Signs To Tell If Someone Is Thinking About Suicide

Is there someone you know exhibiting strange behavior recently? Is your hunch telling you something might go wrong? Don’t ignore these warning signs as these could be warning symptoms of suicide. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death all over the world. Thankfully, suicide is not an illness, and it is preventable with timely measures. Here we present a few tips suggested by psychiatrists to spot if someone is considering suicide.

Unpredictable mood – Periods of long-term sadness, severe mood swings, unexplainable rage or happiness is a very common symptom of severe mental depression and confusion, sometimes are closely associated with suicide. In such cases, the family should offer their support and encourage communication.

Change In Sleep Pattern – Due to a disturbed mind, it is often inevitable to have a disruptive sleeping pattern. It includes sleeping too much, or too little, sleeping multiple times in a day, and feeling lethargic even after adequate sleep.

Giving Away their possessions Or Money – Passing on their favorite possessions, or money that they still use or might need in the future is an alarming sign of suicidal tendency. The one receiving them or witnessing this, must consult and support the person immediately.

Bidding Goodbyes – Biding goodbyes either in person or through some nonverbal medium, in a way that appears they will never meet again is yet another alarming sign of suicidal tendency. The people involved in these farewells must make sure to keep an eye on them.

Withdrawing From Peers – If someone is suddenly withdrawing from their peers, who otherwise love to stay among people is a sign of severe depression. It should be noted by close friends and offer encouragement for a positive approach.

Dangerous Or Self-Harming Actions – Reckless driving, engaging in dangerous recreational activities like bungee jumping and other activities that demonstrate the person no longer value their life should raise red flags immediately. The person should be confronted soon and helped to seek counseling from a psychiatrist.

Experiencing a recent trauma such as loss of a loved one due to divorce, diagnosis of an illness, and several other factors such as unemployment, financial crisis etc. are often the triggering factor for suicide. Almost 9 out of 10 people who eventually kill themselves gives a verbal or behavioral warning beforehand. By recognizing these symptoms and taking actions, the same can be prevented.

Since 2003, every 10th September has been observed as the World Suicide Prevention Day. It aims to encourage people with suicidal tendencies to seek help from their families, and friends. One should recognize these warning signs and address the society with this issue as a whole. In case you find these symptoms in any friends, family, neighbors, friend, or colleague, don’t hesitate to ask about their thoughts and recommend counseling and help.

20 Fun Facts about the Human Eye That Will Amaze You

If only our eyes could take snapshots of everyday life, we could have amazing 574-megapixel resolution pictures. Often we don’t give a serious thought to our eyes unless our visions start deteriorating in some or the other way. In fact, it is not uncommon to find that people complaining about hazy vision in queues of diabetes clinics.

As we are observing the Eye Donation fortnight from August 25th Aug – 8th Sept, we present some fun facts about the Human eye.

1. The eye lens is photosensitive. Just like that of a camera’s, it adjusts the amount of light it requires for the ideal vision.

2. Just like the pulse, pupils can tell about a person’s excitement level. Both Wider and dilated pupil shows different emotions.

3. The eye becomes tired upon long exposure to electronic screen or even paper books.

4. Eyesight might be affected due to pregnancy hormones. Thankfully, it resolves on its own right after childbirth.

5. Brown eyes are the most common attributes among people in the world.

eye donation

6. All the folks with blue eyes supposedly have a common ancestor.

7. Many people have eyes of two different colors. It might be due to an injury, disease or heredity.

8. The first signs of diabetes type 2 are often detected during an eye test. A consultation in a diabetes clinic is required to confirm it later.

9. It is impossible to sneeze with open eyes. It is all due to the nerve arrangement, that makes blinking, a reflex action.

10. Minor eye injury heals within 48 hours with little medical attention.

11. A retinal scan is a better way of identification as iris has 256 unique characters, it is 40 in case of a fingerprint.

