How to manage gastric problems during pregnancy?

Gas formation during pregnancy is quite natural and frequent too. You are not alone, and there is nothing to be embarrassed about. It is common to feel bloated when pregnant as your body is undergoing many changes. The digestive problems can range from feeling uncomfortable to severe stomach pain. The two culprits are hormones and diet, which causes a bloating effect and gastric problem during pregnancy and after childbirth.

Thus, there is no embarrassment to talking about it as everyone releases gas. Gas formation is quite natural as there are bacterias in the stomach that break down the food and release the gas in your body. 

However, if the gas troubles are bothering you, we have some remedies that can help you for the time being. Subsequently, seek advice from your doctor before starting any new gas relief practice.

Why is there the excessive formation of gas when you are pregnant?

Your body goes through many changes during pregnancy, starting from weight gain, hormonal changes, changes in the reproductive organ and more. All these create discomfort in digestion and the formation of gas in comparison to the normal body processes.

Release of progesterone

The most common reason for gas formation is the hormone progesterone which is released in excess amounts triggering the production of gas. Progesterone is required to support pregnancy as it helps in the relaxation of the body muscles, including the intestines. 

Thus, the digestion process slows down, resulting in the building up of gas, leading to bloating, flatulence and burping. This seems to be quite uncomfortable, but your body needs to absorb more nutrients for the growing baby by slowing down the movement of food.

Pressure on the abdominal cavity

During the changing phases of pregnancy, the pressure on the abdominal cavity increases when you reach the third trimester. This is created due to the growth of the uterus leading to the gastric problem during pregnancy.

Change in diet

Food contributes to being the major reason behind the development of gas when you are pregnant. You need to eat a lot to feed the growing baby and, along with it, depend on prenatal vitamins and iron components which causes constipation. These changes in food habits lead to gas formation, which is released frequently.

Emotional stress

Anxiety and stress are part and parcel of pregnancy. You might find yourself to be emotionally distressed, feeling depressed or even going through short-term panic. So, it can lead to more intake of air which triggers gas formation.

Lactose intolerance

Pregnant women are often advised to drink milk as the body requires enough nutrients for both mother and baby. If you haven’t had a glass of milk for years, it becomes very difficult to determine whether you’re lactose intolerant. If you cannot tolerate a glass of milk, gas formation and painful diarrhea are quite common.

Ways to combat the gas formation 

Proper gas formation management is very important for a comfortable and painless pregnancy.

Add plenty of water to your diet

You must drink 8 ounces of water every day. Also, check whether you have irritable bowel syndrome, which causes bloating whenever you drink any kind of juice. Usually, juices that have low FODMAP are considered. You must also check on sugar intake levels, such as soda, as it induces gestational diabetes.

Try ginger or peppermint tea

You can try ginger tree or peppermint tea, as both have been known to ease stomach discomfort or digestive problems. Take your time, enjoy the beverage and drink at a slow pace. Thus, you are taking in an extra amount of air with each sip. These little habits can help to reduce the stress on gas formation.

Exercise daily 

Take a brisk walk or try yoga for at least 30 minutes. This will help you to stay emotionally and physically stable. It will prevent constipation and gas formation. Further, daily activities also speed up the digestion process and prevent the feeling of bloating. But, you need to learn how you can exercise safely. If you are in the third trimester of pregnancy, always consult with the gynecologist before you start any exercise regime.

Maintain a healthy diet 

A balanced diet during your pregnancy helps to eliminate gas symptoms that are triggered by certain food. Yes, you indeed need to gain weight during pregnancy, so do not restrict your diet and eat fully. However, try to eliminate foods such as cabbage, potato, broccoli, nuts, etc., as these trigger the gas buildup. You can also consult with the dietician before incorporating a new food item into your diet, as it might risk your and your baby’s health. Always remember during pregnancy, you and your baby both require proper nutrition.

