persistent angina.

Angina itself is not a medical threat, but it is unwise to leave it untreated.

Importance Of Cath Lab and Cardiac Catheterization

Cardiac Catheterization Lab is an advanced diagnostic room equipped with several apparatus, which can help the technician to visualize the structure and condition of the arteries along with the chambers of the heart in order to detect the presence (and extent) of any abnormality. Let us understand its importance in details.

Cardiac Catheterization is a non-invasive procedure that uses a thin, hollow cannula to penetrate through blood vessels reaching the heart. The procedure involves using a contrast dye, and its effect can be seen through an x-ray imaging simultaneously. As this procedure uses a blood vessel originating from the wrist or leg towards the heart, it causes no trauma to the heart and its surrounding tissues at all. Thus, it is becoming a very popular diagnostic approach these days.

It is a crucial diagnostic approach for heart conditions involving a defect in cardiac muscle, coronary arteries or cardiac valves. It measures blood flow to the heart as well. During the cardiac catheterization, the pressure in all 4 chambers of the heart is also measured effectively. Simultaneously, some blood sample can be collected to evaluate the optimum oxygen level in each chamber along with the pumping capability of the heart. Apart from detecting any defect in the structure of the heart, it can also extract a small sample of cardiac tissue for biopsy.

Coronary angioplasty is performed during cardiac catheterization. Coronary angioplasty is a medical procedure that uses a catheter to resolve clogged arteries. It might use the inflating action of a balloon as well (a process is known as balloon angioplasty). Often it also employs the usage of a stent to stop the recurring of the problem in the future.

Being non-invasive in nature, it offers many advantages over its alternatives invasive procedure. Cardiac catheterization is extremely safe and involves almost no risk (only mild bruising on the puncture site). A few people might encounter some metabolism issue or itchy skin for a short period due to swallowing of the contrast dye, but it can be fixed with mild medication.

We, at ILS Hospitals, are proud to say that we have the first Cath lab in the north Kolkata. Our facility with this advanced diagnostic screening and expert technician offers the best treatment to people, suffering from several types of cardiac conditions.

To avail the Cath lab facility, contact ILS Hospitals Dum Dum at 033-40315000/01.

Invasive, Non-Invasive and Interventional Cardiology – How Are They Different?

The heart is one of the most crucial organs of our body. Its function is vital for our functionality and survival. The count of heart diseases is increasing at a steady rate. While some conditions like palpitation can be addressed with oral medication, some conditions like heart attack qualify as a cardiac emergency. Cardiology is the special branch of medicine that deals with diagnosis, treatment, and care for heart ailments.

Today, we will brief 3 major branches of cardiology, namely- invasive, non-invasive and interventional cardiology. All three of them have the ultimate same goal- evaluate the heart’s structure and functions and diagnose a heart condition when encountered.

1. Invasive Cardiology

As the terminology clearly indicates, this branch deals with invasive approaches. It involves either open or laparoscopic incisional probes to trace the abnormalities of the heart. Two of the most common procedures are angioplasty and stenting. It aims to clear the blocked blood vessels through a surgical approach.

2. Non-Invasive Cardiology

Unlike the previous one, non-invasive cardiology carries out diagnosis and treatment without inserting any equipment inside the body. It includes procedures such as Holter monitor, ECG, Echocardiogram, MRI, CT scan etc. It uses imaging techniques to extract crucial information about the heart.

3. Interventional Cardiology

It involves an advanced technique to address cardiac issues. It is an advanced branch of cardiology and needs expert medical team along with advanced, high – end equipment and technology. It mostly uses a small tube-like catheter to rectify narrowed, blocked and damaged blood vessels. It includes procedures like Valvuloplasty, Percutaneous valve repair, Percutaneous coronary intervention (CPI), congenital heart defect correction etc.

Underlying, untreated or misdiagnosed medical conditions can actually end up the surface as a cardiac emergency unannounced. Thus, it is natural for a patient to wonder which cardiology procedure is ideal for them. However, it is not a matter of choice of the patient and can only be evaluated by an expert cardiologist. Thereby, it is not uncommon to find a patient simply complaining about a ‘racing heart’ might actually be referred to a specialist after the primary screening.

Most of the cardiological conditions are well addressed at ILS Hospitals. However, our expertise Interventional cardiology is unparallel. We address coronary artery diseases along with congenital heart diseases, heart valve diseases, and peripheral vascular diseases. For any cardiac check-up or emergency, contact us at

Adapt These 7 Healthy Habits to Keep Heart Disease at Bay

Heart ailments are one of the major causes of death all over the world. To address its importance, we observe the World Heart Day every 29th September. On this occasion, the Internet starts flooding with articles on various aspects of heart and cardiac emergencies and best heart hospitals. On behalf of the ILS Hospitals, we offer 5 effective tips regarding our very own pumping device, the heart.

Read more – 5 most common heart ailments explained by cardiologists in Kolkata

1. Say Goodbye To The Smoke

No matter if you smoke regularly or ‘only to deal with stress’, it causes plaque to build up in the arteries and can cause a heart attack in the future. Try to quit it this year itself for a better heart and overall health.

World Heart Day

2. Attain A Healthy Body Weight

Do all you can to have a healthy body weight. A proportionate body ensures uniform blood circulation and mitigates the chances of having high blood pressure, up to a large extent. Moreover, the normal body weight will help you keep obesity-associated illness at bay, as a surplus.

World Heart Day

3. Manage Your Stress

Let it be work related or family oriented, stress buildup is kind of inevitable in today’s world. Prolonged stress can cause high cholesterol and eventually towards an untimely cardiac emergency.

World Heart Day

4. Eat And Live Healthy

Adapt a better diet and lifestyle to keep heart diseases away for good. Include lots of fresh veggies and fruits along with whole grains, low fat and lean proteins is a good start. Moreover, start exercising the at least 5 days in a week to keep the heart strong and healthy.

World Heart Day

5. Avail Cardiac Screening

Almost every cardiac emergency have some symptoms that stay noticeable over a period of time. Addressing it at the right time can prevent many cardiac emergencies. On this World Heart Day, avail ‘Cardiac Care health check-up package’ at a discounted rate from all the units of ILS Salt Lake, ILS Dum Dum and ILS Agartala. It will help you detect underlying cardiac ailments if any.

World Heart Day

World Heart Day

So, adapt as many of them as you can, to have a healthy heart and an overall healthy living ahead.

In case, you are already experiencing some cardiac discomfort and assuming it is best to accept it as the natural aspect of life, take a break, cause most cardiac emergencies are preventable. Always remember, the golden words said by Jennie Garth rightly said, “It’s never too late to take your heart health seriously and make it a priority.”