Do You Have Gastritis? Abstain From These Foods
In simple words, gastritis is inflammation that happens near the lining of the stomach. Living with gastritis is not easy. When you’re diagnosed with gastritis by a gastroenterologist, you will have to make a lot of changes in your life style. The biggest mandatory transformation you make is in your diet. If you have gastritis, you need to follow a specific diet for a healthy digestive system.
Today, ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala will brief you about the foods that you must refrain from if you are suffering from gastritis.
Fried and fatty foods
Fried and fatty foods causes bloating and can even worsen your gastritis. Instead of deep-fry, opt for other healthier cooking mediums – stir-fry, air fry, roasting, steaming, and baking.
Spicy foods
Foods with a lot of chillies and spices are strictly prohibited in a gastritis diet as they worsen yours symptoms. If you have gastritis, ensure that your meals have fewer spices with low use of chillies.
Acidic foods
If you are a food lover which tends to be acidic in nature, then stop doing so. While suffering from gastritis, these foods will cause more harm than good.
Dairy products
Dairy products are beneficial for one’s health. But someone with gastritis should rather avoid the consumption of milk and its by-products as they can aggravate the gastritis symptoms.
Carbonated beverages
Carbonated drinks are not good, more so for gastritis patients. Avoid drinking soda and carbonated beverages.
Caffeinated beverages
Caffeinated beverages, like tea and coffee, should rather be avoided. If you can’t avoid them, then try to cut down the consumption. Switch to healthier alternatives, like green or matcha tea.
Alcoholic beverages
Consumption of excess alcohol or addiction of the same is not good for your health. It would be best if you stop consumption of alcohol completely.
If you face any gastritis related issue, visit ILS Hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala to consult our renowned gastroenterologists.