New Year Resolution

6 New Year Resolution To Have A Healthy Life Ahead

Another year passed and this new year is giving us yet another opportunity to stay healthy and disease-free. So, here we offer some new year resolutions to follow in order to have a healthy year ahead.

1. Lose Weight To Gain Health

new year resolution

Make this your 1st mantra this year. Unless your BMI is classified as normal, you should attempt to shed the extra pounds that are slowing you down and eroding your health away. Consider a bariatric surgery, if you fall under the morbidly obese category. It is completely safe, effective and many times resolves obesity-associated complications as well.

2. Go Smokeless

new year resolution

Let go off that burning cigar that is eating away your health. Quit smoking this year. Even if you have attempted and failed earlier, pledge to do it for sure now. Take help if required, considering nicotine patch and gums or even rehabilitation. Life is better without the smoke for you and for your loved ones.

3. Catch Up With Your Sleep

new year resolution

This one is going to be somewhat a piece of cake. It might come as a surprise that you might not be seeping as much as you ideally should. Sleep deprivation is a rather common issue among youth these days. Aim to get a sound sleep for about 6 to 8 hours each day. However, don’t overdo it on the weekend. It is equally bad for you.

4. Shoo Away The Stress

new year resolution

Stress is becoming the new best friend of many individuals that insists ‘never’ to leave our side, isn’t it! This new year try to keep stress away as much as possible. Find ways to cut stress away from your life. Try meditation, pursuing hobbies and other tips and tricks. Try everything that makes you smile more than you frown.

5. Dedicate 30 Mins For Health

new year resolution

In this 24 hour cycle, take out 30 minutes each day to make the best out of it for your health. Let it be cycling, jogging, yoga, swimming or gyming. Spend 30 minutes each day that will contribute towards a healthier tomorrow.

6. Seek Doctor’s Advice

new year resolution

Not every sore throat can be fixed with a ginger-honey tea, especially not if you are a chain smoker and also losing the sensation of taste gradually. No matter how small medical problem you encounter, seek advice from a doctor if a particular problem persists for more than 6 weeks.

So, are you ready with your new year resolution! Start as many as them you can. Stay healthy to be happy.