Make Faster Recovery And Wear Anything Confidently After Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery
Being a woman is hard in many aspects. You go through many phases in life and nurture not only yourself but also the lives of your loved ones. But when it comes to your health, many women are not even aware or concerned about it unless it becomes too severe. Many illnesses loom over women, particularly that require gynecological surgery. Many gynecologists in Kolkata often find that a lot of women do not prefer to undergo surgery and look for oral medicinal treatment instead even if a surgery is vital for them. There are 2 main reasons for the same, they assume –
- It will be painful and need much recovery time and they will not be able to fulfill their duties in personal and professional lives.
- It will leave big scares in their abdominal or pelvic region and thereby will make it look unattractive.
Today we will focus on the Minimally Invasive Gynecological Surgery (MIGS) and how it overcomes the Drawbacks of Open Surgery.
Gynecological surgery implies surgical treatment of the organs in the female reproductive system. It is done to address problems like uterine inconsistency, infertility, removing tumors (both benign and malignant) and carry out procedures like hysterectomy or tubal ligation.
Earlier all these procedures were carried out by making a large incision across the abdomen or pelvic region. It used to leave large scares throughout life. Though certain medication can help the stitch marks to fade over time, it still remains distinguishable and thus, many women feel embarrassed to wear sarees and lehengas after surgery.
Modern medical science has the perfect solution for the same, in the form of minimally invasive gynecological surgery. These surgeries are carried out through a few minute incisions made near the abdomen. Some special equipment, camera, and light sources are inserted inside the abdominal or pelvic cavity and the doctor carries out the surgery through the same. Once the procedure is over, the incisions are closed using stitches.
As the surgery does not expose the internal organs, it offers multiple advantages, such as
- Lesser risks of operation such as bleeding, infection, injury to the nearby organs
- Much lesser need for blood transfusion (almost nill)
- Lesser risks after the operation such as swelling and infection of the surgical site
- Less painful
- Early discharge from the hospital
- Faster recovery
- Much early resuming to daily life works
- Better aesthetic look of the abdominal/pelvic region as the procedure is almost scarless
So, in case you too are looking forward to having any gynecological surgery, come at ILS Hospitals, as we offer MIGS for a wide range of gynecological procedure.
For more information visit us now!