Make These Health Resolutions For New Year 2020 To Lead A Healthy Life
Finally, it’s New Year 2020. A new year represents new beginnings, new opportunities, and new resolutions. Many people make New Year resolutions every year but find it difficult to implement them. It happens because they are not adamant enough to make their New Year resolutions into a success. But we all want to live a healthy and happy life, isn’t it? In that case, following certain health resolutions is a compulsion.
This New Year 2020, let’s not make an excuse and practice these health resolutions said by ILS Hospitals, to proudly lead a healthy and prosperous life.
1. Eat nothing but healthy:
We all make this promise almost every day to ourselves but cannot keep it when we see our favourite not-so-healthy foods, like french fries, cheeseburger, chicken wings, and many more. It’s time to become resolute and eat nothing but only nutritious meals. Here are ways to execute your healthy diet plan.
Less consumption of processed and canned foods
No to fatty, oily, deep-fried, and stale foods
Eat healthy nuts, fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, legumes, sprouts, millets, etc.
Eat fresh, seasonal, and home-cooked meals
Less sugar, salt, and refined flour or maida
More plant-based diet, less meat consumption
Less tea and coffee, more fruit juices, coconut water, vegetable soups, and green tea.
You can also get a customized diet chart made by the best dietitians in our hospitals.
2. Quit unhealthy habits:
The New Year 2020 is the perfect time to get rid of our bad habits, one of which is smoking. Seek therapy for your nicotine addiction without any fail and add a few more years to your life. Other unhealthy habits that ruin our health are excessive alcohol consumption, drinking less water or healthy fluids, being unhygienic, living in uncleaned surroundings, undereating or overeating, living an inactive lifestyle, being constantly stressed and depressed, and getting angry over petty things. It’s time to strike off these unhealthy habits from your life. Change starts with you!
3. Get regular health check-ups:
Regular health check-ups allow the doctors to get an early diagnosis for any potential health condition, thus, ensuring that you live a healthy and disease-free life. You can avail health check-up packages offered by ILS Hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala.
For any health-related solutions, come to ILS Hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala.