5 Reasons to Address Your Hypertension For Good

The number of patients seeking treatment and care of cardiologist due to acute cardiac emergencies is increasing day by day.

Hypertension is a very prevalent precondition for most heart illnesses. Hypertension is the condition in which the blood pressure of the individual stays elevated for a prolonged period of time. The excessive pressure build-up can cause damage to the walls of the blood vessels as well on the organ.

Normal blood pressure ranges between 120/80 mmHg to 140/90 mmHg. A blood pressure exceeding this limit is considered as high blood pressure.

As we celebrate World Hypertension Day this 17th May 2018, we, on behalf of ILS Hospitals presents the major complications that arise due to unresolved hypertension, over a period of time.

1. Stroke and haemorrhage

Prolonged pressure can lead to thickening of arteries of the body. The ones reaching the brain are most crucial and thereby, bursting of these particular arteries leads to stroke and haemorrhage. It can occur in patients suffering from long time hypertension, but the ones with an age more than 65 are at highest risk.

2. Heart attack and heart failure

The same thing happens to the heart as well, in case the connective arteries get rusted. It leads to heart attack. Also, thickened blood vessels make it hard for the heart to pump blood effectively, in such cases, heart failure may occurs.

3. Eye damage and vision loss

The arteries reaching the eyes play a crucial role in our overall vision accuracy and range. Due to hypertension, one can face conditions like vision loss and hypertensive retinopathy.

4. Metabolic disorders

Prolonged hypertension can also lead to several problems associated with the overall metabolism. This includes an increase in waistline, high cholesterol, diabetes, kidney problems etc.

5. Psychological complications

Though it is more prevalent in aging patients, untreated hypertension has also been found to interfere with common abilities like learning, recollecting and having a decent presence of mind.

In a nutshell, a prolonged, unresolved hypertension can lead to coronary heart diseases, heart failure, renal complications, stroke etc. Having an elevated blood pressure is not life-threatening if it is for a small time being. However, its treatment is crucial. Thus, it is always advisable to keep track on the blood pressure from time to time and seek timely treatment in case, it deviates too much from ideal range.

5 Most Common Complications To Watch Out For Every Expecting Mother

Mother – the only person who nurtures you for 9 months in her womb and forever in her heart.

As rightly said, mother’s love is beyond words. We, on behalf of entire ILS Hospitals family, salutes all the mothers in the world on this International Mother’s Day, on 13th May 2018. We hereby, list out the 5 most common pregnancy-related complication most of the expecting mother faces and should seek gynecologists for.

Urinary Tract Infection (UTI)

UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) onsets when the urinary tract gets a bacterial infection. It can be recognized by persistent primary symptoms such as frequent urination, cloudy urine, pain/burning sensation while urination and secondary symptoms such as fever, fatigue, back pain etc.

It usually is not something very severe and can be easily diagnosed with urine sample test. It is usually treated with oral antibiotics.


Not having the ideal range of healthy red blood cells is very common complications of pregnancy. It can lead to extreme fatigue and weakness. It is addressed by folic acid and iron supplements and proper nutritional diet.

Gestational Diabetes

Pregnant women can develop a unique kind of diabetes, particularly during the pregnancy, without any prior occurrence. It happens when the body fails to process the carbohydrates properly. It is crucial to keep the blood sugar level in check during pregnancy as unmanaged diabetes can lead to pregnancy complications like preterm birth, preeclampsia, childbirth complication etc.

It is usually resolved through diet and medication, but it leaves the mother susceptible to diabetes in future.

Hyperemesis Gravid arum

It is more commonly known as morning sickness and is extremely common among mothers. It causes nausea and vomiting, especially during the morning hours, however, it can persist throughout the day as well. Often few expecting mothers experience severe morning sickness that requires treatment.


Commonly known as the high blood pressure, is yet another common problem during pregnancy. Unresolved hypertension can lead to severe complications such as preeclampsia, preterm birth, miscarriage, malnutrition baby, placental abruption etc.