12. The presence of two eyes ensures the accurate perception of vision. It enables estimation of the distance of objects.

13. The eyes shut closed as a reflex upon perceiving dangers. It is an automatic response to mitigate injury.

14. Tears are a response to both physical and emotional stimuli. It also protects the eyes from several infections.

15. On an average, the human eye blinks 17-20 times in a minute.

eye donation

16. Due to the absence of gravity, it is impossible to cry in space. It will simply get collected in the eyeball and will cause eye irritation.

17. The cornea is the only body part devoid of any blood vessels. It facilitates the proper refractive index in the eyes.

18. The eyes have rod and cone cells. The rod cells enable adjustment of light while cones enable perceptions of colors.

19. Excessive exposure to the sun can cause damage to vision.

20. A baby can only perceive black and white colors at birth, along with few shades of grey.

On this eye donation fortnight, we encourage every healthy individual to consider eye donation indistinct future and primarily to take care of their eyes to enjoy the beauty of the earth around us.

eye donation

Are You Having Gallstones? Know the Symptoms to be Sure

Do you experience episodes of abdominal pain from time to time? Are you also experiencing persistent digestive issues that won’t resolve with diet changes? Chances are high that you are suffering from gallstones. In case you are ruling out the possibility of the same, remember, most of the patients later going for gallbladder stone surgery admitted to experience no symptoms for a long period of time. Let’s discuss what gallstones are along with some of the warning signs of gallstones.

The gallbladder is a small organ located beneath the liver and it secretes digestive enzymes that facilitate digestion. It is called the bile. When it concentrates into hardened mass, it becomes what we call the gallstones. It can either occur as one large stone or several small ones. The size of the same ranges from sand granule to as big as a golf ball.

There are some ‘silent gallstones’ that have no symptoms associated with it and often does not require any treatment either. Check out for the following warnings of gallstones that indicates you might need to consider a gallbladder stone surgery later on.

  1. A sharp pain for a brief period, which often is called an ‘attack’, is the most prominent symptoms of an underlying condition of gallstone.

  2. These episodes can be separated by some period of times. It can range anywhere between days, weeks, months or even years.

  3. Though the pain might onset unannounced at any time, it has often been found to onset after 30-40 minutes after consuming a highly processed junk food.

  4. This pain usually starts very mild but slowly turns severe. It stays constant for some time, which can last anywhere between 1 to 6 hours.

  5. The pain usually originates in the abdomen, which may later move to the right shoulder or back. It usually sets during late night and the sharp pain may even wake a person right away.

  6. The digestion associated symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, bloating, indigestion, etc. are often seen in patients with gallstones.

  7. Symptoms like jaundice, fever and persistent severe pain need to be addressed immediately as it might indicate a blocked duct due to the accumulation of gallstones.

Unfortunately, gallstones are often recurring in nature. Those with a history of the same is highly susceptible to have it again in the future. Thus, it is always recommended to seek consultation before and after a gallbladder stone surgery to take measures against it.

What Exactly Is Nutritious Food And How Crucial It Is For Health

“A healthy diet is a solution to many of our health-care problems. It’s the most important solution.” -John Mackey

If only one can consume the right food, the right amount at the right time, staying healthy will become a piece of cake. It is recommended by maternity hospitals to keep track of the baby’s food since the age of 6 months old itself. A nutritional food ensures ideal growth, mitigates several illnesses and promote health. As we are observing the National Nutrition Week from 1st to7th September, we present what ideal, balanced, and nutritious food should be.

Nutritious Food

A balanced diet consists of every nutrition, which comprises proteins, carbohydrates, fat, vitamins and minerals. Consuming the following food in the adequate amount often full fills the quota of a balanced diet.

  1. Whole Grains
  2. Fresh, Seasonal Fruits
  3. Fresh Vegetables
  4. Lentils And Pulses
  5. Sea Food
  6. Meat And Eggs
  7. Dairy Food
  8. Dry Fruits

To accommodate all the above-mentioned food, one simply needs to divide their food chart to 5 times meals, namely the breakfast, mid-day snack, lunch, evening snacks, and dinner.