Add dietary fiber to your menu 

Fiber helps soften the stool by retaining water, allowing passage of stool easily and managing constipation. You can add high fiber foods to ease the gastric problem in pregnancy or also consider fruits and whole grains, which are fiber boosters. If you do not like high-fiber food, consult a doctor for an alternative supplement such as methylcellulose, Metamucil etc.

Rely on a stool softener

It is quite natural to feel constipated during pregnancy. So, adding a gentle stool softener can help regulate stool passage and control the formation of gas. However, you must not use any stimulant laxative as it can increase complications and add risk to the baby’s health.

Medications prescribed for gastric problems during pregnancy

You should not opt for over-the-counter medicines during pregnancy. Always consult with the doctors about medicine or enzyme intake that can help to digest. They can also advise you to take a Lactose test and prescribe enzymes to help cope with dairy digestion.

You must avoid certain medicines even if it is part of home remedies to take good care of you and the baby. Thus, you must follow up with the doctor for every change you make in your lifestyle.

When should you consult with the doctor?

During pregnancy, you must go through routine checkups to ensure that you and your baby are doing well and are healthy. Gas formation is not a joke and can lead to life-threatening problems. If the pain increases and a bloating sensation is felt for more than a week or constipated, seek immediate medical attention.

Along with that, you must also switch to a healthy lifestyle and stay positive about your diet and exercise. If you find blood in your stool or intestinal discomfort, it’s time to call your doctor. Sometimes, it might be confusing whether it is a pain due to gas formation or something else. So, consult with the specialist at ILS Hospitals and get a safe and proper cure to relieve digestion or any other problem.

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Childbirth: ILS Hospitals’ Guide On Postpartum Depression

Pregnancy and childbirth are incredible experiences but for some women, they can also become overwhelming. Sometimes, pregnancy and delivery are not sunshine and rainbows because baby blues are real. Baby blues are a psychological condition felt by women right after delivery. When you have baby blues, you feel unhappy and emotionless for no reason. Usually, baby blues go away on their own within a week but in case if a new mother has baby blues that last longer than two weeks then she might be suffering from postpartum depression.

(Get premium care during pregnancy and childbirth from ILS Hospitals, the best maternity hospital in Kolkata and Agartala)

Postpartum depression is a serious mental condition that happens to new mothers post childbirth due to psychological and hormonal changes in the body. You’re more at risk of developing postpartum or postnatal depression if you fall under the following criteria:

  • History of depression or other mental disorder
  • Do not have support from the spouse, family, and friends
  • Lack of sleep
  • Have an unwanted and unplanned pregnancy
  • Dealing with a financial crisis
  • Living a stressful life
  • Genetics.

Symptoms of Postpartum Depression

  • Feeling sad and hopeless
  • Mood swings
  • Frequent crying without any reason
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia (sleeping too much)
  • Anxiety
  • Poor appetite
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Anti-social behaviour
  • Anhedonia (not enjoying things that were once enjoyable)
  • Thoughts of hurting the baby or oneself.

If you have the above symptoms that persist for more than one or two weeks, do not delay getting medical treatment.

Treatment for Postpartum Depression

Once you’ve been diagnosed by the healthcare professional for postnatal depression, you might be prescribed the following treatment:

  • Talk therapy
  • Medications – mostly antidepressants
  • Electroconvulsive or shock therapy (in severe cases when the above methods don’t work)

Visit ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Agartala and Kolkata to get an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment for postpartum depression.

6 Best Ways To Manage Morning Sickness During Pregnancy

With pregnancy comes various other health issues, many a time leading to complications as well. One such common health issue associated with pregnancy is morning sickness or nausea and vomiting. Majority of pregnant women deal with morning sickness during the first trimester of their pregnancy.

According to gynaecologists from the best maternity hospital in Kolkata, morning sickness comes to an end during the 12-14 weeks of pregnancy (onset of the second trimester). Although the name is morning sickness, nausea and vomiting can happen at any time of the day. Morning sickness is very difficult to manage, therefore ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala will show you 6 best ways through which you can easily manage morning sickness during pregnancy.

