Different Means of Contraceptives
What is a Contraception?
Use of artificial methods or other techniques to prevent pregnancy.
What are the types?
There are 5 different types of contraceptives that allows you to avoid unwanted conception. It is recommended to contact your gynaecologist about this matter and will help you pick the suitable one for your family planning
In the last 50 years, the number of contraception methods has dramatically increased. Most types of contraceptives work as per one or more of the following principles:
a) Prevents the release of the egg, every month
b) Prevents sperms from reaching the egg
c) Blocks the reproductive function – in either/both men and women
d) Prevents a fertilized egg from implanting in the uterus
Here are the 5 different methods using which you can prevent yourself from conceiving.
The Pill
Even if many options are available these days, the pill remains the most popular form of Female contraception.
One needs to keep in mind that the pill does not provide any protection against STDs and you need the prescription of your gynecologist to buy it as well.
The Condom
Among the different types of contraceptives, the condom is a strong contender to the title of most common contraception method. It is affordable and offers the dual protection against STDs and unwanted conception. Nowadays, there is also a female version of it that works on the same principle.
The Contraceptive Implant
The contraceptive implant is yet another solution that provides long-term protection. It stays effective for up to three years on average. However, the implant does not protect against STDs.
The contraceptive implant is made up of silver that has spermicide properties. Thereby, it mitigates the possibility of conception. The implant is inserted into the uterus by a healthcare specialist and needs to be removed after three years.
Emergency Contraception
Emergency contraception mitigates the chances of conception even after having unprotected physical intimacy. This method is for one-off occasions and is not recommended for daily use.
A sterilization is an option available for both men and women. Though this does not provide protection against STDs but remains effective on non-conception for a lifetime. In rare cases, the process can be reversed, making pregnancy a possibility.
For both male and female, sterilization is a very simple operation. You have the choice between surgical and non-surgical types of sterilization. This can be taken for the couple who are already through family planning.
Read more – 5 common Types of gynaecological surgeries techniques
We observe World Population Day on 11th July. Every year this day is a reminder to us as to how overpopulated the world has become. So one needs to remember that to secure our Earth for each and every living being, one needs to curtail overpopulation by standing against it. So be careful in your actions, and help to make the world a better place to live.
4 Most Common Types of Reconstructive Surgery
Though as per most common beliefs, cosmetic surgery solely comprises the procedures that aim to improve the body appearance, there is much more to it. The domain of reconstructive surgery deals with the surgical procedures to correct and restore the body parts. Minor procedures of several organs can be done through general surgeries and gynaecological surgeries as well, but complicated cases are always referred to a cosmetic surgeon.
Read more – How Cosmetic Surgery is Different from Plastic Surgery
It is often done to correct physical malfunctions present since the time of birth, known as congenital conditions. But mostly, it is done to correct the physical deformities that result due to some accident, injury or illness.
Let’s discuss a few most common reconstructive procedures-
1. Breast Reconstructive Procedures
These surgeries restore the basic shape of either one or both breasts. This is usually meant for the women who undergo mastectomy, mostly due to cancer. The surgery is also recommended for women with exceptionally large breast and suffers severe back pain and other associated illnesses due to it.
Men who suffer from breast cancer and undergo surgery may also undergo this surgery to restore their chest contour.
2. Skin Grafting
Cuts and burns of severe degree often need surgical correction rather than only ointments or lotions. Skin grafting involves removal of damaged skin and replacing it with a layer of healthy skin tissue, either from one’s own body or from a suitable donor.
3. Hand and Feet Surgery
These surgeries are mostly done for the patients with some deformities in hands/ feet due to, accident or congenital condition. This primarily restores the balance and functions, closely followed by its normal appearance.
It is also done for the people with webbed toes/finger or who are born with extra finger/toe.
4. Facial Surgery
These surgeries are mostly done for patients with congenital defects such as cleft lip and cleft palate. However, it can also be availed to correct damage caused by sinuses and as scar revision surgery.
These cosmetic surgeries not only restore the physical appearance of the organs but also ensures its functionality. In a nutshell, it is a life-giving surgery domain that helps the people to live their life to its fullest, even when any severe injury deforms the body parts due to the accident, or illness. However, it is always recommended to avail these specifically from expert cosmetic surgeons to get the best possible result.
3 Common Behavioural Disorders in Children and Their Treatment
Does your child answer back rudely every time you say something? Does s/he back-talks to you even in public? If your answer to both the questions is “Yes”, then there is a high chance that your child is suffering from a behavioural disorder. So what exactly is this behavioural disorder? Well, it’s common for children to argue, yell and throw tantrums once in a while. However, if such behaviour becomes a regular occurrence, then it is surely a cause for concern. To help you understand it better, here are the three most common disruptive behavioural disorders discussed in detail. Read on.