At ILS Hospitals, we address every aspect of pregnancy and provide treatment, care, and support through every stage of it. Moreover, we offer other maternity-related services such as family planning, assistance during pregnancy and childbirth and for conception and NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) for critically ill babies. We urge every mother to seek medical help without wasting precious moments.

A Guide To Management And Treatment For Thalassemia

Transmitting Thalassemia by parents carrying thalassemia genes to their children is a horror for such parents. Thalassemia is a genetic blood disorder and is characterized by the abnormal production of hemoglobin in the blood. The blood test can determine the severity of the same. Accordingly, the most effective treatment is sought from the reliable hospitals.

On this 8th May 2018, as we observe World Thalassemia Day, we on behalf of ILS Hospitals, spread awareness regarding its treatment options. But at the onset, we need to understand what are the various kinds of thalassemia patients and how are various treatment done to manage the same. Thalassemia minor are the individuals who are simply carrying the genes of the same, without any major impact on their own life. Whereas Thalassemia major are the individuals who are carrying the genes having a high risk of severe impact.

Thalassemia minor does not require any strict supervision or treatment post its primary evaluation. Thalassemia major with alpha and beta thalassemia must be warned regarding their respective conditions and best possible treatment options. They should also be aware of the closely related conditions such as iron deficiency and anemia so as to avoid misdiagnosis.

Blood transfusion

The most prevalent treatment options for thalassemia major includes a routine blood transfusion. It usually helps to prolong the life. The frequency varies as per the severity of the case, narrowing down to a couple of weeks for some cases. However, many a time, this frequent transfusion might result in the excess iron build up in few organs such as liver, heart etc.


As already mentioned multiple blood transfusions is a widely availed treatment for thalassemia, it often leads to an excess iron build-up in the body. To negate its ill-effects, routine medication is needed. This is usually done as chelation therapy, shots/oral medication of deferoxamine, deferiprone, or deferasirox. There are few side effects associated with each one whose severity varies from person to person.

Bone marrow transplant

As the marrow plays a crucial role in the overall composition of the blood. For very young thalassemia patients, a bone marrow transplant from a suitable donor can prove to be somewhat of a permanent cure for thalassemia, the success rate has been found as high as 80% to 90%.

Therefore, it is recommended for every thalassemia patient and their family to take note of the severity of the same and avail treatment accordingly.

A Brief Introduction to Asthma

Asthma is an illness that results due to the blockage of the airways of the lungs. The severity of the Asthma ranges from mild to severe. A mild episode of asthma can be treated with an asthma pump and over the counter medicine, whereas a major one needs more professional help. It is important to threat and keep a tab on every respiratory illness, particularly Asthma. As we are observing this World Asthma Day on 1st May 2018, we present a brief overview of symptoms of asthma and how it is diagnosed and treated.

The exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide to the lungs happens through the bronchial tubes, the passage to the lungs. Having asthma leads to inflammation of the bronchial tubes to the lungs. The swollen bronchial tubes and muscle make it difficult to facilitate smooth effortless air passage in and out of the lungs.

Possible asthma can be diagnosed by looking for the symptoms of the same. The exact symptoms may vary from person to person, but the most common are as follows-

  1. Chronic coughing or wheezing
  2. Chest pain and tenderness
  3. Shortness of breath
  4. Difficulty sleeping, particularly at night
  5. Whistling sound while breathing out
  6. Fatigue upon exercise

Many of these may arise even without asthma, but seeking the opinion of a doctor is always advisable. It is particularly recommended if the symptom gets prominent right after exercise, crying, laughing, exposure to allergies and during the night. Remember the severity of asthma increases upon the time span of the same, particularly untreated time period.

The diagnosis of asthma includes factors like family history, personal history, at its basics. Then it advances to certain diagnostic tests. These include Spirometry, which estimates the capacity and fictions of the lungs. Several other tests record the effects of particular allergens and stimulants.

On this World Asthma Day, we spread awareness regarding its crucial aspects to every people out there. Asthma cannot be cured permanently once infected. However, it can be managed effectively through medication, and healthy lifestyle. The chances of managing it effectively enhances significantly if the patients seek the diagnosis and treatment at its earliest. Timely measures ensure fewer, less severe attacks in future. Needless to say, the vice versa leads to the exact opposite scenario and can even cause permanent damage to the respiratory system.

