Common Orthodontic Problems – Types, Treatments
Nowadays people have become much more cautious regarding orthodontic problems of all ages. It can affect oral health, aesthetics, and overall well-being.
Starting from misaligned teeth to biting irregularities, orthodontic problems embark on a diverse range of conditions that require timely observation and proper treatment. In this problem, we will explore some of the very common orthodontic problems. The reasons for the treatment of orthodontic problems will be discussed in this blog.
Types and Treatments of Orthodontic Problems
If you or your related one is experiencing these kinds of orthodontic problems then it is high time that you consult dental doctors in Kolkata who can evaluate your problems. They can also assess your needs and prescribe a proper plan for preventing the problems again.
Moreover, if it is traditional braces, aligners, or any other orthodontic appliances someone can prevent the problems early in their life to achieve that aesthetic smile and change the appearance of their face.
1. Malocclusion
Malocclusion refers to the misalignment of the teeth or the improper positioning of the upper and lower dental parts when the jaws are closed. This problem can be seen in various forms:
It happens when the upper part of the front teeth overlaps excessively over the lower front teeth.
This one is just the opposite of the former one. Here the lower part of the teeth overlaps the upper part of the teeth.
It happens when one or more than one teeth are positioned abnormally about the opposite teeth.
2. Open Bite
When the upper and lower teeth do not meet properly the jaws remain closed.
The treatment of Malocclusion includes different orthodontic appliances like braces, aligners, or retainers to move the teeth into proper alignment. The treatment depends on the condition and severity of the teeth. While in some cases tooth extraction is an option for making the alignment proper.
Intervening the problems early is often recommended to address malocclusion during childhood. As the jaw is still in the growth phase so if any treatment is done it can be recovered easily. Though it is a time taking treatment it gives drastic results. ILS Hospital has one of the most renowned orthodontics in Kolkata. Experienced orthodontics can assess the condition and make a proper plan for achieving a healthy and well-aligned smile.
3. Crowding
It mainly happens when there is much less space in the dental arches to provide accommodation to each tooth properly. It leads to overlapping or rotating teeth. Crowded teeth are more prone to plaque disease or tooth decay. It might also have gum disease as it is difficult to clean.
ILS hospital in Dum Dum has so much advancement in treatment as it is one of the most renowned multispeciality hospitals in Kolkata.
If you are staying near it is the best hospital in Dum Dum. The orthodontics department includes a tooth extraction process to create space, align teeth, or expand to widen the dental arches.
4. Spacing Discrepancies
This is another dental issue that involves gaps or spaces between the teeth which might have happened due to missing teeth, small teeth, or any abnormal growth. However, some individuals find these spacing or issues to be aesthetically pleasing. Excessive spacing can affect the biting function and increase the risk of gum problems.
Treatment options are multiple as it includes braces, aligners, and cosmetic procedures like veneers to close the gaps of teeth.
5. Protrusion
The protrusion is also known by the term “buck teeth” which refers to the forward protrusion of the upper front teeth beyond the lower front teeth.
This type of condition can happen due to many reasons like genetics, a habit of sucking the thumb, or skeletal disturbance. Protruding teeth not only affect the facial appearance but also increase the risk of dental trauma. Different treatments of orthodontics such as braces or different appliances can help to make the protrusion correct and balance the facial structure.
6. Crossbite
As discussed above crossbite occurs when one or multiple teeth are positioned abnormally in accordance to the opposite teeth. It leads to a misaligned bite and this issue can impact both the front and back teeth and may also lead to uneven wear, pain in the jaw, and problems in chewing.
The dental clinic in Kolkata ILS Hospital has multiple treatment options. It includes braces and aligners for realigning the teeth and enhancing the function of biting.
Final Words
Orthodontic problems nowadays have been one of the most common issues that are affecting aged people and also millennials. Starting from malocclusion and crowding to spacing discrepancies and protruded teeth, these issues have a huge impact on human oral health.
It also impacts the overall quality of life as it reduces the self-confidence and appearance of a person.
However, people with the issue are fortunate enough as treatment in Orthodontics has become so much more advanced. It has been made possible to address the problems effectively and achieve outstanding results.
FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions):-
Q1. How does malocclusion affect the oral health?
Malocclusion can impact oral health by enhancing the risk of dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, and uneven teeth. It can also cause difficulties in chewing, speaking, and maintaining proper oral hygiene. Thus it leads to discomfort and functional issues.
Q2. Can malocclusion be treated?
Definitely! Malocclusion can be treated with different orthodontic interventions like braces, aligners, or retainers. Detecting it at early stages is recommended to get optimal results and prevent potential complications.
Q3. What can be the results of untreated malocclusion?
Untreated malocclusion can lead to complications like increased risk of dental problems, speech difficulties, and self-respect issues because of aesthetic concerns.
Q4. How can someone determine if they have malocclusion?
If someone experiences symptoms like difficulty chewing or speaking, pain in the jaw, or noticeable misalignment of the teeth, then it is highly advisable to make a consultation with a board-qualified dentist
Traveling with Back Pain? Here some tips for Comfortable Journeys
Traveling can be really fun, but if you have back pain, it can also be challenging. For many people (mid-age group of people to senior citizens)suffering from back pain. The discomfort and stiffness that make it tough to enjoy travel experiences to the fullest. Whether it’s a road trip or a flight, the constant ache in their backs serves as a reminder of their limitations.
In this article, we’ll talk about easy things you can do to travel with back pain. We’ll focus on the problems people with back pain face when they travel and how to deal with them. Though, you can visit multi speciality hospitals in Howrah for doctor checkup before going for a long tour and get permanent solution.
Back Pain Treatment in Howrah
Before we dive into the following tips, please take a look at the center of the best treatment of back pain. ILS Hospital, a 24×7 emergency hospital in Howrah. For those who are suffering from back pain after following a few tips, take an appointment for an expert orthopedic doctor in Howrah.
Whether your back pain affects your daily days or traveling, it is important to take proper treatment from the best spine surgeon in kolkata.
Traveling with Back Pain: Tips for Traveling
When you are traveling with back pain, it is important to follow a few tips to make your journey painless. For example, the right seat and proper footwear can help not face back pain while traveling in a flight or 4 wheelers. So, let’s check them out!
Here are some simpler ways to say the tips you provided:
1. Pick a Good Seat:
When you can, choose seats that have good support for your lower back. This could be in a car, plane, or train. Using a small pillow or cushion behind your lower back can also help keep your spine in a natural position and reduce strain.
2. Take Regular Breaks and Stretch:
During long trips, make sure to take breaks often. Stand up, stretch your body, and walk around a bit. Doing gentle stretches for your back, neck, and legs can make you feel less stiff and improve blood flow, which can stop back pain from getting worse.
3. Back- Pack Light:
Try to keep your luggage as light as possible. Carrying heavy bags can hurt your back. If you can, use a suitcase with wheels to make it easier to move around. Also, try to split your stuff between two bags to make them lighter.
4. Wear Supportive Shoes:
Wear shoes that are comfy and give good support, especially if you know you’ll be walking a lot. Having the right shoes can help your posture and take pressure off your spine.
Tips for after Traveling
Here are two simple tips for relief back pain while traveling:
1. Hot and Cold Therapy: Bring a reusable hot or cold pack with you. Using it on your sore back can help reduce swelling and calm muscle pain.
2. Stay Hydrated and Eat Well: Drink enough water and eat balanced meals. This keeps your body healthy and can help prevent back pain caused by inflammation and tense muscles.
Long Road Tips: Tips For Back Pain Relief
Going on a long car trip can be really fun, but sitting in the car for a long time can make your back hurt. Here are some easy tips to help you feel better and enjoy your trip more:
Make sure your car seat is comfy and gives good support to your lower back. You can use a pillow or cushion to make it even more comfy.
1. Take breaks often. Stop at rest areas to stretch your legs and move around. It helps your muscles feel better.
2. Do some simple exercises when you stop. Stretch your legs, twist your body gently, and bend backward a little to relax your back.
3. Sit up straight while driving. Don’t slouch or lean too much. You can use a special cushion to support your lower back if you need to.