The exact requirement of this calorie can be calculated by Reference Intakes ratio. This RI ratio is classified as per gender, age, and level of activeness etc. It is calculated in terms of kcal and often offers an ideal amount of nutrients required by an individual. Here we present the average nutritional requirement by an adult man and woman.

As it clearly indicates that, usually men need more calories than women. However, women need extra nutrition in several phases of their life, including their growing years, during pregnancy and while nursing and caring for her newborn. As per gynecologists, proper nutrition intake is crucial for to-be and new mother to have a healthy and nourished child.

A well-balanced diet is crucial for every individual. In fact, simply limiting the amount of junk food consumption can also contribute towards a healthier tomorrow. In case one is wondering how can they remove the entire genre of fast food in one go from their diet chart, well, it has to be done in small steps. Eventually substituting them.

As rightly said by one smart anonymous individual, follow this

“One simple rule- if it is coming from a plant, eat it and if it is being made in a plant, don’t.”

It will help you decide what should be on your platter.

A Guide To Types Of Burn And Its Treatment Approach

Burn is one of the common types of injuries in both household and workplace. Burn is the extent of the injury, the skin bears due to the incident. On one hand, a mild skin burn can be effectively treated at home, severe burn injuries are classified as a medical emergency and the patient should be taken to the nearest hospital with adequate measures to handle the situation. Here we present the types of burn along with their treatment approaches.

Types of Burns

There are 4 basic types of burn, namely the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th-degree burn. As the name indicates, the 1st-degree burn is the least causing injury and 4th-degree is the most severe one. Except for 1st-degree burn rest, all are always a medical emergency. The 1st-degree burn, too, is recommended to seek a doctor’s opinion, if required.

First-degree burns – This is often called the ‘superficial’ burns as it causes damage to only the external skin layer. It is characterized by redness, swelling, inflammation, pain in the local areas. As it cures, the uppermost skin peels off. It usually takes about a week to 10 days to heal with a home remedy by using cold water, aloe vera gel, and some over-the-counter ointments. It requires medical attention only if the affected area is more than 3-5 inches, or if it is in a sensitive area such as spine, shoulder, knee, foot, elbow etc.

Second-degree burn – The second-degree burn causes damage beyond the top skin layers. It leads to skin blisters along with being red and sore and often pops open to release wet, thick tissue. Being moist in nature, these wounds require proper medical attention. It usually takes about 3 to 6 weeks to heal and often leaves scarring as well. In case the affected site is sensitive, such as the face, groin, hands, feet etc. A minor procedure of skin grafting might be needed as well for a complete recovery.

Third-degree burns – This results in severe damage to every layer of the skin. Even though logically, it seems that a third-degree burn must be severely painful, in reality, one might not feel pain at all. It happens in case the burn penetrates through the nerves as well. It gives rise to waxy, leathery textured skin in white to dark brown color. It requires immediate medical attention and there is no certain timeline for healing either. The treatment procedure mostly includes surgeries as well.

Fourth-degree burn – A more severe burn than a third degree is called the fourth-degree burn which has all the symptoms of the previous degree but the damage extends to the bones. It is extremely challenging to treat it and has no certain timeline or assurance on the extent of recovery.

Unless the burn is due to some minor oil spattering or mild sunburn, it is always recommended to treat it as a medical emergency to ensure it doesn’t have any long-term complications associated with it.

Allergies: Types, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Before we start with allergies, let me ask you, do you know what is the exact definition of an allergy? Well, in response to certain foreign substances, your immune system starts reacting. It is that exaggerated reaction which is known as an allergy. The substances that produce allergies are known as allergens. Now let’s start with the symptoms of different types of allergies that are most common.

