8 Most Common Orthodontics Conditions To Watch Out For

‘A smile can often fix many difficult situations’. We are all familiar with this phrase. However, there are many threats that loom over this perfect smile of yours. Of course, the germs, cavity, and plaque built up deteriorate your dental health, but some misalignment can also hamper your perfect smile too.

Today, we are going to present some most common orthodontics conditions, but before that, we will explain what is orthodontics, in brief. Orthodontics is a special branch of dentistry that deals with fixing malalignments of teeth, whether it is due to defect or injury.

Crowding Of Teeth

It occurs when there is not enough room for all the teeth. This arises when the jaw is either underdeveloped or is just a little small as compared to the teeth. As a result, the teeth overlap one another and can cause some dental problem as it becomes tricky to clean them thoroughly.

Spaced Teeth

This is just the opposite of the previous condition. In this, the jaw is rather big as compared to the space needed by the teeth. It can cause food particles to stuck in between and also often happens to be unattractive to look.


Usually, the upper plate is usually protruded over the lower one. However it became a problem, if this protrusion is too steep as compared to normal skeletal build, an orthodontic condition, we call it as an overbite. It causes difficulty in chewing in extreme cases.


This is just the opposite of the previous case. Under-bite refers to the arrangement when the lower jaw protrudes over the upper jaw. It affects the overall facial look and might add some difficulties in chewing.


This is a combination of the previous 2 conditions. In this, some of the teeth are aligned as overbite while some are aligned as under-bite. It might give a rather unnatural look to the dental plate and might lead to some dental conditions.

Open Bite

In this condition, the teeth of the upper and lower jaws do not meet one another. It makes chewing a much difficult task, which often adds excessive pressure to the other teeth. It might happen due to persistent thumb suckling as a child.


This is a case when one or more teeth naturally do not form and leads to extra spacing in the palate. If only a couple of teeth are missing, it can be easily fixed with braces, which spreads them out evenly.


This is just the opposite of the previous condition, in which there are one or more extra teeth than ideally supposed to be. If it does not cause any dental difficulty, It might be left untreated, but otherwise, it often needs to be surgically removed.

These conditions can be addressed effectively with the treatment from expert orthodontics. It might be okay to live with them if its severity is minor and posses no discomfit or trouble. However, in many cases, untreated orthodontics can lead to premature wearing of teeth and dental trauma, and speech difficulty. It is also crucial to note that orthodontics treatment is most effective when they are availed at an early age. However, it is never too late to resolve a health condition.

Preserve Your Beautiful Smile With These Healthy Oral Habits

Life Is Short, Smile While You Still Have Teeth”

On this September 12th, we are observing the World Oral Health Day. On behalf of the eminent dentists of ILS Hospitals, we bring you some useful tips to preserve that beautiful smile of yours. So, take down the notes and follows them like a regime to avoid untimely visits to seek teeth replacements.

1. Clean Your Entire Mouth, Not Just The Teeth.

Often people just settle with ‘twice a day’ brush mantra, but the oral health is comprised of the entire mouth. It includes teeth, tongue, gums, and roof of the mouth.

2. Hold the Right Brush In the Right Way

There are several types of brushes available in the market, it is crucial to pick the right brush as per age and special needs. It is also important to know the right technique to brush effectively. Holding the brush at an angle of 45 degrees to the gums and brushing both outward and inward, ensures the most effective cleaning.

3. Don’t Forget To Floss

Daily flossing can help to remove the residual food from the tricky corner of the mouth. Sadly, many people use hanging threads or other materials to floss, only when something stuck in-between teeth bothers them. It will cause more harm than good and is highly discouraged. Using a floss offered by a dental company is the safest.

4. Or To Use the Tongue Scraper

A brushing season is not complete without scraping the tongue clean. Apart from cleaning the bacteria from the tongue, it also helps to feel refresh.

5. Why Skipping The Mouthwash From The Regime?

Mouthwash is a new thing in the dental healthcare products. It acts as an extra layer of protection for teeth and gums. It also comes handy when one needs to have fresh breath in between a busy day.

6. Keep Your Diet ‘Teeth-Friendly’

Just like any other health aspect, dental health is also greatly affected by diet. Excessive consumption of soda, caffeine, sugar loaded food can cause enamel decay and other dental problems. Instead, eat fresh and crunchy, fruits and vegetables to nourish the gums and teeth. Moreover, midnight munching should be avoided at all cost unless it is followed by another sitting of brushing.

