Why Would You See A Neurologist?

A neurologist is a medical expert who specializes in diagnosing and treating issues related to the brain, muscles, nerves, and spinal cord. Suppose you are experiencing symptoms related to the same that started appearing suddenly and are now causing a debilitating impact on your daily schedule. In that case, it’s the right time to visit the best neurologist in Kolkata.

Several symptoms can be tell-tale signs that you need a consultation with a neurologist for further testing and examination. Some of these symptoms might seem benign and common, but if they turn severe and are persistent, we would advise scheduling a visit with a neurologist as soon as possible.

1 – Headache 

This is a common symptom but is aso highly ignored by most people. We all suffer from headaches; that’s common, but what gets concerning is when your headaches become so severe that you can’t function normally anymore. 

Suppose you deal with headaches more than four times a month and pop over-the-counter medicines frequently to deal with these headaches. Also, if your headaches are fatiguing, you are dealing with migraines, or come with other neurological symptoms like nausea, dizziness, or a vision change, you need to schedule an appointment with a neurologist. 

2 – Dizziness

If you have been experiencing vertigo or dizziness for more than a couple of days, you should get examined by a neurologist. You can experience dizziness due to several factors, such as high blood pressure, anxiety, stress, and imbalance in the inner ear. The best neurologist in Kolkata will perform a few neurological tests to make a correct diagnosis. 

3 – Unexplained Seizures

Having a seizure is usually more subtle than what people think it to be, dropping on the ground and convulsing violently. Seizure symptoms can vary, but having any seizure is a concerning issue and must be examined immediately by a neurologist.

Some of the seizure symptoms include daydreaming spells where a person stops responding, shaking the body, disorientation, loss of bladder control, and stiffening of the body. A neurologist can examine you and diagnose whether the seizure is due to epilepsy or some other problems such as meningitis, stroke, or kidney failure. An untreated seizure can be harmful, leading to severe brain damage.

4 – Loss Of Sensation Or Weakness Of Muscles

Numbness or loss of sensation in any part of the body is usually harmless if it’s short-term. However, if they occur suddenly and persistently, you need to get the same examined by a neurologist. If you lose the sensation of touch, change in temperature, vibration or pain, a consultation with your doctor immediately is recommended. 

Similarly, experiencing weakness of muscles after a hard workout or a physical activity is common and not harmful. But if you experience it for no reason or frequently, it’s a worrisome situation. 

 A neurologist will check several factors such as the strength of your handgrip, history of numbness in your family, how long you have been experiencing the symptoms, whether you are facing foot drop, is there lingering numbness/ weakness after an injury before he makes a diagnosis.


If you have been facing any of the above symptoms, it’s highly advised that you schedule a visit at https://www.ilshospitals.com/ with the best neurologist in Kolkata immediately. He will help identify the cause of the symptoms and make a treatment plan for you that can benefit you immensely.

All You Need To Know About Angiograms

Angio means blood vessels related, whereas gram refers to a picture. Angiograms are tests conducted by doctors to find narrow or blocked arteries. Arteries are not visible on normal X-rays. Hence contrast dyes are used to make them visible. Getting angiography in Kolkata is an easy process with very few complications involved.

If your doctor has recommended you to get an angiography done and you are looking for all the information related to it, you have come to the right place. We have pooled for you all the information related to angiography, from the basics to the important bits usually ignored and which no one talks about.

Why Are Angiograms Done?

As already stated above, angiograms are done to find blocked arteries or find reasons for unexplained chest pain. It can also be done in case of 

1 – Heart attack

2 – Heart failure

3 – To find out the source of internal bleeding

4 – To determine the renal artery’s quantity, location, and condition in case of a kidney transplant.

5 – Detect any other problem happening to the patient’s blood vessels.

Procedure Of Angiogram

1 – Before you are prepped for angiography in Kolkata, the medical team reviews your medical history and checks your blood pressure and other vital signs. 

2 – It’s usually advised not to eat or drink anything the night before the surgery. 

3 – You will be changed in a hospital gown, and you have to lie on the x-ray table, where sedatives will be given to you through an IV line inserted in your veins.

