Follow These Tips For A Healthier Immunity During Winter Season
Winter season, the season most preferred over summer by many of us. The cold season provides relief from scorching heat and high temperatures to everyone. But everything has pros and cons, the cold season is no special case. It is also the time when our immune system slows down and brings some troubles to our bodies.
Good immune system is the foundation of a healthy body. We understand how exhausting it is to deal with winter cough and colds, so on that note, ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala would like to share some tips which you can follow for a healthier immunity.
The immune-boosting tips are as follows:
1. Watch your diet:
To build your immunity, you should make it a “rule” that what goes on your plate is healthy and agreeable to your body. Seasonal fruits and vegetables should be inside your refrigerator. Let’s look at the immune-boosting foods:
Mustard greens
Sweet potatoes.
2. Include herbs and spices:
Our country is the land of spices. Thankfully, the Indian diet revolves around immune-boosting spices like turmeric (haldi), pepper, cinnamon, fennel, cumin, clove, asafoetida (hing) and so on. We also have medicinal herbs like basil (tulsi), coriander and liquorice (mulethi), proven to be winter’s best friend. Feel free to relish on these useful herbs and spices during the cold season.
3. Hydration is the key:
Many people mistakenly believe that winter means not bothering much about filling the water bottles. They are wrong! It does not matter whatever the season is, hydration is always the key. Apart from water, you can opt for hot beverages like soups, herbal teas (or good old masala chai), hot chocolate milk and the infamous turmeric latte (haldi doodh), for strengthening your immunity.
4. Go out and exercise:
Let’s not forget the importance of exercise during winters. If exercise is not up to your liking, try outdoor sports like badminton, football and cricket.
5. Relax and rest:
A well-rested body has strong immunity power. Get near about 8 hours of sleep and give your body rest whenever it is required.
6. Remove stress from your life:
Winter blues are common and real. Stress and depression are the worst killers, the cells of our body react to every emotion. So, just be stress-free by doing what you love and spend time with your loved ones.
We hope you liked our simple immune-boosting tips. You can always come to ILS Hospitals, for any medical reason. We are one of the best multi-speciality hospitals in Kolkata.