7. And Keep Your Brush ‘Dirt Free’

Cleaning the brush routinely is also crucial and so is changing them after every 6 months. This ensures the brush is good enough to keep up the good work.

8. Visit The Dentist Routinely

Seeing a dentist at least twice a year is strongly recommended. It can help in recognizing many dental problems at its first stage itself, which undoubtedly makes its treatment much easier.

So, pick your brush and cheers to a better, healthier smile. Happy and healthy brushing to you!

An Insight of Surgeries Carried Out in ILS Hospitals

In this era, we have advanced technology for most of the things around us. However, even the best medication cannot resolve every illness. Thankfully, we have surgical treatment to address, resolve and cure such illnesses. With the help of the state-of-the-art technology such as the laparoscopic surgery, the remedy is now most effective than ever. Today, we bring insights of surgeries that we carry out in the ILS Hospitals.

At ILS Hospitals, at least 50 percent of the operations we carry out are related to the gastrointestinal tract. Most of our patient had a history of chronic indigestion, constipation and another digestive issue for a significant period of time. Indeed, the occurrence of digestive complication is on a constant rise since the introduction and commercialization of the fast food industry. It is often associated along with general surgery, which involves invasive correction of soft tissue and solid organs.

Laparoscopic Surgery

The figure is shortly followed by gynaecologic and obstetrician surgeries. Apart from childbirth surgical procedure, women also seek a surgical cure and care for family planning, and other gynaecological conditions. We also provide treatment and care for women suffering miscarriage or carrying risk pregnancy.

We handle and address significant numbers of orthopaedic surgeries throughout the year. It includes both prescheduled procedures such as total and partial knee replacement, hip joint, etc and emergency procedures such as accidental injury or trauma. Our 24/7 ambulance and ICU contributes a lot towards saving these lives.

As compared to other multispecialty hospitals, we have significant numbers of ENT, dental and eye surgery in our hospitals. In fact, we had carried out a cochlear implant in ILS Agartala unit, one of the rare and leading surgeries carried out in northeast India.

laparoscopic surgery

Cardiac surgery is on a constant rise, not only in ILS Hospitals but at hospitals in every corner of the world. However, we specialize in handling both preschedules heart surgeries and emergency cardiac surgeries. Our patients receive enormous support and care from the expert doctors.

Apart from these, we handle an enormous amount of species in miscellaneous specialties. At ILS Hospitals, we also have several patients seeking a surgical cure for their various urological conditions. We have many patients who chose us for offering laparoscopic surgery for the same. We, at ILS Hospitals, being the pioneer of laparoscopic surgery, offer mostly keyhole operation to our patients. Needless to say, our skilled nurses and staffs stay on guard, round the clock. In case, you or your loved ones need any consultation or surgery, book an appointment with us and secure your health.

The Structure of the Tooth

Teeth are an important organ in the human body. Apart from tearing and chewing food, it also plays vital role in speech and helps building the facial structure. The dentists advise to take proper care of the teeth to maintain all its functions. The number and type of teeth had already been discussed here.

Let’s have a look at its structure closely.

The tooth comprises of two major parts, namely, the crown and the root. The crown is the visible part present uproot from the gums. The root is the embedded part in the jaw. It is not the visible part and anchors the tooth in the socket.

If we look closely, anatomically the following are the parts of a tooth-

Enamel- It is the hard, white color portion that forms the outer layer of the teeth. It is made up of calcium phosphate, which makes it the hardest element of the body.

Dentin- It is made up of live cells that underlies the layer of enamel. The dentin secretes hard mineral substance that fills the bulk of tooth. Without the enamel, it can suffer serious erosion.

Pulp- It is the soft living tissue in the inner structure of the tooth. The pulp has blood vessels and nerves running through them. It extends from the root tip to the crown of the tooth.

Cementum- It is a layer of connective tissue which helps the roots of teeth to bind with the gums and jawbone. It plays an important role to maintain the teeth stability.

Periodontal ligament – It is the tissue which keeps the teeth firm against the jaw. It comprises of thousands of fibers. These fibers hold the cementum tight to the bony socket. It also acts as a shock absorbent during heavy chewing.

The Structure of the Tooth

Apart from the structure of the teeth, the followings are the structure around the teeth-

Oral mucosa- It is the moist soft tissue that lines the mouth.

Gingiva- Most commonly known as the gums, it is the soft tissue, which lies immediately around the teeth and bone. It protects the teeth and bone.

Bone- It is the solid structure that surrounds and supports the teeth, especially the root.