4. Drink water and eat healthy snacks. Being thirsty or low on energy can make your muscles ache more.
5. If your car doesn’t have good back support, use a portable cushion to help. It can make a big difference in how comfortable you feel.
These tips can help you avoid back pain during long car trips, so you can have a comfy and enjoyable journey!
Final Words
Traveling with back pain needs to keep in mind a few tips and follow proper instruction. However, getting proper guidance from a doctor, you should visit ILS Hospital for better treatment.
By consuming proper medicines and maintaining instructions, you will get better soon. Hopefully, this blog will help you. Stay tuned with us for a worthy health related article.
Top Reasons to Visit an Orthopedic Doctor
Nowadays, more and more people are having problems with their muscles and bones. This is because many of us sit too much, don’t move around much, get stressed, and don’t have time to exercise. Sometimes, it’s also because of our genes or accidents.
When we have really bad and long-lasting pain in any part of our body, it makes us feel uncomfortable. Sometimes, we delay getting treatment because we’re not sure where to go for a checkup. This is where an Orthopedician in Ludhiana can help.
An orthopedic doctor is someone who knows a lot about treating bones, joints, and muscles. They specialize in different areas like hands, shoulders, feet, hips, knees, or the spine.
Symptoms for Orthopaedic Treatment
Before visiting the best Ortho treatment in Kolkata, you should know the symptoms that indicate to visit an orthopedic doctor immediately. If you feel below symptoms, like:
- Having trouble doing everyday things.
- Not able to move one part of the body correctly.
- Pain that stays for a long time in the knee, hand, shoulder,ankle, back, etc.
- Swelling or redness that lasts a long time.
- Sore and swollen with pain.
- Hearing a crackling or popping sound from a body part.
- Always having muscle pain.
When should you Visit an Orthopedic Doctor?
Orthopedic doctors can treat primary conditions such as minor pains or aches. However, some orthopedic treatments require consultation from Orthopedic surgeon.
In the following part, we are sharing top 7 reasons when you should take an appointment for a best Orthopedic surgeon or Orthopedic doctor in Kolkata.
1. Bone Fractures
The first and foremost thing is bone fractures when a patient should visit an Orthopedic doctor.
A fracture happens when a bone cracks or breaks, usually from things like falling, car accidents, doing something too much, or sports injuries. Conditions like arthritis or osteoporosis can also cause fractures.
The treatment you need depends on how bad your injury is and where the fracture is. Your bone doctor might suggest things like putting on a cast, or if the break is really bad or complicated, having surgery.
2. Strain & Sprain of Ankle
A sprain happens when a ligament is stretched, torn a little, or completely torn. A strain is when a tendon or muscle is damaged in the same way. Ligaments connect bones to other bones, and tendons connect bones to muscles.
Strain injuries often occur from using certain muscle groups too much, doing the same forceful movements repeatedly, or having bad posture. Common signs are feeling stiff, tender, or tingling around the area. Sprains usually occur suddenly, like when you sprain your ankle.
3. Shoulder Pain
Shoulder pain can happen for different reasons such as stiffness of the shoulder’s soft tissue. You feel difficulties with your hands to move. In that case, some minor OT is required to inject steroids in the specific point of the shoulder to treat the stiffness and pain.
However, shoulder injuries like a torn rotator cuff can make your shoulder hurt. Swelling, pain, and not being able to move your shoulder well might happen if it’s dislocated, has arthritis, or if you’ve been using it too much. If you see your shoulder changing color or getting swollen, or if the pain keeps getting worse for about two weeks, it’s a good idea to see an orthopedic doctor.
4. Knee Pain
Knee pain can happen for many reasons. Things like arthritis and sports injuries can hurt the joint and make it hard to move.
Sometimes, the pain comes from a torn ACL (a ligament in the knee) or a torn meniscus (a piece of cartilage). An orthopedic doctor knows how to find out what’s wrong and treat it fully.
If you go to a regular doctor, they might give you medicine for the pain, but it’s usually just temporary. An orthopedic doctor can do special treatments to help get rid of your knee pain for good.
