How To Take Care Of Your Health If You Are A Woman
Dear women, you are an important part of our society. As a woman, your health and mental well-being is supreme.
ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata, would like to present some health tips every woman should follow for a healthy body and mind.
1. Eat a healthy diet:
We’ve heard this almost all the time because it’s a true fact. Women should include fruits, vegetables, leafy greens, poultry, seafood, dairy products, dry fruits, legumes, lentils and so on in their diet.
2. Stay hydrated:
Drinking water is unavoidable. Apart from drinking adequate water, you should also have healthy soups, juices, lassi, buttermilk, smoothies and so on. Milk is something all women must include in their daily routine. Have a glass of milk every night to get the dose of calcium and prevent insomnia.
3. Be physically active:
In a busy schedule, it’s difficult for some people to visit the gym and do other physical activities. However, being physically active is not difficult. Even a 10-minute-walk to your nearest park or maidan can help your body and mind. Try walking, running, yoga and even doing household chores for a fit body.
4. Abandon your bad habits:
Bad habits are hard to break but with determination and strong support system there’s a chance of quitting them forever. Some common bad habits are:
Drug and alcohol abuse
Being unhygienic
Undereating or overeating
Consuming unhealthy and outside food
Constantly stressing over things
Being negative
Addiction to smartphones and other gadgets.
So, say goodbye to your bad habits!
5. Practice proper hygiene:
Maintaining hygiene has been taught to us from our school days. Here are some simple personal and feminine hygiene tips for all girls and women:
Brush and floss twice a day
Shower or bath once a day
Clean your vagina with warm water
Wash hands frequently
Wash your face at least twice a day
Shampoo and condition your hair once or twice a week
Keep your nails trimmed and tidy
Wear clean underwear and clothes
Change your sanitary products frequently
Live in a clean and hygienic environment.
6. Visit a medical professional regularly:
As a woman, gynaecologist is going to be your best friend. Visit a good gynaecologist and raise your concerns regarding your health. You should also ask the gynaecologist about multivitamin supplements and breast self-examination.
7. Be positive:
A positive mind is a healthy and happy mind. Do not take stress unnecessarily. Love and care for the ones around you and get the same in return. Stress and anxiety are called silent killers, avoid them completely. Seek professional therapy if you find yourself unable to deal with your current situation.
You can always visit ILS Hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala whenever needed. Our entire hospital team is there to help and support you.