Nerves and blood supply- Each of the tooth and the periodontal ligament has a nerve to supply blood, which is vital for its function.

All of these must work together for effectual functioning of your teeth. Any deviation from the same must be consulted and corrected with the help of a well-qualified dentist.

Types of Teeth and Their Functions

While brushing your teeth daily, do you ever consider, how helpful these little white dressed soldiers are for us? Toddlers often use these as defense and attack weapons as well, but ideally teeth are designed to chew food, assist in digestion and of course to support facial muscles. When any of these purpose gets obstructed, we need a visit to the Dentist.

Teeth are an important part of the human body. Based on the time of its onset, teeth are primary and permanent. The primary teeth are 20 in numbers, but, more importantly, are the permanent ones, these are 32 in numbers. Each tooth is unique in shape and function. Today, let’s explore the types of teeth and its function.

1. Incisors

These are eight in numbers and are in the central front of the mouth, four each, on upper and lower jaws. It erupts at the age of 6 months and then later between age 6 to 8, making it the first teeth to sprout. Apart from biting the food, it also helps to pronounce words and support the lips.

Incisors Teeth - ILS Hospitals

2. Canines

These are four in numbers and placed immediately next to each of the outermost incisors. These are the sharpest teeth and helps to tear the food along with supporting the lips. It sprouts between 16 to 20 months, primarily and then between 11 to 12 years later.

Canines Teeth - ILS Hospitals

3. Premolars

Also known as bicuspids, these are eight in numbers, four in each jaw, two on each side. These are crucial for grinding and chewing the food, it also supports the cheeks. The first set shows up at age around ten and the second set follows about a year later

Premolars Teeth - ILS Hospitals

4. Molars

Just like the prior type, molars also help chewing and grinding of food, along with supporting cheeks. These are eight in number, four in each jaw, and two on each side. Out of these, the first molars erupt at the age of about 6 and the second molars first erupts between 11 and 13 and stay permanent.

Molars Teeth


5. Third molar

These are more commonly called as wisdom teeth and are four in numbers. These lay at the extreme end of the jaw. These are the last teeth to erupt around at the age of 20 to 25, however, some may never develop these their entire lives. Several times, these wisdom teeth get crowded because of molar and need surgical removal.

Wisdom Tooth

So, take good care of your teeth, and if needed take the help of Dentist, because remember what Mallory Hopkins said,

“Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.”

5 Habits That Are Ruining Your Teeth More Than You Realize

As Mallory Hopkins once said, “Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.” Indeed, teeth are one of the most useful part of the body. Though, nowadays, with the help of medical science, one can get a new set of teeth, but nothing can replace the original one.

With time, the wear and tear leads to corrosion of teeth, wrong types of food and drinks are major players for the same. However, some of the activities also cause significant damage to them. Here are 5 habits that can lead to damage of your teeth in the long run.

  1. Brushing too harshly– Though brushing is always encouraged since childhood, brushing with aggression is bad for your teeth. This counts for both hard bristles and wrong technique. Also, the time of brushing is also important.


Choose the right brush, use a lighter hand and adequate time dedicate towards it.

  1. Sucking on thumb– Thankfully, this habit wears off as you grow up. But the children who keep doing the same can damage their own teeth. This includes mainly the misalignment of the teeth.

Sucking on thumb

Monitor your child for these behaviors and discourage them. Seek help, if required.

  1. Clenching jaws and teeth– also known as bruxism, is the habit, by which you keep clenching your upper and lower jaws to each other. It can cause severe damage and tooth decay, along with fractures and craze line. Bruxism is one of the most serious and troubled habit that can cause you harm in more than one way.

Clenching jaws and teeth

Seek medical help as soon as you realize having it. In case of doubt, let a dentist examine your teeth and jaw.

  1. Misusing teeth– chewing things too often that exerts too much pressure on your teeth is yet another factor for teeth damage. This includes chewing pen or pencil, ice, hard candy or even fingernail.

Misusing teeth

Try to avoid using your teeth as package opener as well. Instead, opt for the healthier option for both chewing and cutting stuffs.

  1. Bad habits such as chewing tobacco and cigars– the tobacco contents reduce the flow of blood to the gums. Apart from harming your respiratory system, it also challenges the wellbeing of your teeth and gums as well. The dental problem associated with the same, ranges from mere appearance, bad breath, teeth decay to even oral cancer.

Bad Habits such as chewing tobacco and cigars

Quit these bad habits as soon as possible for a better life and if problem still persists then don’t hesitate to look out for help from the dentist.