Symptoms of different types of allergies

Your allergic reactions can be severe or mild. Here are symptoms of some common allergies –

Food allergy
  1. Swelling of the tongue, lips, throat or face

  2. Anaphylaxis

  3. Tingling in the mouth

  4. Hives

Hay fever
  1. Stuffy, runny nose

  2. Sneezing

  3. Red, watery or swollen eyes

  4. Itching of the eyes, nose or roof of the mouth

A drug allergy
  1. Itchy skin

  2. Hives

  3. Facial swelling

  4. Anaphylaxis

  5. Wheezing

  6. Rash

An insect sting allergy
  1. Hives or itching all over the body

  2. Swelling in a large area at the sting site

  3. Chest tightness, cough, shortness of breath or wheezing

  1. Skin rash

  2. Loss of consciousness

  3. Severe shortness of breath

  4. A weak and rapid pulse

  5. Light-headedness

  6. A drop in blood pressure

  7. Vomiting and nausea

  1. Scaly, dry skill appearing on inflamed red areas

  2. Burning sensation

  3. Extreme itchiness

Latex allergy
  1. Asthma

  2. Hives

  3. Rash and itching

  4. Anaphylaxis

  5. Watery eyes

Skin contact allergy
  1. Inflammation, open sores, localized redness

Causes of different types of allergies

Here are some common causes of allergy –

  1. Insect stings such as from a wasp or bee

  2. In case of latex allergy or other substance allergies, they are caused when you touch them

  3. Food allergies are caused from certain foods including fish, tree nuts, peanuts, shellfish, milk, wheat and eggs

  4. Airborne allergens include animal dander, pollen and dust mites

  5. Drug allergy can be caused by certain medications including penicillin-based antibiotics or particularly penicillin

Treatment options for allergies

Of course, your treatment of allergies depends on the severity and type of your allergy. Here are some general guidelines –

  1. To control itching, use oral antihistamines

  2. Keep your skin moisturized

  3. In severe cases, use immunosuppressive medications

  4. Topical corticosteroids

  1. Oral maintenance medications

  2. Inhalers

  3. Injectable medicines under the supervision of our doctors

  1. Oral steroids

  2. Injectable medicines administered in our hospital

  3. Oral antihistamines


The preventive measures that you should take to avoid allergies depend on the type of allergy you have. Here are some general measures –

  1. You can keep a diary with you in order to track what you eat or what activities you do. This will help you and your doctors at ILS Hospitals to identify the triggers

  2. Try to avoid the known triggers. This applies to the case if you already know what type of allergy you have

Allergies are not something you should take lightly. Some allergies are life-threatening. In order to make sure that you are safe, do consult our doctors at ILS Hospitals. They have knowledge about all health problems and diseases, and you will find yourself healed once you consult them. Call us now to make an appointment.

An Insight of Surgeries Carried Out in ILS Hospitals

In this era, we have advanced technology for most of the things around us. However, even the best medication cannot resolve every illness. Thankfully, we have surgical treatment to address, resolve and cure such illnesses. With the help of the state-of-the-art technology such as the laparoscopic surgery, the remedy is now most effective than ever. Today, we bring insights of surgeries that we carry out in the ILS Hospitals.

At ILS Hospitals, at least 50 percent of the operations we carry out are related to the gastrointestinal tract. Most of our patient had a history of chronic indigestion, constipation and another digestive issue for a significant period of time. Indeed, the occurrence of digestive complication is on a constant rise since the introduction and commercialization of the fast food industry. It is often associated along with general surgery, which involves invasive correction of soft tissue and solid organs.

Laparoscopic Surgery

The figure is shortly followed by gynaecologic and obstetrician surgeries. Apart from childbirth surgical procedure, women also seek a surgical cure and care for family planning, and other gynaecological conditions. We also provide treatment and care for women suffering miscarriage or carrying risk pregnancy.