4 – A tiny incision will be made through which dye will be inserted into your arteries to make them visible. You might experience slight discomfort when the dye is injected, but it would be manageable. In case it is causing you too much discomfort, let the doctor know about it.

5 – Once the dye is injected, the doctor would discover any blockage easily. Any further action would be decided accordingly.

6 – The whole process can take about 45 minutes to one hour. Once the process is completed, you will be taken back to the recovery area, where you will be monitored for a couple of hours.

7 – You can be discharged on the same day, or in some cases, asked to stay overnight in the hospital. It is advised to consume a lot of fluid to get the dye out of your body. 

When To Call Your Doctor?

Once your angiogram is done, you will recover quite easily. But in the following cases, please don’t hesitate to give your doctor a call:

1 – You have a fever or show signs of infection

2 – You face breathlessness or sudden chest pain

3 – At the incision site, you feel continuous increasing pain.

4 – There is numbness or weakness at the incision site


An angiogram is an easy procedure that is mostly painless. You should not be worried about getting angiography in Kolkata done since the procedure comes with minimal risk, and the recovery process is easy and discomfort-free. In most cases, the report is made available within a day by the doctor, after which a further treatment plan is decided. You can browse through https://www.ilshospitals.com/ and schedule an appointment if you want to get an angiography in Kolkata. 

A Patient’s Guide On Total Knee Replacement

Is the constant knee pain preventing you from finishing even the daily regular chores? Is the discomfort affecting the quality of your life? If you answered yes to both the questions, it’s time you consider knee replacement surgery. If you are wondering what precautions to take and how to get knee replacement surgery in Kolkata hassle-free, we have the right resource for you.

Knee replacement surgery is a simple surgery where the femur’s end and tibia (shin bone) is replaced with metal and plastic parts. A knee replacement surgery will help you move your knee more freely, reduce your pain significantly and even end it, and remove any stiffness that you have been experiencing in your knee.

When To Opt For Knee Replacement Surgery?

A knee replacement surgery is recommended when all the traditional treatment methods fail to relieve the patient. Usually, two requirements need to be fulfilled to qualify for replacement surgery. The first is whether the loss of cartilage is significant enough. The surgeon can determine this by inspecting the X-ray of your knee.

The second requirement is whether the loss of cartilage is debilitating enough to have an adverse impact on the quality of your life. If the surgery is not done, the problem will escalate and affect your hip joints, making you immobile. 

Precautions to take before you go for knee replacement surgery


It is advised for the patients to stop smoking at least 8 weeks before the replacement surgery. Avoiding smoking during recovery is also insisted on having an easy recovery without any complications.


Similar to smoking, it is also advised that you stop consuming alcohol at least a week before the surgery and during the recovery process.


A healthy diet is necessary as your body needs nutrition to recover from the surgery easily. Unless instructed, one should not eat or drink anything the night before the surgery after 10 p.m.


There is no restriction regarding doing exercise before or after the surgery. In fact, exercise will keep your bone healthy, increase the flexibility of your joints and make the muscles surrounding the joints stronger. 

Precautions To Take After Your Knee Replacement Surgery


It is advised to drink plenty of fluid and water after the surgery. Have frequent meals, even if you do not feel like it. You must have small meals at least five times a day to keep your body strong.


Do light exercises as taught by the physiotherapist after having knee replacement surgery in Kolkata. Constantly use your crutches while walking or moving around.

Pain And Other Problems

You might experience pain, stiffness, and other discomforts after the surgery. You might also experience constipation and feel a decrease in the energy level. Ensure that you are taking pain medication as prescribed by your surgeon.


Getting knee replacement surgery in Kolkata might seem like a daunting task to many. But if you take the necessary precautions and follow the necessary instructions given by the surgeon, the whole process gets much easier and manageable. Remember that the earlier you get the surgery, the higher the success rate. For any issues related to knee replacement surgery in Kolkata, you can visit https://www.ilshospitals.com/.

What Exactly Is Causing Your Chest Pain?

If you are experiencing chest pain, it is a cause of concern and shouldn’t be ignored. Chest pain doesn’t always mean a person has a heart attack, and there are several reasons it might occur. But it should always be taken seriously, and you should visit a chest pain specialist as soon as it ensues, no matter how mild it may seem to be.