Eat small and frequent meals 

Instead of eating big 2-3 meals a day, opt for small and frequent 5-6 meals a day. This will help a lot to curb nausea.

Snack healthily 

Do not stay empty stomach for a long time. Because an empty stomach can make your morning sickness worse. Eat healthy snacks, like makhana or fox nuts, pohaupma, oats, sandwiches, soups, healthy cold fruit and vegetable juices, nutrition bars, etc.

Skip nausea-triggering foods 

Avoid foods that trigger your nausea. In general, foods that amplify morning sickness are fried and fatty foods, acidic foods, odorous foods (onions), and spicy foods.

Try ginger 

Ginger has helped a good percent of pregnant women during their morning sickness. If ginger works for you, try drinking ginger black tea, ginger ale, and ginger lozenges.

Avoid strong fragrances

Strong smells might aggravate nausea in some women. Do not wear perfumes with a strong scent. Avoid using room fresheners with high fragrance and stay away from cigarette smoke.

Take plenty of rest 

Get 8-9 hours of sleep every night. If possible, sleep for a few hours during noon.

Consult an expert gynaecologist

Consult an expert gynaecologist and ask him or her to prescribe you anti-nausea medicines.

You can get a medical consultation from our renowned gynaecologists by visiting our hospitals in Agartala and Kolkata.

Why Prenatal Care is Crucial for the Wellbeing of a Baby?

Children are the future of any nation. But while taking care of the unborn, the health and wellbeing of the mother often skips the mind of people, especially in location with minimum exposure to maternity care. Several women suffer infection, miscarriage and even death. To address this problem Maternity Hospitals are making an effort to provide the best prenatal care along with childbirth assistance.

What must be done?

Since prenatal care is the most important aspect of maternal health, it is advised to receive atleast a minimum of four visits on antenatal care. The prenatal care centers provide basic and primary information related to pregnancy, such as any possible infection, ideal weight or anemia along with monitoring the growth of the fetus. It also includes a detailed information regarding the hygiene and nutrition to help them sustain a safe pregnancy along with the necessary guidelines to follow in case any emergency arises.

Maternity Hospital

Since the baby’s nutrition is solely based on the nutrition received by the mother, nutrition and care of the mother is the most important factor. Thus, nutrition such as vitamins, minerals and proteins must be provided in adequate amount.

What must be avoided?

Over the counter medications, especially painkillers can cause more harm than relief in a long run. Smoking, drinking alcohol, or taking drugs during pregnancy can cause some serious damage to the growing embryo. The babies born with such history often have low birth weight.

Avoid Painkillers During Pregnancy

By looking at the statistics of obesity in India, it might not sound like some major threat, but it can cause physical and emotional abnormalities such as defective limbs, heart, and face along with sudden infant death, neonatal death and intellectual disability.

What must be watched out for?

The most common issue related to maternity is gestational diabetes. It is advised to get constant supervision and medication for the same from a reliable Maternity Hospitals. Ignorance can cause the baby to develop diabetes Type 2 from an early age.

Maternity Hospital

Another threat that a baby is exposed during pregnancy is the infection of HIV/AIDS. In case the mother is HIV positive, much care and caution is needed to avert the worst case scenario of the baby getting infected as well.

Any maternal stress experienced by the mother can cause direct and indirect damage to the baby and thus the close friends and relative should take extra caution for the same.

4 Short Term Complications Associated with Preterm Childbirth – Part II

The ideal time is essential for everything and for a very good reason, pregnancy period is no exception. Any baby born before completing 37 weeks of pregnancy suffers several long term as well as short term complications. We have discussed four of the more common short term complications suffered by a preterm baby earlier; and in this article, we will continue with four more such complications. So, here we go!

1. Blood profile troubles– Preterm babies are at risk of several abnormalities regarding their blood profile. Anemia and infant jaundice are two of the major concerns. In case of anemia, the red blood corpuscles (RBC) in the body drop significantly. Though it is not uncommon for babies to suffer from low rate of RBC during the initial months, but it becomes critical in case the count drops significantly. Repetitive blood taken out for carrying out lab tests also acts as a contributing factor for the same.

