5 Most Common Gynecological Disorders

Living with a healthy body and a sound mind is more like a wishful thinking than a reality. There are many illnesses that affect both the genders, but a lot of medical conditions affects the health of women exclusively. Here we present 5 common illnesses, listed by Gynaecologists, that are most prevalent among women.

1. Dysmenorrhea

It is familiar to women as the painful periods. It is often termed the same when the pain reaches to the extent that it interferes the daily life activities. It is of 2 types. The primary dysmenorrhea is a result of disrupted ovulation and menstrual cycle. The secondary dysmenorrhea occurs as a result of some other underlying pelvic illnesses, infections or placement of certain contraceptive means such as copper T etc.


It stands for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and is most prevalent among young women these days. It results in the formation of one or more, often recurring cysts in the ovary. It is due to high hormone production from the ovary and majorly caused by unhealthy lifestyle and stress rather than the influence of family or personal history.

3. Amenorrhea

It is the medical term for the absence of periods in the reproductive age. It is of two types, namely the pathological and physiological. During the pathological amenorrhea, the reason is due to some underlying disease or complications. The physiological Amenorrhea, on the other hand, is termed before the onset of menarche, after menopause and during pregnancy and lactation.

4. Vaginitis

It is the condition that onset due to inflammation and infection in the vagina. It is often seen among young girls having a high rate of infection, usually due to low production of oestrogen. However, it is also found in women of reproductive age group having infections due to microscopic organisms.

5. Fibroids

It is the condition of having single or multiple tumors in the uterus. It is the most common tumor in the female body. Fortunately, most of them are non-malignant is nature and does not cause any threat to the life of the patient. However, it might cause associated conditions like painful menstruation, persistent miscarriages, pelvic diseases, preterm labors etc. Often it is addressed by surgery, depending upon the nature of the tumor.

Happy Womens Day 2018

On this International Women Day’s, we, at ILS Hospitals, encourage every woman out there to take care of their body and seek medical help of gynecologists in time of need.

Why India is Becoming a Hub for Fertility Tourism?

Having a baby is the most important moment for every parent out there. However, not every couple is blessed with having a baby. As per gynecologists, conceiving normally, carrying it to a full term and having a safe childbirth has become a challenge lately for many couples. In such cases seeking medical help becomes inevitable.

Many places have expertise in providing such fertility assistance as compared to others. Traveling to such a place for availing these medical services is called as the fertility tourism, and it belongs to the broader concept of medical tourism. India is becoming a leading hub for fertility treatment for people from all over the world. Here are some of the reasons for the same-

1. Legal liability

Even though having trouble in conception is becoming a global threat, not every country is taking adequate measures to address it. Thereby, seeking help in one’s home country often is not possible. These legal constraints are often seen more in developing nations, where traditional beliefs are given more weight than scientific means or logic. In India, seeking and providing fertility assistance is legal, thereby making the process more safe and transparent.

2. Surrogacy/ donation assistance

Often the couple fails to have a successful conception solely on their own. Thereby it calls out for the need of either/or surrogacy and donation (sperm, eggs etc). After the Supreme Court has made these fertility assistance legal, the availability of personnel ready to provide such assistance has become very high in India.

3. Economical expense

Having a baby is surely joyous, but it is also very expensive at the same time. Having a baby with the medical help adds significant additional budget to the same. Thankfully, in India, the expense of this entire procedure is much affordable as compared to many developed countries. Simultaneously a lesser expense does not imply a poor quality treatment, instead, in India, the successful conception rate has been found much higher as compared to many other fertility tourism hubs.

To make the process even more smooth and transparent, many of the fertility assistance providers offer these services in a package, which is inclusive of the fertility treatment, transportation, charge of surrogacy or donation, and delivery of baby etc.

In a nutshell, India is an excellent place to get medical fertility assistance for the people who face difficulty in conceiving naturally. It enlightens lives of many parents and gives them a new meaning of life.

The Scope and Benefits of Laparoscopic Surgery

The laparoscopic surgery is an advanced surgical technique that overcomes several negative aspects of traditional open surgery. It is also known as MIS (minimally invasive surgery), Band-Aid surgery or Keyhole surgery. It is executed by making few minor incision, instead of making a large slit across the site.

Let’s have a look at few of its aspect and importance in the field of medical science.