Being worried about your chest pain is a valid concern. It’s a symptom that can arise due to various conditions. Read on to find out what is causing you the chest pain and when is the right time to visit a doctor.

Different Causes Of Chest Pain

1 – Heart Attack

A heart attack occurs due to blockage in arteries and can feel like a sharp pain or tightness around your chest. You may also experience nausea, breathlessness, and a lump in your throat, along with the pain. Generally, this is a serious concern and might require bypass surgery. If you think you have a heart attack, you should seek medical help immediately.

2 – Anxiety 

Anxiety-related chest pains are usually mistaken for other conditions. The intensity of the pain can vary from one person to another, while for some, it is persistent throbbing pain; for others, it might feel like a stabbing pain that doesn’t allow them to breathe. Even though anxiety-related chest pain is not life-threatening, you shouldn’t ignore it and pay a visit to the chest pain specialist.

3 – Angina

Angina refers to a medical condition where chest tightness or pain due to a lack of blood flows to the heart. Angina can occur due to several reasons, including strenuous physical activity, stress, or being exposed to cold temperatures for too long. The pain of angina is not a sharp pain; instead, it can be described as more pressure at the centre of the chest. The pain usually lasts for around 10 minutes and goes away on its own.

4 – Collapsed Lung

Collapsed lung occurs when the air sneaks into the space between the lung and the ribcage. The pressure causes the lung to collapse, leading to chest pain, amongst other symptoms. Some other symptoms of the collapsed lung include breathlessness, fatigue, and skin colour turning blue. Collapsed lung needs immediate emergency medical attention and can turn dangerous if it remains untreated for a long time.

5 – Pleurisy

Pleura are two layers of tissue that separate your lungs from the rib cage. When the pleura inflames, one gets pleurisy which causes shooting chest pain. This chest pain gets worse when the person breathes or coughs. 

6 – Hiatal Hernia

Hiatal hernia, unlike other hernias, does not cause a bulge but instead causes symptoms like acute chest pain, acid reflux, and heartburn. Hiatal hernia can be treated by making a few lifestyle changes and taking medications prescribed by the doctor.


Chest pain is a serious symptom that indicates some serious underlying issue. The first course of action when you experience chest pain is to visit a chest pain specialist at https://www.ilshospitals.com/ who will determine the cause of the pain and then conclude a treatment plan for you.

Choosing A Child Specialist For Your New Baby

Getting pregnant and being new parents come with a whole set of responsibilities. From deciding on the color of the nursery to selecting the baby’s name, the list seems to be never-ending. But one of the major responsibilities that should top the list of your priorities is choosing the best child specialist in Kolkata for your new baby. 

In the first year of your baby’s life, you will visit that doctor frequently for several reasons, ranging from fevers, and vaccinations to diaper rashes. And this is why you must choose the child specialist with utmost care and gather necessary information before deciding if the doctor is right for your newborn kid and family.

Right Approach In Choosing A Child Specialist For Your New Baby

1 – Do Your Research

When searching for a child specialist for your kid, it is advised that you visit the doctor’s office once and interact with the doctor as well as the nurses and the office staff before making a decision. It would help if you then tried to consider the following factors:

  1. What was the waiting time at the child specialist’s office?
  2. How was the office staff’s behaviour? Were they helpful and patient with your questions?
  3. How was the waiting room environment? Was it pleasant and kid-friendly? Or was it crowded and chaotic?
  4. Was the doctor-patient with your questions?
  5. Did he listen to your concerns and give appropriate time to you?

2 – Interact With Other Parents

You should interact with other new parents to determine the child specialist they are going to and their experience with him/her. Usually, the best recommendations come from family, friends, and people you trust; hence, you shouldn’t feel awkward while asking around. However, it is always advised to do your research before choosing the best child specialist in Kolkata.

3 – Interview The Child Specialist

This is probably one of the factors that new parents hesitate to go through with. However, interviewing the doctor is the best way to determine if he is a good fit for you and your kid and comfortable with his/her approach. Getting to know the doctor beforehand is also essential as it will make you understand how receptive he is towards your questions and concerns. 