Stay Safe By Mitigating Malaria By Following 6 Tips

Malaria is a parasitic infectious disease that mosquito-borne disease that is carried out by the female Anopheles mosquito. Malaria is highly prevalent in the Indian subcontinent and as we are observing World Malaria Day on 25th April, we on behalf of ILS Hospitals, recommend 6 tips to mitigate the possibility of malaria at the first place.

1. Evaluate the risk of malaria

Malaria is not prevalent in every corner of the world, thus, not everyone is at risk of the same. Thereby the measure of the protection you need is entirely dependent on how much risk you are in. So, at first, it is important to evaluate how much risk you are exposed to. The surrounding and the hygiene level plays an important role in it.

2. Stay protected particularly during nights

Mosquitos tend to bite a lot at night more than daytime. The lack of awareness while bitten more frequently during asleep enhances the risk of malaria. You are recommended to install mosquito nets on the window and sleep under mosquito nets, even during the daytime naps.

3. Keep your surrounding clean

You can reduce the chances of malaria significantly by keeping the surrounding clean and avoiding water clogging. Spraying mosquito repellent spray and bleaching powder in the drain and open water bodies.

4. Cover the body properly

You can avoid mosquito bites by keeping your bodies covered all the times. Wearing long sleeves and full-length pants are recommended. Having multiple layered clothes or soaking them in anti-mosquito liquids prior to drying them off furthermore ensures that the mosquitoes bite cannot penetrate the fabric all the way to reach the skin.

5. Use mosquito repellent

Use mosquito repellent sprays to reduce their population in the vicinity. You are also recommended to use creams and lotions on the parts that cannot be covered with the face, palms, feet etc. to mitigate the risks of mosquito bites.

6. Seek medical help, if needed

The incubation period of malaria usually lies between 1-2 weeks. However, it can exceed this period as well. The best way to ensure your health is by getting in touch with a hospital upon having persistent symptoms. In case, the doctor has prescribed any medication, you are advised to complete the medication course, without fail.

By following these simple guidelines, you will be able to stay safe, from malaria.

ILS Hospitals Agartala Improves Lives in the North Eastern Region of India

Medical tourism is a concept when people of one part of the geographical location, moves to others to avail treatment. This is either due to less availability of reliable treatment in their own province or having the high expense in doing so. Either way, it causes a burden on the patient and their family because of several reasons.

Let’s understand how the establishment of ILS Hospitals Agartala in the state of Tripura helped the regional people to avail better quality treatment.

Mr. Subhash Deb Burman a permanent resident of Tripura and a businessman, keeps on moving from place to place throughout the country. Whenever any of his family member or friend falls sick with something severe, he was the person-in-charge to accompany them for their treatment.

As Tripura or Northeast India did not have any state of the art healthcare facility, many a times, he had to travel all the way to the nearest metropolitan city, Kolkata. This extended journey was necessary as several crucial diagnosis and treatment are possible in high-end treatment provider only. However, this journeys used to leave the patients ever more tired and drenched out of energy. Not to mention that it used to lead to extra expenditure, on travel, accommodation and food.

Things finally changed for good, when ILS Hospital Agartala was established in the state of Tripura. Being a multispecialty hospital, it offers extensive diagnosis and treatment of multiple domains. This helped Mr. Deb Burman to access better healthcare facility within proximities.

To his surprise, the facility of ILS Hospitals Agartala was not only one of the best infrastructures in Northeast India but also was equipped with the best equipment and specialized doctors. He could rely on the healthcare facilities entirely. He was so satisfied with the services that he mitigated the thought of traveling out of state ever again.

He not only sought medical help for his family members and friends at ILS Hospitals Agartala but also recommended his clients and other colleagues. After seeking treatment from the same, everyone shared their views as well. The fact that ILS Hospitals in Agartala was a unit of the prestigious ILS Hospitals group, helped to establish trustworthy relation.

