5 Common Complications Faced By Pregnant Women
Carrying another life inside you is both a blessing as well as the most challenging task. Thankfully the expert gynecologist and obstetricians help you thoroughly for the same. In fact, maternity hospitals are all equipped to make this experience as comfortable and safe as possible. But there are certain complications that might make it difficult though. Here we present some complications that may arise during pregnancy.
1. Hypertension

It is also known as high blood pressure. It occurs when the blood flowing in the blood vessels exerts too much pressure. This happens when these vessels get narrowed due to some reason. This causes hindrance for the blood to reach the placenta (which provides oxygen and nutrition to the baby). This deprivation for long can cause a slower growth of the baby and can also uplift the chances of preterm labor.
2. Gestational Diabetes

It is a rather unique type of diabetes in which a pregnant woman, with no history of high blood sugar gets diagnosed with it. Even though most of the time gestational diabetes get resolves on its own, after childbirth, it uplifts the probability of several other complications during pregnancy and thus its constant treatment is required. Also, it makes the mother susceptible to diabetes in the future, so she should keep her sugar level in check.
3. Preeclampsia

It is a rather serious condition which has quite severe effects. Its causes are often unknown, but it can be a more likely scenario in case of the first pregnancy or in the case the mothers is obese or is older than 35, or carrying multiple babies or have suffered from the same condition in her previous pregnancy.
It is characterized by exceptionally high blood pressure and in case if it is left untreated it can cause organ damage.
4. Placenta Previa

As already discussed, placenta nourishes your baby before birth. The placenta is usually attached to the top of the uterus and in case of this complication, it slides down. It can cover the cervix (right on the birth canal) either partially or totally. Needless to say, it can cause a hindrance during childbirth and can make it strained labor for the mother and somewhat risky for the baby. It can be diagnosed accurately during a pre-natal scan. Extensive treatment under an expert obstetrician is crucial for such cases.
5. Severe Vomiting and Nausea

Morning sickness is quite common among expecting mother. It is characterized by feeling nausea and voting in the early morning, particularly during the first trimester. Its severe form is called hyperemesis gravidarum and it causes extreme nausea and vomiting along with weight loss, dehydration, fainting and loss of appetite that often need extensive treatment in some maternity hospital.
Good prenatal care is highly recommended for every pregnant woman along with timely medication and prenatal screening. It can ensure that any pregnancy-related complications can be addressed and treated effectively on time. Come at ILS Hospitals to have a safe pregnancy and childbirth ahead.