1. Conduct Disorder (CD)
Children with this disorder are often judged as “bad kids”, as they refuse to accept rules and their behaviour is offensive. About 5% of 10 years old children are thought to have Conduct Disorder (CD).
Some common traits of a child with CD include –
- Repeated truancy
- Always eager to start physical fights
- Frequent refusal to obey parents and other authority figures
- Making use of weapons in physical fights
- Lack of empathy for others
- Frequent lying
In rare cases, the children also exhibit violent and criminal behavior such as lighting fire, stealing or engaging in drugs, alcohol, and smoking.
2. Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD)
Under the age of 12 years, around 1 in every 10 children are thought to have the Oppositional Defiant Disorder.
Some common traits of a child with ODD include –
- Frequent temper tantrums
- Very low self-esteem
- Easily annoyed, angered or irritated
- Does not obey rules
- Frequent argument with adults such as parents
- Tends to blame others for any misdeeds or misfortunes
- Deliberately tries to annoy others
3. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
About 2% to 5% of children are thought to have Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.
Some common traits of a child with ADHD include –
- Constant restlessness
- Prone to accidents
- Loses temper quickly
- Forgetfulness
- Faces difficulties in concentrating
- Moves from one task to another without completing any of them
Treatment of Behavioural Disorders in Children
Do you want your child to grow up to be a dysfunctional adult? We know you don’t. So to prevent this from happening, the earlier the intervention, the better the outcome is going to be. Treatment is generally multifaceted. Actually, it depends on the particular disorder along with the factors contributing to it. It may include –
1. Family therapy
The whole family is taught to improve their problem-solving as well as communication skills.
2. Encouragement
Children with behavioural disorders tend to experience repeated failures both in their interaction with others and at school. Encouraging them to excel in the fields of their interests can help in building their self-esteem.
3. Social training
Important social skills are taught to the child including how to play cooperatively and how to have a conversation with others.
4. Anger management
The child learns how to recognise the signs of their increasing frustration. They are provided with a range of coping skills that are specially designed to defuse their aggressive behaviour and anger. Also, they are taught how to manage their stress and how to relax.
5. Parental education
Parents are taught how to communicate as well as manage their children.
6. Medication
Last but not the least, children are treated with medication in order to control impulsive behaviour.
Is your child suffering from any of these behavioural disorders? Consult a doctor and start treatment before it’s too late. At ILS Hospitals, we have the best child specialists available at your service. All you have to do is give us a call and we will be happy to help.
5 Common Habits That is Damaging Your Heart
We all know that eating a healthy diet and exercising regularly are important habits for a healthy heart. However, did you know that some surprisingly common habits have the potential to ruin all your efforts? It can lead to cardiac emergency and it would only be possible for hospitals that can save your life.
A number of activities that we do casually can have a negative impact on heart health. Let us know how these 5 common habits play major roles in damaging the heart and make us seek the best heart hospitals for treatment purpose.
1. Sitting All Day Long
People leading inactive lifestyle have double the risk of developing some of the other forms of cardiac ailments as compared to those who follow an active lifestyle.
If you are involved in sitting job and stay chained to the desk all day, then get up and take a five-minute walk after every hour or two. This small tweak in your routine can keep your arteries flexible and blood flowing properly, protecting your heart in a long run.
2. Overindulging in Alcohol
Drinking occasionally might not lead to any long-term effect, but frequent alcohol consumption is likely to cause high blood pressure, stroke, and obesity, all of which in turn, increase your risk for heart disease. It’s okay to have it once in a while but never regularly.
3. Stressing Too Much
Persistent stress makes the body to release adrenaline, which temporarily influences the body functions. When your heart rate increases, your blood pressure rises as well. Eventually, too much stress over a prolonged period can damage the heart’s blood and increase the risk for heart attack and stroke.
To minimize the harmful effects of stress, you can try to find a way to release stress. Sharing your feelings by talking with a trusted friend or family member is often helpful. Moreover, exercise can also relieve mental tension
4. Overdoing It on Salt
Excessive sodium can lead to high blood pressure, a risk factor for heart disease. Be sure to read nutrition labels and compare merchandises, before loading salt packages into your shopping trolley. Choosing the one with the lowest percent daily value for sodium is the best option to stick with.
