8 Most Common Orthodontics Conditions To Watch Out For
‘A smile can often fix many difficult situations’. We are all familiar with this phrase. However, there are many threats that loom over this perfect smile of yours. Of course, the germs, cavity, and plaque built up deteriorate your dental health, but some misalignment can also hamper your perfect smile too.
Today, we are going to present some most common orthodontics conditions, but before that, we will explain what is orthodontics, in brief. Orthodontics is a special branch of dentistry that deals with fixing malalignments of teeth, whether it is due to defect or injury.
Crowding Of Teeth
It occurs when there is not enough room for all the teeth. This arises when the jaw is either underdeveloped or is just a little small as compared to the teeth. As a result, the teeth overlap one another and can cause some dental problem as it becomes tricky to clean them thoroughly.
Spaced Teeth
This is just the opposite of the previous condition. In this, the jaw is rather big as compared to the space needed by the teeth. It can cause food particles to stuck in between and also often happens to be unattractive to look.
Usually, the upper plate is usually protruded over the lower one. However it became a problem, if this protrusion is too steep as compared to normal skeletal build, an orthodontic condition, we call it as an overbite. It causes difficulty in chewing in extreme cases.
This is just the opposite of the previous case. Under-bite refers to the arrangement when the lower jaw protrudes over the upper jaw. It affects the overall facial look and might add some difficulties in chewing.
This is a combination of the previous 2 conditions. In this, some of the teeth are aligned as overbite while some are aligned as under-bite. It might give a rather unnatural look to the dental plate and might lead to some dental conditions.
Open Bite
In this condition, the teeth of the upper and lower jaws do not meet one another. It makes chewing a much difficult task, which often adds excessive pressure to the other teeth. It might happen due to persistent thumb suckling as a child.
This is a case when one or more teeth naturally do not form and leads to extra spacing in the palate. If only a couple of teeth are missing, it can be easily fixed with braces, which spreads them out evenly.
This is just the opposite of the previous condition, in which there are one or more extra teeth than ideally supposed to be. If it does not cause any dental difficulty, It might be left untreated, but otherwise, it often needs to be surgically removed.
These conditions can be addressed effectively with the treatment from expert orthodontics. It might be okay to live with them if its severity is minor and posses no discomfit or trouble. However, in many cases, untreated orthodontics can lead to premature wearing of teeth and dental trauma, and speech difficulty. It is also crucial to note that orthodontics treatment is most effective when they are availed at an early age. However, it is never too late to resolve a health condition.