4 – Location, And Hours Of The Child Specialist’s Office

Before selecting a child specialist, you need to make sure that his/her office is located closer to your home. Usually, this will make frequent travel easier with your baby. Further, this will also be of significance if your child gets sick unexpectedly and needs emergency care. The clinic’s hours are also an essential factor as many working parents prefer to go to a clinic that provides services during weekends or extended hours during weekdays.


Newborn kids spend a lot of time with their doctors; hence, you must choose them with utmost care and due diligence. While making the important decision to select the best child specialist in Kolkata for your kid, consider the above-given factors. But most importantly, trust your instincts and then choose a doctor from a reputable hospital like https://www.ilshospitals.com/, who are not only skilled, but also most comfortable interacting with. 

What Age Can I See A Gynaecologist?

Gynecologists are trained medical professionals in the field of female reproductive health. To be precise, if you are a woman or someone with female reproductive organs and anywhere between 14 to 45 years old, you can visit a gynecologist hospital in Kolkata. The visit can be a part of a regular check-up that one should do or some symptoms you have been experiencing.

Read on if you wonder why a visit to the gynecologist is considered critical for your health and what they can help you with.

What Age Is The Right Age To See A Gynaecologist?

There is no right age to visit a gynecologist. Once you turn 20, it is advised that you visit your doctor every year for a regular exam, which would generally be a pap smear and a pelvic examination. However, if you were sexually active before you turned 20, you should also make a yearly visit to the gynecologist.

If you are pregnant, regular check-ups are needed to confirm the pregnancy and determine what diet to maintain, what exercises to do, precautions to take, medicines and prenatal vitamins to take, and so on.

When To See A Gynaecologist For Other Symptoms?

1 – Irregular Period

Irregular periods can happen due to a plethora of reasons like stress, poor diet, PCOS, anorexia, and hyperthyroidism. It’s always recommended to seek consultation from a gynecologist when you are facing irregular periods. Whatever be the cause of it, a doctor can chalk out a treatment plan which could include recommending medications and certain lifestyle changes that can help regularise your periods.

2 – STD Testing

If you have had sexual intercourse lately without protection with a non-exclusive partner, you should get yourself tested for STD as soon as possible. A good gynecologist hospital in Kolkata will ask for your symptoms, take your blood or urine sample, and if you are tested positive, provide you with medications to treat and manage the same. Please note that not all STDs show symptoms; hence if you are in doubt the best course of action would be to visit your doctor.

 3 – Gain In Weight

If you have gained weight recently without any change in diet or physical activity, it could be a hormonal imbalance. PCOS is the leading cause of weight gain in women, and even though there is no treatment for it, managing PCOS can help treat symptoms associated with it, primarily weight gain. 

4 – Painful Periods

A little discomfort or cramps during periods is normal, but when it becomes too severe to handle, it’s time to schedule an appointment with your gynecologist. The pain could be due to forming of ovarian cysts, fibroids, or endometriosis, which is the building up of extra tissues in your uterus. The above conditions require immediate medical attention, which a trained and experienced gynecologist could only provide.


It’s usually recommended that you start visiting a gynecologist annually once you turn 20. While choosing a gynecology hospital in Kolkata, make sure that the doctor has relevant experience, is open-minded, answers all your questions, and does not make you feel awkward about your sexual history or for any other reason. If you search for the best gynecologist hospital in Kolkata, then https://www.ilshospitals.com/ is the name you can trust!       

Different Types Of Hernia & Their Treatment

A hernia is one of the most common surgeries faced by adults. It happens when the tissue pushes itself through the muscle where it is held, resulting in a bulge. While most hernias happen in the abdomen region, a few can happen in the groyne, upper chest, and so on. Hernia surgery in Kolkata is a relatively simple surgery performed after giving local anesthesia and comes with minimum to zero risks.

If you are wondering if you have got a hernia, one of the major symptoms is a bulge near the abdomen area that causes pain. While the pain may go away when you lie down, it worsens when you are standing, doing exercise, or lifting heavy objects. The pain might initially start but can become severe if the hernia is left untreated.