5. Not Getting Enough Sleep
Inadequate sleep over a long period of time can lead to cardiovascular illnesses. The stages of sleep that are achieved only during complete sleep cycle throughout the night promotes cardiovascular health.
Chronic sleep deprivation is not only bad for the heart but for the overall health. It is recommended that adults get 7 to 8 hours of sleep each night.
All of these bad habits can make your heart sick, so do not follow your bad habits anymore, and adopt healthy habits instead. You will see the changes in your health, all by yourself.
Read more – Five Most Common Heart Diseases that have been Explained by Cardiologists
The Significance of Doctors in Our Overall Health!
Our health is our greatest wealth, which we should treasure the most. To achieve the same, we need to take proper care through healthy diet and lifestyle. But, many a time even after what we do to stay healthy, we encounter situations that require medical attention, throughout our lifespan. Role of doctors in our life is irreplaceable as we depend on them for a healthier life. Let’s understand how they enhance our overall life.
Human life has been awarded an amazing mind and a capable body. Yet they need medical intervention for an illness which could be present since birth (congenital) or acquired through heredity or infected individuals (communicable) or may have occurred due to some accident/injury, or pathogen-induced.
Only a few of them, such as a common cold and sore throat generally get resolved on its own with the help of simple home remedies. However, the same does not hold true for most of the medical conditions. It makes availing quality medical treatment inevitable. A quality treatment includes proper diagnosis, treatment and follows up care.
The diagnosis includes physical observation of the symptoms, site of the discomfort, and use of invasive and non-invasive screening with the help of several diagnostic probes. The experience of the doctor adds even more value to the same. The accurate and timely diagnosis makes the entire treatment procedure more effective.
The treatment often includes oral medication, and are more effective when a particular illness is in its primary stage. As it progresses, often the need for surgery becomes crucial. Many a time, sessions of radiotherapy/ chemotherapy are required after surgery to ensure its effectiveness. Sadly, not every illness can be cured permanently. However, availing treatment contributes towards prolonging the quality of life and often the life expectancy as well.
A healthy doctor-patient relationship is a crucial factor that often acts as a positive contributing factor for treatment. It strengthens the mutual decision-making ability and develops trust. Though many doctors and hospitals are blooming these days, selecting a proper one is quite important.
As we are observing National Doctor’s Day on 1sy July. On this special day, we honor not only the doctors but also the nurses, pathologists and other medical staffs, who contribute towards our overall health and wellbeing. Let’s all perform our share of responsibility and duties to stay healthy and contribute towards making a nation by being a healthy and capable individual.
How Healthy Is Your Body Weight? Evaluate Now!
Every individual, unless born premature, usually have normal body weight. Your dietary choices along with other lifestyles contribute to your weight as you grow up. By looking at the statistics of Bariatric Surgery in Kolkata itself, it is clear that obesity is becoming an epidemic all over the World.
Let’s have a detailed understanding of obesity, its measure, and perks of weight loss.
Obesity becomes a medical condition that onsets when an individual accumulates an excessive amount of fat in their body. The excessive weight begins to slow you down and also makes you more and more susceptible to obesity and its related illness. This condition leads to sleep apnoea, joint pain, fragile bones, hypertension, respiratory and cardiac illnesses.
The ideal body weight can be estimated by evaluating your Body Mass Index or BMI. This parameter is a ratio of your weight by the square of your height. The following chart helps to understand the status of body weight.
Obviously, BMI too has its limits. It is not considered as a proper way to estimate body weight range for bodybuilders, pregnant women or people with small stature. Even though there are other parameters such as waist-hip circumference, BMI is often considered as the standardized method to calculate the status body weight.
Being underweight has an adverse effect on health too, but correcting them takes very little efforts. Being overweight, on the other hand, requires immense dedication in terms of dietary and lifestyle change. Things become quite challenging for the people dealing with obesity. Losing weight through conventional means such as dieting or exercise is usually ineffective for them. Availing weight loss surgery is often the only way to achieve significant weight loss.
Losing weight is advised for every overweight individual. Those opting for Bariatric Surgery, find this a life-saving surgery that restores their degrading health and self-esteem. It improves several aspects of health and needless to say, contributes towards both professional and personal goals.
Thus, it is advised to every individual, who is lately feeling their old clothes are not fitting them anymore, do get your body weight evaluated clinically. Take every measure to prevent obesity. And in case it is already present, mitigate it by weight loss surgery, as soon as possible.
A Brief Introduction to Sickle Cell Anaemia
Sickle cell Anaemia is a rare, genetic illness. It is a form of anaemia in which the red blood cells are incapable of carrying an adequate amount of oxygen in the body. It is an extremely difficult illness that is quite challenging to live with. Only the best hospitals can provide medication and treatment for the same. Let’s understand the various aspects around Sickle Cell Anaemia.