The Procedure of Surgery

Though laparoscopic surgery can be executed for several domains, the most common ones are done in the abdominal region. After the anesthesia is administrated, the surgery begins by making a single incision first, through this a cannula in inserted and carbon dioxide is used to inflate the stomach. Though the abdomen does have some of it already, but often extra is pumped in order to make the surgery more convenient.

After the administration of carbon dioxide, the outer layer of the stomach inflates, creating enough working space for carrying out the surgery. Few more incisions are made through which other instruments, camera and light source etc. are inserted. The real-time feed and movements are tracked and displayed on the monitor in the Operation Theater.

Laparoscopic Surgery

The displayed images are of extremely high resolution and can easily be zoomed in and out and moved around for better visual and for carrying out the procedure. The part of the instrument extended outside the body can be moved accordingly to make the desired movement inside. These include making dissecting, stitching, perforating, stapling, collecting and extracting portions of dissected diseased organs.

After the completion of the procedure, nearby organs re-checked for any signs of possible damage or infection. Upon assurance, the instruments are retracted back and the gas is extracted back in order to retain the abdomen, its original shape.

Scope of Laparoscopy

Laparoscopy is a diagnostic as well as a surgical technique which can be used to assist surgeries in the following domains, such as

  1. Gallbladder surgery
  2. Small and large intestine surgery
  3. Orthopedics Surgery
  4. Hernia repair surgery
  5. Liver and pancreas surgery
  6. Appendix surgery
  7. Infertility treatment
  8. Reproductive organ surgery like Hysterectomy

Laparoscopic Surgery

As a diagnostic tool, it is helpful to check several medical aspects, without perforating the organ or making things worse. It is used for the following purpose

  1. To evaluate the effectiveness of any treatment or medication
  2. To evaluate the stage of any disease
  3. To check a polyp or tumor
  4. To release fluid or gas trapped in the abdominal cavity
  5. To collect tissue samples for biopsy

In a nutshell, it is the top-notch surgical approach that is replacing the traditional surgery these days.

4 Ways How Love Can Improvise Your Overall Health

Love, love, and love! With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, that is all you get to hear. You might even be getting sick of hearing about love but it turns out that being in love has its perks too. Let’s take a different approach to love and gather few medically positive aspects of being in love. It might not serve the same purpose as the best heart hospitals, it certainly does add several wonderful aspects in your life.

1. Love makes you psychologically more stable

Love makes you psychologically stable

A happy soul is a key towards a healthier body, and people often find inner strength through their beloved. Moreover, mental issues like hypertension, bipolar disorder, post-traumatic experienced etc. are best resolved along with the company of loved ones. That is the reason why often the presence of the patient’s spouse is also welcomed and encouraged during psychiatric evaluation and consultation.

2. Love makes your heart healthier

Love makes your heart healthier

Once again, the magical words ‘I love you’ would do no good in event of any cardiac emergency and rush to nearest best heart hospital will only save the life. However, as per studies, the happily married/engaged people have been found to have much better cardiovascular health. Moreover, they contribute towards a lower range of blood pressure, ruling out several cardiovascular issues.

3. Love makes post-surgery and recovery much easier

Love makes post-surgery and recovery much easier

Despite being rich, young, healthy and careful, having an illness from time to time, and feeling vulnerable at the same is inevitable. Often the surgical approach becomes the only treatment for several illnesses as well. Dealing with post-surgery care and recovery back to health is more effective with a beloved by the side. The feeling of dependency and reliability contribute significantly towards the overall sense of security and well-being and thus speed up the recovery procedure.

4. Love makes you live longer

Love makes you live longer

Loved ones certainly cannot transfer their years into others lifeline, but it indirectly makes them go for positive changes that yield longevity in a long run for sure. Surviving stored and highly processed food, heavy smoking/drinking, being a couch potato etc. can lead to several illnesses in near future.

Having a spouse or even a lover often brings positive reinforcement in these sedentary lifestyle choices. It encourages to make better choices in terms of diet and other factors. It often reduces the chances of getting engaged in rash behavior such as abuse, rash driving, etc as well. Thus, the person lives an ideal lifespan altogether.

Apart from the stated points, a family also gives a sense of purpose and encourage to invest towards medical needs including screening and medical insurance etc. Overall, it ensures a longevity of an individual with healthier aspects.

