What Does A Critical Care Specialist Do?

Intensive care saw its first recognition in 1950 amid the Polio epidemic. Effective use of intensive care ventilators and tools became responsible for the survival of many patients. Surgical possibilities and improved critical care management made way to be more effective and have improved survival chances. The intensive care unit or an ICU is a synonym for being the best possible care for patients’ critical condition.

An intensive care specialist is a person who is a medicinal specialist trained in treating critically ill patients. They get training to be proficient in comprehensive clinical management. The intensive specialist, like a critical care specialist in Kolkata, treats critically ill patients as the leader who would handle several multidisciplinary teams.

Who Is a Critical Care Specialist?

An intensive care specialist is the guy who is behind keeping patients with multiple organ failures alive and thriving plus care of those patients at the risk of deterioration clinically and patients needing resuscitation. Managing intensive and dependency units is also part of their expertise and duties. Intensivists are responsible for all-around betterment and care of the speciality.

Intensive care specialists diagnose and treat the conditions that cause them. It usually involves invasive and non-invasive diagnostic techniques, monitoring, and treatment modalities for supporting vital organs. Most of the prominent hospitals have some of the best critical care doctors in Kolkata.

Intensive care further saw an increase in its popularity when committed, and specialised individuals started handling said units. Such individuals soon attracted others to begin the speciality of the Intensivist. Intensivists or these individuals lead the medical team developments recognising their skills and abilities.

What Does A Critical Care Specialist Do?

Prominently physicians are the ones who handle critical care work in intensive care units of a hospital. Internal medicine specialists like pulmonologists, cardiologists, and other surgeons practising hospital medicine all can become Intensivist. Additional training in critical care management allows them to manage critical care units of a hospital.

Following are the prominent part of their duties while regularly ensuring the smooth functioning of an ICU and its patients.

  • Keeping track of the clinical history and its presentation.
  • Ensure focused and relevant medical examination of the patient.
  • Review related data from radiology, laboratory, and microbiology data.
  • Review reports and all inputs by specialists in the cases.
  • Ensure accurate and precise documentation by the intensive care team.
  • Ensuring safer patient transport by discussing the benefits and risks of transport.

Majorly to define what all an Intensivist is doing in intensive care, let’s look at certain benefits of having a critical care specialist.

  • Improvement of patient conditions and survival rates.
  • An effective decrease in the complication of the health conditions of patients.
  • Review related data from radiology, laboratory, and microbiology data.
  • Shorter ICU stays.
  • Safer and enhanced medication.

What Is Intensive Care?

Critical Care Unit gives attention to seriously ill patients from the point of injury or illness to their discharge from Intensive Care. This process encircles Ambulance Services, Disaster Medicine, Emergency Medicine, and Preventive Medicine.

An Intensive Care Unit is a designated area in the hospital having a combination of specially trained staff. Monitoring equipment allows more detailed and frequent monitoring and more frequent intervention in seriously ill patients.


The above points might be enough for you to understand the critical role of an Intensivist. However, it is also true that an intensivist needs to keep learning and improving their specialised skills. There is a steadfast need to pioneer critical health-related procedures and therapies. For consulting the best critical care doctor in Kolkata, you should visit https://www.ilshospitals.com/.