Let’s Learn Ways To Effectively Prevent Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer is a kind of cancer that develops in the breast cells. It can happen due to various factors, like gender (females are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer), obesity, ageing, exposure to radiation, previous breast conditions, alcohol consumption and genetics.
Dear ladies, ILS Hospitals, the best hospital in Kolkata would like to bring forward preventive measures for breast cancer. But before we tell you the preventive tips for breast cancer, let’s know the symptoms of the same.
Swelling in the breast or breasts
Rashes and redness in the breast/s
Changes in breast anatomy
Changes in the nipples’ appearance
Pain in the breasts
Feeling of lumps or nodes in the breasts
Discharge from nipples.
Now, it’s time to know how to prevent and lower your chances of developing breast cancer.
1. Maintain a healthy BMI:
Being overweight or obese (especially after menopause) puts you at more risk of developing breast cancer. Excessive fat issues increase the estrogen levels which in turn makes you vulnerable to breast cancer. To prevent breast cancer, keep a healthy body weight or BMI (18.5-24.9).
2. Control your alcohol consumption:
As we all know, alcohol consumption is injurious to health. Did you know, alcohol is also a culprit behind breast cancer? Alcohol not only raises your estrogen levels but also damages the DNA in cells causing cancer. Avoid consumption of alcohol or at least minimize it.
3. Do physical activities:
If you live an inactive lifestyle, you invite several health issues. It has been found that women who did physical activities regularly had a lower risk of breast cancer. So, ditch the sedentary lifestyle and engage yourself in physical activities.
4. Stop smoking:
Despite numerous warnings on the cigarette packets, people still smoke. Apart from lung cancer and other serious health conditions, smoking is also responsible for causing breast cancer. Ladies, if you have this harmful habit, get rid of it today to protect yourself from breast cancer.
5. Self-examine your breasts:
Regular breast self-exam (once a month) should be encouraged as it helps early diagnosis of any abnormality. To perform a breast self-exam, stand in front of the mirror and observe your breasts. Check for redness, swelling, change in size and nipple discharge. It is always best to learn this self-diagnostic method from an expert gynaecologist.
You should also consult an experienced gynaecologist, whenever you’ve any queries regarding your gynaecological health. Visit ILS Hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala for any medical help.