Role of Obstetrics in Pregnancy and Childbirth

Obstetrics is a specialized branch of medical science that deals exclusively with pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum period. It mainly deals with three major sections, namely,

Prenatal care, childbirth, and postnatal care. They are the primary healthcare provider staffs a maternity hospital must-have. Let’s understand them each in details

Prenatal Care

Prenatal Care

As the term suggests, it involves care and medication of an expecting mother to help her to carry a safe pregnancy towards a safe childbirth. It is further subdivided into 1st, 2nd and 3rd trimester. The foetal assessment is an important part of the same. It is done by a series of ultrasonography, and if required, amniocentesis.

These routine procedures determine the gestational age of the pregnancy, number of foetus, the position of the baby and the placenta, determining the possibility of an ectopic pregnancy. It is also, a very important tool, to determine the possibility of any congenital abnormalities. It addresses the possible conditions, a patient may suffer during pregnancies such as gestational diabetes, hypercoagulability, high level of the thyroid, and so on.



Duration, risks, and complications associated with labour vary greatly depending upon the type of delivery, and overall health condition of the mother and baby. The obstetrician evaluates the conditions before and during the labour to determine the type (vaginal or caesarean) of delivery each patient needs.

An obstetrician can also induce labour prematurely by various means in case of foetal distress, pre-eclampsia, or any other complications. Some of the complications that need emergency care and often surgical correction are an ectopic pregnancy, placental abruption, pre-eclampsia, uterine rupture, foetal distress, obstetrical haemorrhage, shoulder dystocia, puerperal sepsis, prolapsed cord and so on.

Postnatal Care

Postnatal Care

The obstetrician also provides medical care to the new mother after labour by looking for signs of any possible injury, infection, oedema, dehydration, bleeding, bladder malfunction or bowel movements. He or she also checks the vital signs like pulse, body temperature, blood pressure etc. before discharge.

It also includes tracking the health of the newborn as well. In case the infant needs special health care, the obstetrician may refer to (or accompany too, depending upon the condition of the newborn) Neonatal Intensive Care Unit as well, where, the neonatologists can carry on.

However, not every pregnancy can be carried out to a safe childbirth, as some might undergo a miscarriage or abortion due to various reasons. Obstetrics assist both these procedures as well. In a nutshell, a well-qualified obstetrics is needed in every aspect of a new life emerging.

4 Must-Have Health Screening for Every Woman Above 35 in the New Year

Women always walk the extra mile to ensure the well-being of her family. But unfortunately, they often don’t give the same priority towards their own health. Especially in India, most women seek medical treatment in hospitals helps only when the illness progress to an advanced stage. But by this time, the treatment of the illness becomes somewhat complicated.

Read more4 must-have screening every man in his early 40s should have

To address this problem, we are enlisting these 4 crucial screening that every woman above 35 should do in order to ensure that they can avail the best treatment at the best time.

1. Pelvic screening including PAP smear

As the cervical cancer is one of the leading cause of death, it is important to have regular screening. Even though one should start as young as the mid-20s, or as soon as being sexually active, it is recommended to get screen regularly is compulsory after hitting 30s. The purpose of these tests is to look out for any possible lump, abnormal growth, and any abnormal discharge, that could indicate the possible occurrence of tumor in later stages.

Women Health

2. Breast screening

Apart from cervical cancer, breast cancer torments the health of women as well. Thus a regular screening of breast is highly recommended to take note of any pain, lump, tenderness or discharge from the breast, namely the nipple. This includes an ultra-sonogram and mammogram. Also, a monthly self-breast examination proves to be very helpful as well. The ideal age is early to mid-30s, however, for women with a family history of any breast-related illness, should start even earlier.

Women Health

3. Thyroid test

It is very common for women to experience unexplainable weight gain along with other symptoms such as brittle nails, hair loss/thinning and severe fatigue with aging. Though it could be a result of other factors as well, often it is due to hypothyroidism. Events of life cycle such as menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, lactation, and menopause make women more prone to these consequences as compared to men. Thus, a regular screening can help to deal with the same.

Women Health

4. Bone mineral density screening

Most of the women, particularly after menopause, suffer from osteoporosis, a common illness of low bone density. It results in mild to severe bone weakness and injury that often requires supportive probes or surgery to correct it. The loss of component calcium from the bone makes them brittle and susceptible to damage and injury. Thus, a specialized test DEXA scan, an advanced X-ray diagnosis is advised that estimates the bone strength of the crucial skeleton structure namely the hip, spine, knees, and wrists.