Infant jaundice is the condition characterized by discoloration and yellowing of skin and eye of newborn. This condition arises when the blood of the baby contains too much bilirubin (yellow pigmented substance) secreted from the liver or RBC.

Blood profile trouble - Premature Birth

2. Weak immune system– Due to the fact that a baby is born before it was ideally supposed to, the preemies are born with an underdeveloped immune system as compared to the baby born on time. Thus, they cannot cope up with infections effectively, which is quite common in that period. With less-effective immune system, the infection quickly spreads through the bloodstream and may lead to life threatening situations.

Weak Immune System - Preterm Childbirth

3. Gastrointestinal problems – A preterm baby is more susceptible to have an under-developed gastrointestinal system. This causes several associated complications like necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC). In this condition, the linings of the bowel wall gets injured, as soon as the baby starts feeding. For this reason, it is recommended to only breastfeed till six months to lower the risks of NEC.

Gastrointestinal problems - Preterm Childbirth

4. Metabolism problems – As soon as the baby is in the world and begins to feed, the importance of metabolic system comes into play. Preemies are likely to suffer from metabolic issues. The prime cause is, that the liver of a preterm baby cannot effectively convert the stored glycogen into glucose.

Metabolism problems - Preterm Childbirth

ILS Hospitals offers extensive care for preterm babies, until the time they become healthy enough to sustain on their own.

Maternity – Pre Term Birth: 4 Short-Term Complications of Preterm Birth

The normal gestation period is 260 to 280 days, ideally consisting of 40 weeks. Though several babies are born prior to this time period, if any baby is born before this duration, he/she is referred as a premature baby. If a baby is born before 37 weeks of pregnancy, the baby is prone to short term as well as long term health complications. Generally, they do need more care and hospital stay as compared to the ones born in ideal time.

Premature Baby - ILS Hospitals

Most of the babies born early possess low birth weight, which plays an important role in several aspects. While some of the complications may exist since the birth, others may develop later in life.

The following complications are experienced during the first few weeks/months of birth-

  1. Breathing complication- Due to the presence of an immature respiratory system, a premature baby may experience trouble in breathing. This is primarily due to lack of a substance called ‘surfactant’, which enables contraction and expansion, which enables breathing.Preterm babies may also acquire ‘Broncho-Pulmonary Dysplasia’, chronic lung disease and ‘apnea’ which result is difficulty breathing with prolonged pauses.
  2. Brain malfunction– A preterm baby is highly prone to intra-ventricular hemorrhage, the rupture and bleeding of an artery in the brain. Though most of them gets resolved on its own, some babies need medical help. Excessive bleeding can cause permanent brain damage.
    Excessive bleeding can also lead to hydrocephalus, i.e. accumulation of fluid in the brain, for which surgery remains the only feasible solution to release the fluid accumulation.
  3. Cardiac ailments– Patent Ductus Arterious (PDA) and Hypotension (low blood pressure) are the two most experienced heart problems among preterm babies. PDA is a disease in which a natural opening exists between two major blood vessels from the heart.PDA often gets corrected on its own, but if it is left untreated, it can result in uncontrolled blood flow and eventually leads to heart attack. Low blood pressure needs medicines and intravenous support and occasionally blood transfusion.
  4. Thermo regulation problem– A preterm baby may lose body heat quickly, as he cannot produce an adequate amount of heat to keep balanced heat. The prime reason for the same being, the baby’s body lacks adequate amount of fat to regulate ideal temperature. If the temperature falls beyond a limit, it can result in hypothermia.This condition does not come alone and brings several other problems, including low blood sugar and breathing troubles. The baby’s body tends to use all energy from breastfeeding to staying warm, and thus it does not help to grow. This is the prime reason, why preterm babies are kept in an incubator, until they can deal with the external environment on their own.

Premature Baby - ILS Hospitals

Check out 4 more short term complication of preterm birth here.