Blood carries vital nutrients throughout the body and also facilitates the exchange of gases, namely the intake of oxygen and release of carbon dioxide. The usual shape of the blood cells is just like a donut without any cavity inside. The bi-concave surface facilitates easy transportation of oxygen molecules. In case of sickle cell anaemia, the red blood cells resemble that of a sickle or crescent moon, thereby justifying the name.
This gives rise to 2 problems, inadequate oxygen supply, and the irregular shape of the cell leads them to get stuck in thin blood vessels, causing inflammation. A patient with sickle cell anaemia is likely to suffer one or more of the following symptoms.
- Anaemia that keeps on recurring and is closely followed by fatigue, and drained out of energy.
- Painful swells on feet, knees, and hands or other areas where the blood vessels are extremely narrow.
- Delayed growth which involves both natural and reproductive growth.
- High chances of gallstones, which often required gallstone operation to resolve.
- Poor vision that is purely due to blocked blood vessels reaching eyes.
- Frequent infections as this illness damages spleen, the organ that fights infections.
- Episodes of pain, particularly in chest, abdomen, and joints that lasts anywhere between few hours to few weeks.
Sadly there is no cure for sickle cell anaemia but with proper medication, it can be managed effectively through proper timely measures. The normal RBC has a lifespan of about 120 days, but the same reduces to 15-20 days for a sickle RBC. Needless to say, some of these patients require undergoing a periodic blood transfusion. These efforts along with proper medication can help the patient to get ease from the painful symptoms and to prevent the complications associated with the same.
On this 19th June, as we witness World Sickle Cell Day, we encourage people with this illness to stay strong and seek treatment from time to time. Also, we salute the never-ending support of their family, the doctors and most important the blood donors for their contribution.
A Brief Introduction to the Types of Blood Donation
Blood transfusion is a process of supplying blood of a matching group to an individual in need of it. Even though advanced procedures such as laparoscopic surgery rarely needs a blood transfusion, it is needed for medical emergencies, life support systems, several specific diseases, such as thalassemia, or even a major pre-scheduled invasive surgery.
Whether or not you have been a part of blood transfusions, you are more likely to be accustomed to only one type of blood donation. However, did you know that there are 4 types of blood donations, as per the element of the blood? Let’s have a quick look at each of them
1. Whole blood donation
The most common procedure, in which about a pint of whole blood is extracted out of the body. It may or may not be further segregated into platelets, plasma, and red cells, depending upon the need of the recipient. The procedure takes about half an hour or even less, while the patients can donate the same every 2 months.
2. Platelet Apheresis
It requires a special apheresis machine that collects blood and separates all its elements with centrifugal effect. The platelets component is kept for transfusion while the remaining elements return back to the body’s blood circulation. The process takes about 2 hours.
This type of blood is needed by patients battling cancers, undergoing organ transplant therapy and surgeries/medical emergencies that may involve massive bleeding. Moreover, while a single platelet donation can be used for multiple blood transfusion, it takes about 5-6 whole blood donations to make up for a single platelet transfusion. It can be donated every seven days, up to 24 times a year.
3. Plasma Apheresis
This type of blood donation goes simultaneously with the previous one. In this type, only the plasma is kept for the blood transfusion, while the rest is returned back to the body. The process takes about an hour and a half. It can be done after every two weeks.
4. Power Red
This one is yet another donation type involving the apheresis machine, which collects only the red cells while it returns the plasma and the platelets. Often the rare blood types have short supply as the donor need to meet few special guidelines for donating this type. It includes having higher levels of haemoglobin and specific body height and weight.
A single donation usually takes about an hour and collects two units of red cells. The donor can contribute every 120 days.
Each blood donation types has its own features. On this World Blood Donor Day, 14th June we honour every blood donor and feel our duty to pay tribute to one particular donor named James Harrison of Australia. This blood plasma donor rightfully earned the title of ‘man with the golden arm’ as he has donated blood plasma 1173 times throughout his entire life. After receiving 13 liters of blood for a surgery at the age of 14, he committed to donate blood in the future. Having a rather strong antigen against the group Rh antigen, he was able to donate blood plasma, which as per estimation, saved about 2.4 million unborn babies.
While saluting such a determined spirit, we, on behalf of ILS Hospitals, urge every healthy, capable individual to donate blood, at least once in their lifetime.
What Exactly Is General Surgery?