Women Health

Each of these tests has a unique role to ensure the overall well-being of a woman’s health. Most of these screening are available at a reasonable price in several hospitals. Thus, every woman above the age of 35 is highly recommended to undergo the above-mentioned screenings.

4 Screening Every Man Should Have Since His Early 40s

With the process of aging, several body parts become more and more difficult and upon the onset of a severe illness, a long series of treatment begins in hospitals. However, the entire episode of this unpleasant occurrence can be avoided if some people start taking care of their health condition from time to time.

Read more4 Must-have health screening for every woman above 35

Thus, we bring a list of 4 screening every man should regularly have in his late 30s to ensure a good health in his later years.

1. Colon Screening

Colon Screening

The onset of colon cancer among elder men is a very common. Due to age, the regenerative and healing property decreases significantly. Thus early screening can keep the complication at bay, which may occur in the advanced stages. Faecal occult test, Sigmoidoscopy, and Colonoscopy are namely the tests that are usually employed.

Ideally, early 50 is the age for doing the same, but for individuals with family or personal history of inflammatory diseases, polyps, ulcerative colitis etc. should do the test by the age of 40.

2. Prostate Screening

Prostate Screening

Prostate cancer among men is kind of analogous to cervical cancer for women. It claims several lives throughout the world. Because of ignorance and lack of awareness at an early stage, many patients skip screening and eventually at an older stage, suffer severely,

Screening for prostate health include PSA (Prostate Specific Antigen) test and digital rectal examination (DRE)

3. Diabetes Test

Diabetes Test

Despite the fact that diabetes affects both men and women, the symptoms differ significantly. The consequences are more severe in case of men as compared to women. Thus, every man in 40s, if not already affected by diabetes till present, should go for diabetes screen at least annually.

Complicated diabetes can lead to several other complications such as blood clot, urine inconsistence, weakness and possible amputation.

4. Pulmonary and Cardiac Screening

Cardiac Screening

Similar to the previous condition as compared to women, men tend to be more engaged in regular alcohol consumption and smoking. In a long run, it leads to several respiratory and cardiac ailments.

Thus every man in their 40s, who are particularly into drinking and smoking should go for regular screening to ensure the good health of their heart and chest. There are a group of tests that come under this screening.

Apart from the mentioned tests, one can go for additional ones as well, depending on the current health situation. However, the suggested screenings yield the best result for the overall health of the individual.

ILS Hospitals Has Fully Equipped NICU for Every Critically Ill New Born

A nation’s average performance and its position in the global platform depends on several factors. These factors range from education level, per capita income, gross domestic product, health standards and many more.

However, despite the preventive and corrective measure of the government towards the health and well-being, we all fall sick at some point or the other during the course of our lives. Healthcare industry plays an important role in the same. The ILS Hospitals is one of such healthcare partners who ensure that the citizen of India stay in perfect health so that they can contribute towards the overall productivity of the nation.

NICU - ILS Hospitals

Let’s understand the importance of it through a case study of its high-end maternity hospital and NICU.

Mrs. Sangita Mitra, a school teacher of age 32, was expecting twins. She was getting her check-up and medication under an obstetrics close to her residence. He advised her diet and medication and also estimated the due date at 36th week.

Things went smoothly for the first and second trimester. However, during the mid of 29th week, she suddenly felt a sharp pain and contraction. Her family immediately consulted her doctor. He expected it might be a case of a premature delivery. But as he had no access to advanced maternal care and handling premature babies, he recommended them to ILS Hospitals.

When she consulted and scheduled a check up to maternity ward of ILS Hospitals, well-qualified obstetrics admitted her immediately as she was experiencing labor. One of the twins, the baby boy, despite being born prematurely was healthy, but the other baby had certain difficulties. Without wasting precious moments, the doctors admitted the baby to the NICU.

NICU - ILS Hospitals

The baby girl was suffering from respiratory trouble along with instability of heart rate. The doctors were present round the clock to keep a track of her vitals and to provide medical care. After 6 weeks, the baby girl was fit enough to be discharged from the NICU. Due to the timely intervention of medical treatment and care, she was saved from long-term complications.

The NICU of ILS Hospitals is highly capable of handling crisis that could threaten the survivability and complications (both long term and short terms) that a premature baby or critically ill baby may face. Round the year, ILS Hospital’s NICU saves lives of numerous babies.

