Signs To Tell If Someone Is Thinking About Suicide
Is there someone you know exhibiting strange behavior recently? Is your hunch telling you something might go wrong? Don’t ignore these warning signs as these could be warning symptoms of suicide. Suicide is one of the leading causes of death all over the world. Thankfully, suicide is not an illness, and it is preventable with timely measures. Here we present a few tips suggested by psychiatrists to spot if someone is considering suicide.
Unpredictable mood – Periods of long-term sadness, severe mood swings, unexplainable rage or happiness is a very common symptom of severe mental depression and confusion, sometimes are closely associated with suicide. In such cases, the family should offer their support and encourage communication.
Change In Sleep Pattern – Due to a disturbed mind, it is often inevitable to have a disruptive sleeping pattern. It includes sleeping too much, or too little, sleeping multiple times in a day, and feeling lethargic even after adequate sleep.
Giving Away their possessions Or Money – Passing on their favorite possessions, or money that they still use or might need in the future is an alarming sign of suicidal tendency. The one receiving them or witnessing this, must consult and support the person immediately.
Bidding Goodbyes – Biding goodbyes either in person or through some nonverbal medium, in a way that appears they will never meet again is yet another alarming sign of suicidal tendency. The people involved in these farewells must make sure to keep an eye on them.
Withdrawing From Peers – If someone is suddenly withdrawing from their peers, who otherwise love to stay among people is a sign of severe depression. It should be noted by close friends and offer encouragement for a positive approach.
Dangerous Or Self-Harming Actions – Reckless driving, engaging in dangerous recreational activities like bungee jumping and other activities that demonstrate the person no longer value their life should raise red flags immediately. The person should be confronted soon and helped to seek counseling from a psychiatrist.
Experiencing a recent trauma such as loss of a loved one due to divorce, diagnosis of an illness, and several other factors such as unemployment, financial crisis etc. are often the triggering factor for suicide. Almost 9 out of 10 people who eventually kill themselves gives a verbal or behavioral warning beforehand. By recognizing these symptoms and taking actions, the same can be prevented.
Since 2003, every 10th September has been observed as the World Suicide Prevention Day. It aims to encourage people with suicidal tendencies to seek help from their families, and friends. One should recognize these warning signs and address the society with this issue as a whole. In case you find these symptoms in any friends, family, neighbors, friend, or colleague, don’t hesitate to ask about their thoughts and recommend counseling and help.