Let’s Learn About Different Vitamins And Their Importance In Our Body
For a healthy body, we need an adequate amount of carbohydrates, protein, good fats, vitamins and minerals. There are different kind of vitamins that perform different functions in our body. Today, ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala, will enlighten you about different vitamins and their importance in the human body.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is crucial for healthy vision and preventing night blindness. This vitamin also helps in fostering cell development, healthy bones and teeth. Vitamin A ensures good reproductive health and allows the other organs like kidney, heart and lungs to function properly.
Best food sources: Eggs, fish, carrots, dairy products, spinach, pumpkin etc.
Vitamin B
Vitamin B helps in the body’s metabolism and cell development. There are different types of vitamin B, each performing their own functions. Let’s talk about a few here.
Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid or Folate): Vitamin B9 converts food into energy and is vital for pregnant women to help prevent congenital defects. Folate can be derived from natural food sources (eggs, fish, beans, peas and so on) while folic acid, being a synthetic form is consumed in the form of pills.
Biotin (also called Vitamin B7, B8 and Vitamin H): Biotin maintains the body’s metabolism and improves the health of skin, hair, and nails. Best food sources for biotin are egg yolks, soybeans and fish, sweet potatoes, chicken liver, whole grains, etc.
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin): Vitamin B12 helps in the formation of red blood cells, DNA, RNA and myelin. This vitamin prevents congenital defects, memory loss and depression.
Best food sources: Vitamin B12 is present in almost all animal products, like eggs, milk, seafood, and meat.
Vitamin C
Vitamin C repairs the body tissues and strengthens the immune system. It fosters the wound healing process and protects cells from any damage.
Best food sources: All citrus fruits, cauliflower, capsicum, papaya etc.
Vitamin D
Vitamin D ensures healthy bones by allowing the body to absorb calcium, maintains phosphorus levels in the blood and reduces depression.
Best food sources: Egg yolks, cod liver oil, fatty fishes, mushrooms, milk and milk products.
Vitamin E
Vitamin E prevents cell damage, heart diseases and inflammation. It is best for promoting good vision, healthy hair and skin.
Best food sources: Almonds, peanuts, walnuts, olive oil, sunflower oil, dried apricots etc.
Vitamin K
Vitamin K helps in blood clotting, prevents osteoporosis, tooth decay and certain diseases.
Best food sources: Soybeans, egg yolks, chicken, cabbage, spinach and pumpkin.
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