ILS Hospitals Agartala stands proud in the state of Tripura and keeps up the good work of ensuring the health and recovery of people of Northeast India and nearby countries such as Bangladesh. It is the heart of the healthcare among the people of this region, as it offers some of the latest treatment for several medical complications.

How to Spot Heat Stroke and Address it on Time

Heat stroke is a common side effect of long exposure of the sun. As the summer is here, and not everyone has the luxury of the working inside an AC office. Thus, many people are forced to work under the sun even at the peak hours of the day. Many people get admitted to hospitals due to the same, as an untreated heat stroke can end up badly. However, identifying them in the initial stage can help it a lot control it.

Let’s understand, what a heat stroke is. Heat stroke is severe injury due to long exposure under heat and radiation. It is considered as a medical emergency and thus timely detection is crucial.

Detecting an imminent heat stroke can be done by looking for other symptoms such as heat cramps, exhaustion, and fainting, but often it may have no previous symptoms, making it quite tricky to identify.

On an average, the following symptoms usually onsets for an imminent heat stroke-

  1. Abnormally high core body temperature
  2. Dizziness, confusion, stammering
  3. Loss of consciousness
  4. Rapid heartbeat
  5. Shallow breathing
  6. Sharp, throbbing headache
  7. Lack of sweat
  8. Muscle cramp and weakness
  9. Seizures
  10. Nausea and vomiting
  11. Dry, red skin

Usually, the heat stroke affects an older individual much more adversely than younger people. However, athlete and sportsperson are highly susceptible to get severely affected by heat strokes as well.

Heat stroke, in its severe form, can cause temporary and permanent damage to the brain cells, along with other organs. Thereby, getting the patient in touch with a healthcare facility is highly recommended. However, the patient could be addressed in the meantime, through any of the following ways as well, to keep the situation under control.

Laying down the patient under the fan and sprinkle water on their body

Immerse the patient under the shower or in the bathtub with cold water

Applying ice packs on armpits, neck, and back, particularly because, the blood vessels are underneath these sites and thus helps to cool down the body more effectively.

Going for an ice bath is recommended for the young patient, who collapse due to over exhaustion, but is otherwise healthy and effective as well. However, the same should never be considered for older and very young patients, as it causes more harm than good.

Seeking a healthcare is still recommended, even if the patients get better after first aid treatment to ensure no long-term damage onsets due to the same. Needless to say, taking adequate precautions is the best way to stay healthy during summer.

Healthy Habits This Summer

After the chilling cold, summer has arrived, and it is going to stay for long. Before this, scorching sun makes you sick and visits hospitals for a variety of reasons, out of which, the heatstroke is the most common. Here we present you some of the healthy habits to follow to stay cool during this hot, humid weather.

1. Always apply sunscreen

In summer, the sun is at its peak for most time of the day. Thus, whether it is the early morning or mid-noon, wearing a sunscreen is very important. The Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of the same depending on the skin type and other factors. To be on the safe side, avoid being out under the sun between the time between 10 am and 4 pm to minimize the UV radiation. In case, one needs to spend hours under the sun, applying sunscreen in an interval of 2-3 hours will be beneficial.

2. Stay hydrated

The most important thing during summers is to stay hydrated. The heat waves, excessive sweats and more frequent bathroom visits can lead to dehydration during this time of the year. Dehydration, if not addressed properly can cause several other problems. To avoid such a thing, it is important to take a lot of water. Apart from regular water, adding fruit with high water is a good option as well. These include cucumber, tomato, watermelon, coconut etc.

3. Eat healthy breakfast

The long shower should never be the reason to skip breakfast, even during summers. Proper nutrition is crucial for proper functioning of the body. A healthy meal of protein-rich food is advised for daily consumption. Persistent skipping of breakfast can cause malnutrition, dehydration and other complication.

4. Plan exercise accordingly

Summer should not pause the exercise regime, but pushing oneself is not advised either. Instead of jogging under the sun, trying it during early morning and evening is recommended. Moreover, working out indoor is more advisable.