5. Hip Pain
Hip pain can happen in or around your hip joint, and it might spread to your thighs or buttocks. Small pains can go away with over-the-counter pain medicine, but if you have a serious injury or constant hip pain, it’s best to see a specialist called an orthopedic doctor.
The pain could be caused by various things like tiny fractures from weak bones (osteoporosis) or arthritis in the hip.
6. Low Back Pain
Lots of grown-ups have back pain because of how they live, their health issues, and the work they do. You might feel a dull or sharp pain in your lower back for a few days, but it’s important to see a bone doctor if it keeps hurting for more than a few weeks.
7. Arthritis
Arthritis hurts your joints like hands, knees, or shoulders. It’s important to see a bone doctor (orthopedist) to stop it from getting worse. The most common kind is called osteoarthritis. Anyone can get it, even athletes or older people.
The bone doctor can suggest ways to lessen the pain and stiffness so you can keep doing things you like. If the arthritis gets really bad, you might need surgery.
What Does An Orthopedic Doctor Do?
Orthopedic specialists can do two kinds of procedures: surgery and non-surgery as required of patients. There are few fractures or injuries that an Orthopedic surgeon can treat. Some of the surgical procedure are:
1. Joint replacement surgery
2.Joint revision surgery
4.Disc replacement surgery and spinal fusion surgery
5. Spinal surgery to relieve pressure off nerves
6. Soft tissue repair, such as procedures to repair torn or ligaments or ruptured tendons
7. Bone fracture repair
8. Osteotomy to correct bone deformity
9. Removal damaged tissue or bone
10. Removal of soft tissue and bone tumors.
11. Fluid drainage, known as aspiration injections, such as:
Injecting steroids into the bursa of the knee and shoulder.
Ultrasound-guided steroid injections in the knee.
Facet joint injection.
Cervical epidural injection.
Lumbar epidural steroid injection.
Bracing or casting.
12. Viscosupplementation to treat arthritis.
13. Joint manipulation.
14. Extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT).
15. Lumbar sympathetic block.
Final Words: Orthopedic Treatment in Kolkata
There are several compelling reasons to visit an orthopedic doctor. From chronic back pain to sports injuries, Orthopedic doctors possess the expertise to diagnose and treat a wide range of musculoskeletal issues.
Whether it’s addressing lifestyle-related discomfort, managing health conditions, or addressing work-related strains, seeking the guidance of an orthopedic doctor can lead to effective solutions and improved quality of life.
Don’t hesitate to visit orthopedic specialist help if you’re experiencing persistent pain or mobility issues related to your bones, muscles, or joints.
Understanding Othropedics & Knee Replacement Surgeries
The human body is perceptive of both internal and external injuries. But quite often than usual, we tend to ignore the minor aches and accept the pain instead of fighting against them. Many people suffer from arthritis or joint pain and it affects the most basic activities like taking a walk, climbing down stairs or sitting up straight. Such issues arise with the breaking down of a protective covering of the tissues causing severe pain, leaving the joints swollen and messing with the everyday functioning. One of the most common ailments is known as arthritis.
Arthritis is an inflammation of the joints that can affect one joint or multiple joints. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, with different causes and treatment methods. Two of the most common types are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Though it is more common in the elderly people, even younger people are prone to arthritis, irrespective of their gender. While there are many treatments that can help aid the issue, most surgeons suggest a hip or knee replacement surgery. Let us dive into the details of the same.
Choosing the right surgeon

Trusting the right person for your surgery is extremely essential to the whole process of healing. A number of factors ascertain the success of such surgeries. From identifying the exact problem of the patient to using the ideal implants, your surgeon has to be an expert in this branch. Transparency with the patients is another important aspect that makes a surgeon gain the trust. Walking the patient through the exact details, indulging in an open conversation regarding the technology used for the treatment and clarity on the possible risks involved should be the basic information shared.