Types Of Hernia And Treatment Involved

1 – Inguinal Hernia

This is the most common type of hernia and occurs in men 25 times more than in women. It occurs in the groyne area and is of two types. 

  • Direct inguinal hernia occurs in an area where the abdomen walls are a bit thinner. The direct inguinal hernia usually happens in middle and old age as abdomen walls weaken with time.
  • Indirect inguinal hernia occurs in the inguinal canal near the groyne area. Even though this path is closed generally before birth, it becomes a site for the development of hernia later. 

2 – Femoral Hernia

This hernia affects more women than men and occurs as a result of childbirth, because of which there is weakness in the lower groyne area. This weakness leads to the drop of the intestinal sac in the femoral canal, causing a hernia.

3 – Umbilical Hernia

An umbilical hernia occurs near the belly button and is most commonly seen in children born prematurely; however, this hernia can also occur in adults. 

4 – Incisional Hernia

This hernia happens due to some surgery near the abdomen that required an incision, which resulted in the weakening of the abdomen muscles.

5 – Epigastric Hernia

Above the navel and below the rib cage lies the epigastric region where the epigastric hernia occurs. This type of hernia rarely causes pain and can only be felt when a person coughs, laughs, or strains his bowels.

6 – Hiatal Hernia

This type of hernia is slightly different from the others, as the stomach is involved instead of the intestines. It occurs when the stomach bulges in the chest through the diaphragm. This hernia doesn’t cause any bulge, and its main symptoms include regurgitation of food, GERD, and heartburn.


While the hiatal hernia can be treated with medication, surgery is the only option to treat other types of hernias. It can be an open surgery where an incision is made in the abdomen and groyne area, and the bulge is pushed back into the peritoneum. The second type of surgery is laparoscopic surgery. Several cuts are made in the abdomen, and tools are inserted (laparoscope from one incision and surgical instruments from another incision) to repair the hernia.


If a hernia is left untreated, it grows in size, causing greater discomfort and even cutting off blood supply to the tissue. Thus, it is advised to schedule hernia surgery in Kolkata as soon as you notice the symptoms. For more information regarding hernia surgery in Kolkata, visit https://www.ilshospitals.com/.

What Are The Treatments For An Enlarged Prostate

If you are visiting the bathroom due to an excess urination problem or facing some problem in the urine stream, then there can be a possibility that you are suffering from an enlarged prostate. For such prostate-related health issues, men should always opt for prostate treatment in Kolkata. It is found in a recent study by the National Kidney & Urologic Disease Information Clearinghouse that approximately 50% of the men out of 100 suffer from an enlarged prostate.

Symptoms & Causes 

Men urinate from the bladder, which again comes from the urethra. It is often found that a noncancerous BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) often causes the prostate to enlarge and block the urine flow. These cells tend to multiply and block the urine passage more, causing enlarged prostate. 

If you are noticing the following symptoms, immediately rush for prostate treatment in Kolkata:

  • Weak urine flow
  • Difficulty or pain during urination
  • Many times, visiting the restroom
  • Dribbling of flow
  • Straining or pressurizing to urinate
  • An urgent need for urination within fewer time intervals

Treatment For Enlarged Prostate

Depending on the severity of your prostate symptoms, the treatment process begins. Doctors check if any life risk is related to it and then begin the treatment of BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) prostate.


Often doctors recommend FDA-approved drugs in the initial days of prostate enlargement in patients. These medicines work to either stop the growth of noncancerous cells in the enlarged prostate or shrink the overall size of the prostate.


For relieving the pain or other symptoms, this is an effective drug. However, it is not used for shrinking the size of the enlarged prostate. The drug also helps to soothe the muscles around the bladder for easy urine flow. You will see improvement in the symptoms after using this drug for a day or two.

-5 Alpha Reductase Inhibitors 

The drugs are commonly used for shrinking the size of the prostate. Once you consume this medicine, it starts working on the hormone called DHT or dihydrotestosterone, which is primarily responsible for the growth of the prostate size. However, this medicine takes time to work, but it helps improve the flow of your urine.

No Surgery No Pain Treatment For Prostate

If you find that medication is not helping you to treat and relieve the enlarged prostate, then you can visit the doctor for treatment without any surgery. In a doctor’s office, several types of heat energy are produced to treat the prostate.

-TUMT (Transurethral Microwave Therapy)

If the doctors find that you are suffering from moderate or mild symptoms like less urination flow, straining, or urgency to go to the bathroom for urination, then they will start this therapy. With the computer-generated heat waves, the tissues surrounding the prostate are destroyed. 

-TUNA (Transurethral Radiofrequency Therapy)

With anaesthesia, small needles are put in the prostate directly for transmitting high-frequency radio waves. For this therapy, you do not have to get admitted to the hospital. There can be some side effects after this therapy is performed, but it reduces in a few weeks.

Prostatic Stents

To open the urethra wide, doctors often insert stents directly. For this purpose, previously, the patient got spinal anaesthesia. However, it is observed that most doctors do not find stents useful as compared to other treatments. It leads to many side effects in the patient’s life.

Surgical Process

Prostate surgery usually relieves pain and other symptoms faster compared to other methods. However, you should always consult with your doctor first before opting for surgery. Mainly Transurethral resection of the prostate or TURP surgery is done by the doctors for enlarged prostate. It is less traumatic and cures within a few weeks.

Another surgical process called transurethral incision of the prostate or TUIP is performed where small cuts are done on the prostate tissues without removing them. 

Doctors also suggest going for laser surgery treatment where the prostate tissues are destroyed with the laser waves. You may have to stay in the hospital for this surgery. Moreover, you will be under anaesthesia while the surgery takes place. You will get immediate relief from your enlarged prostate after this treatment.


Every man does not require BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) medication or surgery. For mild symptoms, you can go for a self-caring method like exercising, staying active, water consumption, etc. Always talk to your doctor before opting for prostate treatment in Kolkata. For further queries related to prostate treatment in Kolkata, please contact us at https://www.ilshospitals.com/.

What Could Be The Potential Cause of Chest Pain?

Have you ever felt a deep stabbing pain in your chest or continued discomfort around the chest area? It is time for you to consult a chest pain specialist soon. Do not worry, these pains are not always dangerous. Several causes can create chest pain. 

However, most of us predict that chest pain is a result of heart-related problems. In this article, we see some of the possible reasons that cause chest pain.

Different Causes Of Chest Pain 

In case you are facing severe chest pain, you should rush to a chest pain specialist immediately. A few probable causes for chest pain are listed below;

Muscle strain 

Often muscle pull or inflammation around the ribs causes chest pain. If it grows severe, it can result in muscle spasms. Mostly working out or lifting heavy weight leads to such chest pain.

Rib Injury

In any situation, if you get any injury due to an accident, mainly on the chest or rib area, it can cause chest pain. Due to a broken rib also, any individual can feel a sharp pain in the chest.

Peptic Ulcers 

The stomach lining contains peptic ulcers. If you are going through any stomach disorder, this pain can go up to the chest.

Gastric Issues (GERD)

Gastroesophageal reflux disease or GERD is a common reason for chest pain. The food substance does not get digested properly in the stomach, and often, it is pushed upward, causing pain. Moreover, you may feel nausea and a sore throat.


The shortness of breath, wheezing, and continuous coughing are a tendency of acute asthma. It can gradually increase with sharp chest pain and causes inflammation or rough blockage in the throat area. 

Lung Collapse

When air space is found between the ribs and lungs, it causes tremendous pressure on the chest. Again, due to collapsed lungs, you can feel the fast heartbeat, shortness of breath, and tiredness. Immediately consult a nearby chest specialist. 

In this context, you should know chest pain can also occur due to pneumonia. You may feel sharp chest pain along with fever and cough. Tuberculosis is mainly a bacteria that can cause chest congestion inside the lungs with severe pain.


When the rib cage gets inflammation, it causes costochondritis. In this condition, a person can feel discomfort or pain in the chest area during any physical activity like walking, lying, or even sitting.

Disorder Of Esophagus 

Oesophagus disorders are primarily the result of problems in the food pipe. Again, the hypersensitive oesophagus is caused due to formation of acid in the food pipe. In both of these situations, a person can feel chest pain.

