Signs Of Underlying Heart Disease By The Best Heart Hospital In Kolkata
Cardiovascular conditions are very common in India. We’ve discussed why in this blog: Why Are Indians So Vulnerable To Heart Diseases? Every underlying disease show tell-tale signs for the individual to observe. If the individual observes and takes prompt action then there’s a chance of an effective proper treatment.
The heart is a vital organ that helps in purifying the blood and supplies the body with oxygen and other nutrients. As per expert cardiologists, many patients ignore the body’s signals of underlying heart disease at the crucial initial levels. So, ILS Hospitals, one of the best heart hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala will enlighten you about the signs that indicate an underlying heart disease.
Chronic tiredness
Fatigue after any laborious activity is understandable but constant fatigue when you do not live an active lifestyle is a matter of concern. Chronic exhaustion can indicate towards an underlying cardiovascular condition.
Shortness of breath
Breathlessness can happen due to various reasons. Shortness of breath after climbing forty stairs makes sense, otherwise, breathlessness for no apparent cause is a medical emergency.
Chest pain and discomfort
Chest pain accompanied by shortness of breath can be a sign of serious cardiovascular condition. Immediately visit the medical emergency room of your nearest hospital.
Irregular heartbeat
Heart palpitations usually happen after a vigorous workout but that does not mean it is not associated with any medical condition. Observe your heartbeat and visit a cardiologist if you have frequent heart palpitations.
Unusual sweating
Cold sweats are not normal. They can hint at an underlying heart disease.
Swollen feet
If you have swollen feet and ankles, consult a medical professional for timely diagnosis and treatment.
Unexpected body aches
Body aches that are sudden and without any reason should not be overlooked. Unexpected body aches can be due to an insufficient supply of blood to the cardiac muscle.
If you encounter the aforementioned signs in your body, do not delay professional medical supervision. Visit ILS Hospitals, one of the best heart hospitals in Agartala and Kolkata to get proper diagnosis and treatment from our expert cardiologists.