Understanding Total Knee Replacement Surgery

A Total Knee Replacement Surgery is a proven surgical procedure that replaces the damaged knee with prosthetics to improve the functioning of the knee substantially. The goal of total knee replacement surgery is to relieve knee pain and increase knee function by resurfacing the bones that meet at the knee joint. The surgeon removes damaged portions of bone at the end of the femur (thigh-bone) and top of the tibia (shin-bone) and replaces them with prosthetic components.
The Promise of a Minimally Invasive Surgery
The great innovation and discoveries of the medical science and technology are constantly working towards improving the lives of every patient. The latest technique and intervention known as computer navigation has improved the success rate of total knee replacement surgeries. Such innovations have enabled the surgeons to reduce and minimise the pain and perform the surgeries with great precision. It has also contributed to the patient’s experience – shorter hospital stays, less rehabilitation time and evidently reduced pain.
The Orthopedics Facility & Faculty at ILS Hospitals
Orthopedics is the domain of medical science that deals with the correction of conditions arising in the musculoskeletal system. An orthopedic specialist employs both surgical and nonsurgical means towards the same. These can include diagnosis of injury/disorder and treatment with exercise, medication, surgery, implants, and rehabilitation, etc.
The surgical reconstruction or replacement of a joint, Arthroplasty, involves Knee Replacement Surgeries – total or partial replacement of damaged knee tissue/bone or both.
Consult our Orthopedics and Joint Replacement department, which addresses issues associated with joint pains and knee replacement surgeries. ILS Hospitals provides advanced diagnostic services with round the clock doctors and state of the art Operation Theatres. Our renowned surgeons and experienced team of paramedics ensure complete safety of all our patients.
To book an appointment or for any other queries, call ILS Care +91 90514 60000 or visit
A Brief Introduction of Osteoporosis
Our body is made up of bones, muscles, nerves and lots other. We all must have a healthy balanced meal in order to ensure that our body function properly. But several people discover their health, especially in terms of their bone strength, starts degrading with time. You can find several people dealing with bone diseases and discomfort in Orthopedics clinics.
And osteoporosis is one of the most common disease affecting numerous lives all across the world. The term osteoporosis, is self-explanatory as, it is derived from the Greek language, literally meaning ‘porous bones’. Thus, osteoporosis is a disorder in which, the bones of the individual lose its strength, becomes porous in nature and thereby the chances of broken bones increases significantly. Several orthopedic clinics specialize and focus on this particular disease to help people dealing with osteoporosis.
Osteoporosis is clinically defined as a condition of low value of peak bone mass and usually defined as less than 2.5 bone density. This is estimated with the help of a screening called dual energy X-ray absorptiometry of the hip.
Osteoporosis can affect individual of any age group, but usually the chances of occurrence of the same is greatly higher among people of the elderly age group. The calcium content of the bones drops beyond what is considered as safe or normal. Thus, leaving the bones highly susceptible to breakage or damage, up to a point where even a minor slippage can cause hairline fracture or more.
The bones that are more likely to suffer the consequences are usually the backbone, hip bones, and forearm. Recognizing osteoporosis is often too tricky, mainly because there are no early symptoms of the same. Most people only come to realize after a bone breaks and the individual is likely to suffer from chronic pain and lose the ability and agility to carry out routine work.
In order to mitigate or at least delay the entire event of osteoporosis, an individual must be careful since their mid age itself. Mostly because once the bone starts to lose bone density, its recovery becomes tricky. Apart from changing into better diet and exercise, one must also be careful and avoid slipping or falling. Also, making changes in lifestyle and habits such as to quit smoking and drinking is also recommended by several Orthopedics.
Orthopaedic Replacement – Which One Should You Opt For?
Orthopedic department deals with diagnosis and treatment of musculoskeletal system disorders, this includes bones, ligaments, tendons, joints, muscles and nerves.
Continue reading Orthopaedic Replacement – Which One Should You Opt For?
Total Knee Replacement – What, When, How, Who And Where?
Knee replacement is a type of joint replacement surgery performed on people suffering from severe knee damage. In recent times, orthopaedic clinic in Kolkata is gathering several patients round the year as it provides long lasting relief from knee joint pain. Let’s understand in details the various aspects of total knee replacement.
Continue reading Total Knee Replacement – What, When, How, Who And Where?