A Brief Introduction of Stress Fracture

It is very common to find otherwise healthy individuals to seek treatment for bone injury at orthopedic clinics. Though there are many kinds of orthopedic injuries, the stress fracture is the most common one. Let’s have a detailed introduction of the same.

As the name itself suggests, the root cause of the fracture is the stress, mainly the repetitive stress on the same joints over a period of time. In simple words, instead of having a big, severe injury at one go, the stress fracture caused due to repetitive impact of a minor injury over and over again.

Stress fracture starts with a very minute crack in the bone and that is why it is more commonly known as the hairline fracture.

The cause can be as simple as running, jumping or exercise. This kind of orthopedic injury is most common among athletes and sportsperson due to their routine workout and exercise sessions. Moreover, it is more prevalent on the weight bearing, which ensures the structure of the skeleton, bones such as the tibia, metatarsals, and navicular bones. However, rarely, it can be found in pelvis, sacrum, and femur as well.

Stress Fracture

The painful symptoms and side effects associated with stress fractures usually increases with activity level and usually resolves with rest. However, over a long period of time, the symptoms become long lasting and troublesome and needs a thorough treatment to cure it.

To diagnosis, the exact point of onset of a stress fracture is quite tricky. However, an x-ray can show the decay of bone after 3 weeks since the onset of sharp pain. Other diagnostic probes are namely CT scan, MRI, and 3 phase bone scan.

The treatment of stress fracture is offered at several orthopedic clinics all across India, however, it is important to consult the healthcare providers at an early stage itself to make the treatment most effective. Managing early symptoms is the best way to tackle a stress fracture as the advanced stage onsets the recovery time elongates significantly.

Stress Fracture

Medical probes such as walking boot or sticks are particularly helpful as they provide support to the fractured joints. Also, rehabilitation is recommended for those, who need help for muscle strengthening and walking support on a regular basis. Occasionally surgical approach becomes inevitable to address the fracture. It needs to be done under the supervision of a well-qualified orthopedics to ensure the patients recover entirely after the procedure.

7 Common Types of Pelvic Diseases

There are various and sometimes few fatal issues related to our pelvic organ that might affect our lives. An experienced gynecologist can solve most of these if consulted on time.

Pelvic Pain

The most common pelvis related issues are mentioned in the following points:

1. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID): PID is a disease that occurs in the female reproductive organs such as the uterus, ovaries, fallopian tubes, and cervix. It is usually caused due to a sexually transmitted infection (STI) like gonorrhea or chlamydia. PID can also cause serious issues if remained untreated and one might have trouble in getting pregnant or may have persistent pelvic pain throughout.

2. Vulvodynia: Recently, doctors have discovered that pelvic pain may also arise due to muscle tissues and irritation in nerves, which they specifically named as Vulvodynia. It has no definite reason of cause but it might occur due to previous yeast infection, soreness, dehydration, chronic stress, and depression. Pain or burning may be around external vagina walls, G-spot and so forth.

3. Endometriosis: It is a condition where an abnormal endometrial tissue grows in a place outside the uterus. Even this disease have no specific reason for a cause but if not treated may lead to infertility. The pain will occur during intercourse, urination or bowel movements.

4. Primary dysmenorrhea/Menstrual Cramps: Commonly, we are all aware of the cramp during the menstrual periods but if it exists even after 7 days, it is possible that the pain could be also the reason of some other issues. Usually, menstrual cramps occur due to irregular bleeding or spotting.

5. Urinary Incontinence: It is one of the most common pelvic diseases that are found in women and also in men. It is especially found in women. It may happen due to many reasons such as stress incontinence, urge, and overflow, mixed, functional and sometimes gross total incontinence.

6. Pelvic Congestion Syndrome: PCS is one of the common syndrome found among the women under the age of 45 who have gone through 2 or 3 pregnancies. It is very rare in women with no pregnancy record.

7. Infections: The most common type of pelvic disease also includes vaginal infections. There a quite a number of different infections that are faced by the female at least for once in their lifetime. This includes infections such as Yeast infection, Bacterial vaginosis, Trichomonas, etc.

Therefore, these are the few common types of pelvic or vaginal related disease that might trouble a woman’s life. If you show symptoms or is suffering from any of the above-mentioned diseases, feel free consult a certified and highly experienced Gynecologists to provide you the best service with proper guidance.