We handle and address significant numbers of orthopaedic surgeries throughout the year. It includes both prescheduled procedures such as total and partial knee replacement, hip joint, etc and emergency procedures such as accidental injury or trauma. Our 24/7 ambulance and ICU contributes a lot towards saving these lives.

As compared to other multispecialty hospitals, we have significant numbers of ENT, dental and eye surgery in our hospitals. In fact, we had carried out a cochlear implant in ILS Agartala unit, one of the rare and leading surgeries carried out in northeast India.

laparoscopic surgery

Cardiac surgery is on a constant rise, not only in ILS Hospitals but at hospitals in every corner of the world. However, we specialize in handling both preschedules heart surgeries and emergency cardiac surgeries. Our patients receive enormous support and care from the expert doctors.

Apart from these, we handle an enormous amount of species in miscellaneous specialties. At ILS Hospitals, we also have several patients seeking a surgical cure for their various urological conditions. We have many patients who chose us for offering laparoscopic surgery for the same. We, at ILS Hospitals, being the pioneer of laparoscopic surgery, offer mostly keyhole operation to our patients. Needless to say, our skilled nurses and staffs stay on guard, round the clock. In case, you or your loved ones need any consultation or surgery, book an appointment with us and secure your health.

Include These 5 Foods In Your Everyday Diet To Manage Your Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the most common medical conditions throughout the world. In India too, its statistics are alarmingly high. The treatment approach is determined by the doctor after evaluating the type and severity of the condition in a reliable diabetes clinic. However, patients suffering from all the types of diabetes are advised to consume certain healthy food and adopt healthy habits to manage diabetes more effectively.

Today, we will discuss a few food items that one should include in their diet to manage diabetes. So let’s begin the countdown

1. Bitter Gourd

As the name itself indicates, this vegetable is quite bitter to taste and people usually avoid it, if they can. However, they include a component commonly known as p-insulin that controls the glycaemic level in the blood. Including them in the everyday diet is an extremely effective way to deal with diabetes-associated complications such as kidney, heart and nerve damage.

Bitter gourd

2. Green Leafy Vegetables

These are rich sources of nutrients and antioxidants along with being low on carbs and calories. Many of the green leafy also contain vitamin and minerals. In a nutshell, it replenishes eye cells from degeneration and protects it against cataract, which happens to be few common diabetes-associated complications.

Green Leafy Vegetables

3. Protein-rich food

Protein from healthy sources such as eggs, fish, and meat helps to keep blood sugar in check. Moreover, food items like Paneer, Dals, Rajma, etc also happen to be an excellent source of protein as well. Having them in adequate amount controls diabetes.

Protein Rich Food - Diabetes

4. Amla

It is one of the most used ingredients to manage diabetes since ages, particularly as an Ayurvedic remedy. It regulates carbohydrate metabolism in the body, which in turn makes the body more receptive to insulin.

Amla - Diabetes

5. Yogurt

Every individual should ideally consume one serving of yogurt to aid one’s digestion and to attain weight loss. It is particularly beneficial for individuals with diabetes, as a controlled body weight can contribute towards the healthy management of diabetes. Moreover, the yogurt contains probiotic and thereby it reduces the risk of heart diseases as well.

Yogurt - Diabetes

These food items have been found to aid in better management of diabetes. However, before adding these in your everyday diet, it is best to seek consultation from a reliable diabetes clinic as well. The diabetologist not only will help you make a perfect diet chart but will also evaluate you from time to time to ensure that diabetes does not lead to any severe consequences.

Attention Indian Youth! As You Might Be Susceptible To Premature Heart Ailments

Earlier it was said that heartbreak from a romantic relationship was one major reason for heart illness. But, these days, the scenario is quite different. The threat of heart attack is looming over Indian Youth more than it did until a decade ago. This paradigm shift has resulted in Indian youth susceptible to various heart ailments 8-10 years sooner as compared to other ethnic groups from all over the world. As per the statistics collected from some of the best heart hospitals in India, at least 35 percent of the heart patients are under the age of 40. Several cases have been reported where the age of the patient is as young as the early 20s.

