Adapt These 7 Healthy Habits to Keep Heart Disease at Bay
Heart ailments are one of the major causes of death all over the world. To address its importance, we observe the World Heart Day every 29th September. On this occasion, the Internet starts flooding with articles on various aspects of heart and cardiac emergencies and best heart hospitals. On behalf of the ILS Hospitals, we offer 5 effective tips regarding our very own pumping device, the heart.
Read more – 5 most common heart ailments explained by cardiologists in Kolkata
1. Say Goodbye To The Smoke
No matter if you smoke regularly or ‘only to deal with stress’, it causes plaque to build up in the arteries and can cause a heart attack in the future. Try to quit it this year itself for a better heart and overall health.
2. Attain A Healthy Body Weight
Do all you can to have a healthy body weight. A proportionate body ensures uniform blood circulation and mitigates the chances of having high blood pressure, up to a large extent. Moreover, the normal body weight will help you keep obesity-associated illness at bay, as a surplus.
3. Manage Your Stress
Let it be work related or family oriented, stress buildup is kind of inevitable in today’s world. Prolonged stress can cause high cholesterol and eventually towards an untimely cardiac emergency.
4. Eat And Live Healthy
Adapt a better diet and lifestyle to keep heart diseases away for good. Include lots of fresh veggies and fruits along with whole grains, low fat and lean proteins is a good start. Moreover, start exercising the at least 5 days in a week to keep the heart strong and healthy.
5. Avail Cardiac Screening
Almost every cardiac emergency have some symptoms that stay noticeable over a period of time. Addressing it at the right time can prevent many cardiac emergencies. On this World Heart Day, avail ‘Cardiac Care health check-up package’ at a discounted rate from all the units of ILS Salt Lake, ILS Dum Dum and ILS Agartala. It will help you detect underlying cardiac ailments if any.
So, adapt as many of them as you can, to have a healthy heart and an overall healthy living ahead.
In case, you are already experiencing some cardiac discomfort and assuming it is best to accept it as the natural aspect of life, take a break, cause most cardiac emergencies are preventable. Always remember, the golden words said by Jennie Garth rightly said, “It’s never too late to take your heart health seriously and make it a priority.”