Panic or Anxiety

Often depression, stress, anxiety, and panic attacks can cause chest pain. You may feel tiredness, shortness of breath, with a high heartbeat due to this. 

Heart Attack

For heart attacks, you may feel chest pain with other salient symptoms such as pain in the jaw and back, weakness, and shortness of breath. There can be other heart-related conditions leading to chest pain such as Angina. Due to Angina, you can feel a squeezing in your heart area. It mainly occurs when the blood cannot flow smoothly to your heart.

Inflamed heart or Myocarditis is the same as a heart attack but causes chest pain. However, you may feel feverish and have a racing heartbeat during this condition.

When Should You Consult A Doctor?    

If your chest pain is new or lasting for hours, you should immediately visit the nearby hospital. Consider the following symptoms before going to the doctor;

-A crushing pain in the chest and breastbone

-The chest pain moving towards the left arm and jaw area

-Rapid heartbeat 

-Confused state of mind


Always remember prevention is better than cure. Hence, if you face any pain around your chest area and it does not cure you by taking antacid medicines, consult the nearby chest pain specialist at https://www.ilshospitals.com/ immediately.

Know The Difference Between A Diabetologist & An Endocrinologist?

Over time, due to our lifestyle and junk food consumption, diabetes has emerged as a common disease. Moreover, it is not restricted to any specific age group. Diabetes, if not treated properly, can result in other illnesses such as stroke, obesity, heart attacks, etc. Therefore, it is essential to consult a diabetologist in Kolkata or an endocrinologist for regular follow-up and treatment in the early diabetic stage.

Types Of Diabetes 

Mainly you will notice Diabetic Mellitus in patients, and it is a result of increased blood pressure. If you face early symptoms of diabetes or high blood pressure, then rush to the nearby diabetologist in Kolkata. The common types of diabetes are listed below;

Type 1 Diabetes

Type 1 Diabetes is a condition where insulin secretion destroys the pancreas cells. This type of diabetes is also called autoimmune disease, and it happens in around 10% of patients.

Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes happens in the human body when you have high insulin resistance. Therefore the sugar-building capability of your body also increases.


Prediabetes is a state where the sugar level in the blood is on the higher side compared to the normal range. However, this type of diabetic condition does not need a high-rated diagnosis like type 2 diabetes.

Gestational Diabetes

Gestational diabetes is commonly found in pregnant women. The placenta produces hormones that block the insulin, and the patients suffer from high sugar levels. However, after delivery, this condition improves. 

Opportunities For Endocrinologist

An endocrinologist works in separate clinics, mostly in the emergency section. They treat patients suffering from endocrine problems. In general, it is found that an endocrinologist receives more salary in private hospitals and nursing homes than the government ones. Again, if endocrinologists have immense experience, they can earn a lucrative amount from private patient consultation. Several health care providers also recruit endocrinologists.

The Key Difference Between Diabetologist & Endocrinologist

Endocrinology is a fast process of the internal medicinal branch. It covers the entire endocrine syndrome that the human body suffers. In an endocrine system, the following organs are covered like the pancreas, pituitary, thyroid, adrenal, parathyroid, and gonadal glands. In addition to these, the gastrointestinal organs are also included. 

Endocrinal disorders happen in the human body due to extreme or very less production of hormones by the endocrinal glands. 

Therefore, there is no clear difference between the diabetologist and endocrinologist. However, an endocrinologist deals with the treatment of beta cells present in the pancreas of the human body. For any endocrinology-related issues, you can consult an endocrinologist, but a diabetologist treats only the patients who have diabetes.

To become an endocrinologist, you need a D.M degree in endocrinology. On the other hand, for a diabetologist, you will require an MD degree in Medicine (General). Both endocrinologists and diabetologists are physicians, but their entire treatment process is different.


If you face health issues like frequent urination, a slow healing process of cuts, dark skin patches, tiredness, and increased thirst, it can be an early sign of diabetes. Do not waste any more time and get treated correctly by the best diabetologist in Kolkata at https://www.ilshospitals.com/.