Premature heart ailments

Causes and connections for heart ailments

Some of the common causes for these premature heart ailments that have been found are mainly due to family history, personal history of some heart conditions, diabetes /pre-diabetes, excessive stress and unhealthy lifestyle. The genetics root happens to be the most influencing factor when it comes to developing a cardiac ailment. Best heart hospitals have witnessed patients being diagnosed with premature heart ailments, happen to have a parent or sibling with a similar health history. Men are at more risk than women when we compare according to age. Women often show first signs of heart ailment approximately 10 years later than men. However, factors like diabetes in the family, and smoking, may cause, premature heart ailments even in women.

Why are Indian Youths suffering the most?

Indian Youths are somewhat dealing with the dual burden of mental and physical stress. On one hand, due to the cut-throat competitions, they are forced to work exhaustively in order to make a decent living leading to physical exertion and stress. On the other hand, their inability to cope up with the work stress, affect their family life leading to mental stress as well. As a result, the incidents of premature heart attacks are increasing among youth in their years of servitude.

How can Indian youth address it?

Though heart ailments sound scary to deal with, but it can be easily taken care of if preventive measures are taken on time. Heart attack is predominate, not a first-degree illness, meaning it often develops from underlying complications as already mentioned. Thereby, controlling these early warnings can help manage it effectively.

On this International Youth Day, we advise every India youth to take some time out of their busy lives and dedicate the same towards their health. Adequate exercise, quitting alcohol and smoking and leading a healthy lifestyle, often makes change and improve the lifestyle. In case, any symptoms of heart or chest discomfort arises, they are recommended to seek advice from one of the best heart hospitals at the earliest.

Breastfeeding Tips for Every New Mother

As Robert S. Mendelsohn rightly said, “Mother’s milk, time-tested for millions of years, is the best nutrient for babies because it is nature’s perfect food.”

If you are a mother, you can certainly relate to it. However, breastfeeding is one extremely challenging job. Many gynaecologists and obstetricians encounter new, inexperienced mother panicking due to not being able to nurse properly. So, today we are offering some tips for new mothers and moms-to-be to have a somewhat more comfortable nursing time.

  1. Position yourself comfortably. If you are not comfortable, neither will be your baby.
  2. There is no perfect rule, so choose what works best for you. Experiment and pick between couch, bed and rocking chair.
  3. Place as many pillows you need under back, lap or legs for support and comfort.
  4. Hold and cradle your baby on the same side as the breast you want to nurse with. Use a pillow for support, if needed.
  5. You have an overactive ‘super baby’, you can hold her lower arm under your arm to mitigate the possibility of interference.
  6. Cup your breast and let your baby latch onto it gently. It might take several attempts before the baby stay latched on, so be patient.
  7. Once the baby starts feeding, hold her close to support and encourage the nursing.
  8. After the baby is done, don’t pull out your nipple instantly, as it may cause injury to your nipples. Instead, insert a finger in her mouth to break off the contact gently.

Ideally, each session of breastfeeding last only several minutes, but quite frequently, as your baby’s stomach is small and digestion is quite fast. Stay prepared to get in action every few hours. Feel free to try out different lactating position to find the one working best for you. As a tip to relax, you can play some music or instrumental in a mild tone. It will encourage you to relax, have happy thoughts and focus on your bond with your baby.

While breastfeeding, you may encounter many complications such as insufficient milk supply, sore or cracked nipples etc. Moreover, if you had a high-risk pregnancy or preterm birth, your baby might have a problem latching on. Instead of enduring all the discomfort or depression, seek help. As you might need special guidance or equipment from your gynaecologist or obstetrician, get in touch with one.

Breastfeeding is a rather special time of your life. Do all you can to make this memorable and comfortable.