5. Wear loose-fitting clothes

Skin infection due to several reasons is quite common in summers. To keep these problems at bay, it is always advised to wear loose fitting clothes in both day and night time. It is also recommended to use cotton clothes. Covering the face and hair is also recommended to reduce direct exposure to sunlight.

So, adapt the healthy habits to enjoy your summer with ice creams and summer breaks. Happy Summer to you!

ILS Hospitals Contributes Towards World Health Day 2018

World health day is a rather special initiative of World Health Organization (WHO) to ensure health awareness in all over the world. Each year, this day is celebrated focusing on a unique theme. For 2018, the theme is Universal Health Coverage. Let’s understand it in details

The World is divided as per many classifications. The most noticeable is the boundaries that separate it in countries. Even though these nations compete with one another to stay in power, there are several aspects they must work together. Health is the most common goal of every civilization.

Each country tries their best to keep its citizens healthy and disease free. But it is crucial to ensure the entire population stays free of severe threats as we live in the era when correspondence between nations is a common thing. The health of any individual nation can be severely affected by the same in another country. The outbreak of Ebola virus in the year 2014 is a painful reminder on our inability to establish a quarantine.

The nature of illness can spread through an outbreak which can either be due to a pathogen or even due to certain environmental factors. Either way being contagious in nature makes it very easy to reach places beyond boundaries of a nation.

This World Health Day 2018, with the motto of Universal Health Coverage, aims to ensure detection, prevention, control and correction of diseases in the global scale. Aspects of studying or being employed in a foreign land is a very common thing, nowadays. Moreover, foreign travel is quite easy due to foreign policy and tourism initiatives.

People often marry and settle abroad as well. Thereby, it is important to eliminate severe threats from the entire face of Earth, because creating a quarantine is always not feasible due to the involvement of diplomacy and political agendas.

Together, the epidemic and outbreaks can be controlled in time, without causing many interruptions the trade and travel around the world. On this World Health Day, we, at ILS hospitals, contributes our health checkup facilities and treatment procedures to ensure the perfect health of as many people as possible. It is not possible for any singular agency to ensure global health. However, every initiative matters, because it fits in the big picture. As it says,

If you take care of small things, the big things will be taken care of itself.

Laugh Out Loud to Enjoy These 5 Health Benefits

Feeling out of breath lately? Google the price of your breathing pump and get it over the Counter.

April fool! Persistent symptoms of respiratory discomfort should be evaluated by a doctor in hospitals to ensure perfect health by timely treatment.

Gave you an unexpected laugh, right? You should laugh, more often, because Life is better when you are laughing. Though we might not find enough reasons or excuses to laugh or make others laugh every day, but 1st April is surely a free pass to do it all day long.

Here we bring 5 reasons to laugh more.

1. Reduce stress

Laughing regularly keep the stress hormone in check. This way the negative impact of stress can be diminished at great extent. Moreover, it strengthens the immunity system of the body.

2. Strengthens the core muscle

A hearty laughter causes contraction and expansion of muscles around the stomach. It resembles very much when one works out in a gym to strengthen their core muscle. Having routine laughter season can contribute towards building a toner chest and abdomen.

3. Keeps blood sugar in check

Laughter keeps the lower high level of blood pressure and keeps it in check. A high blood pressure is often the cause of onset of several medical emergencies and thus having it under control improves many health conditions.

4. Enhances cardiac health

Cardio seasons in a gym is not the only thing that can improve the cardiac health. A good amount of laugh makes the heart pump and burn calories similar to that of cardio exercise. Thus it is beneficial for every individual, particularly the ones who cannot do cardio due to injury or illness.

5. Enhances overall wellbeing

Laughter is something that is shared with loved ones. This evokes the sense of belongingness. It helps to cope up with negative thoughts that is a part of everyday life. Moreover, happiness and laughter can help one recover from illness much effectively than anything else.

Thereby, apart from individual health benefits, laughter can do wonders for your overall health as well. Thus, read jokes to laugh and share them to spread the laughter.

On behalf of ILS Hospitals, we encourage you to make laughter a part and parcel of your life, along with timely diagnosis and treatment.

Laughter is the best medicine. But, if you are laughing without a reason, you need medicine.