While visiting the best hospitals, you must have gotten familiar with multiple domains of the treatment offered by them. If you have discomfort or pain in a particular region, you get treated by a specific specialist. However, many a time, the symptoms are not persistent and thereby you need a consultation with a general physician. Thereafter, either you receive treatment from them or referred to a specific doctor.
Let’s understand the domain of general medicine and surgery in details.
In spite of the usage of the term ‘General’ in the medical domain, the General Surgery mostly deals with the surgeries carried out in the abdominal region. It also includes the esophagus, stomach, small bowel, colon, liver, pancreas, gallbladder, appendix and bile ducts, and often the thyroid gland as well. Moreover, it also comprises the soft tissues of the body and thereby consists of other organs such as breasts, skin, reproductive organs, and more.
The list of surgical procedures carried out by general surgeons is pretty long, but the following general surgical procedures are the most common ones.
1. Appendectomy – Surgical removal of the appendix, when inflammation of the same occurs due to an untreated infection.
2. Breast biopsy – Invasive diagnosis to extract cells in the breast/s to check for malignancy.
3. Breast surgery – Surgical removal of a harmful or unwanted mass of tissues from the breast/s
4. Cataract surgery – Surgical removal of the cloudy lens of the eye to enhance vision.
5. Caesarean section – Surgical delivery of a baby through the mother’s abdomen and uterus.
6. Cholecystectomy – Surgery for removal of the gallbladder, mostly because of gallstones.
7. Debridement – Cleaning of the wound, burn, or infected skin or organ to control damage promote healing.
8. Skin graft – Surgical treatment to replace damaged skin.
9. Haemorrhoidectomy – Surgical removal of haemorrhoids.
10. Hysterectomy and Hysteroscopy – Surgical diagnosis of the uterus and its surrounding organs and removal of the uterus.
11. Hernia repairs – Surgical procedure to correct a hernia.
12. Mastectomy – Partial or total removal of breast/s, mostly because of a malignant tumor.
13. Colectomy – Surgical removal of a part of the colon.
14. Prostatectomy – Surgical removal of partial or total prostate gland.
15. Tonsillectomy – Surgical removal of one or both tonsils.
Several of these procedures are nowadays carried out by laparoscopic technique, in the best hospitals. Laparoscopic surgery is the state-of-the-art surgery procedure that ensures speedy recovery and overcomes multiple drawbacks of traditional, open surveying technique.
How Plastics Are Affecting Our Health
We all have plastic bags in our homes which in it has other plastic bags too, isn’t’ it?
This is a statement that is both funny and frightening. Keep in mind that these are the reusable plastics, that we decided to keep. So, can you imagine how much plastics have we thrown out there?
The excessive exposure of the plastics around us has adversely affected our health, more than ever in the recent years.
Let’s have a detailed analysis of the same.
Polythene or more commonly known as plastic was one of the most revolutionary inventions of all time. Being durable, lightweight, and inexpensive, plastics became the material for almost every domain, within an extremely short duration. In exchange for all these comforts, this non-biodegradable started claiming health and wellness of human, wildlife, and environment altogether.
The air that we breathe, the land that we live on and grow food, the water we drink, everything contains plastics. Sadly even our food chain is no longer devoid of the plastic traces in it. As a result, the overall health has begun to decade gradually. Directly or indirectly, it contributes towards health disorders and complications, but not limited to the metabolism, cardiovascular, respiratory and several forms of cancer.
According to leading gynaecologists, the rising statistics of couples unable to conceive naturally or suffering multiple miscarriages is often due to exposure to harmful elements released by plastics. Many chromosomal and congenital abnormality also arise either from the current or the successive generation. Moreover, impaired brain and neurological functions, cancer, cardiovascular system damage, adult-onset diabetes, early puberty, obesity, and resistance to chemotherapy have also been found prevalent in both men and women.
Many people do not realize the same as often the source remains discrete from plain sight. For instance, the traces of plastic can be also found in food and water, which is packed or stored in plastic containers. Moreover, the contamination of animal’s food (eg, goat, poultry, cow etc.) with plastic components also act as an entry for it in our food chains.
Sadly, solving this problem is quite challenging. The best way to start is by taking proper measure and seeking guidance from best hospitals, in case any health discomfort arises and persists.
The theme for this World Environment Day, 5th June 2018, is ‘Beat Plastic Pollution’. Since it is being hosted in India, let’s pledge to accomplish (4‘R’s) – Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and most importantly Replace. Stay away from plastic materials, and whenever possible, go for the substitutes.
Let’s try our best to save our planet!