C-Section or Natural Birth – Which One Is Right For You?
Are you pregnant? Accept our hearty congratulations. Certainly, you are under the care of some expert Gynecologist and Obstetricians and have plans to deliver your baby in some good maternity hospital when the time comes. Often we find many pregnant women, especially the first-timer mothers are not very certain about which birthing method is right for them. Though it often needs to be decided by both the parents and the doctors, and that too after considering many factors. But today, we are offering a brief introduction about both C-section delivery and natural birth.
What Happens During Natural Birth?
Natural birth is also known as vaginal delivery. As the name itself implies, during natural birth, the baby is born through the birth canal. It is carried out as the uterus exerts strong contractions, pushing the baby out. Until the C-section delivery started being offered by maternity hospitals, this has been the only method of childbirth since the dawn of the human race. Mothers who deliver vaginally are often discharged from maternity hospitals much earlier than those who had C-section delivery because their recovery period is very short.

The Special Case Of Painless Delivery
You might have heard of a relatively new way of delivering baby, through ‘painless delivery’. It is carried out naturally, but with the administration of the epidural injection, that manages the pain significantly.
What Happens During C-Section
Cesarean section, or more commonly known as C-section is a comparatively newer method of childbirth. It is carried out by making an incision of length 4 to 6 inches across the lower abdomen and then on the uterus to pull the baby out. C-section can be done on both elective and emergency basis. Many a time, it is preferred and requested from the mother, when she does not want to strain herself due to labor or have long term complications such as urine incontinence, etc.

When C-Section Becomes Necessary?
As mentioned earlier, there are many reasons for opting C-section ( mainly due to medical reason). These are often diagnosed by the doctor during pregnancy or during the labor itself when the complication arises. These includes:
- The baby is larger than usual/ or the baby has a large head
- The mother has a small pelvis
- The baby is lying in head-up position (i.e breech baby)
- Twins sharing a same amniotic sac
- The mother is unable to deliver naturally
- The mother is exhausted due to strained labor
Which One Is Better For Me
Honestly, there is no particular answer for the same. For normal pregnancy without any complication, a mother can go for a natural birth, if she thinks it is best. But in case she does not want to strain herself or have any medical complications associated with it, C-section is a preferred approach. In either case, it is advised for every parents-to-be to stay prepared for both approaches.
ILS Hospitals offers both natural and C-section delivery. Get in touch with our expert Gynecologist and Obstetricians to determine which is best for you.
What Is Painless Delivery And How It Is Carried Out
The wonderful journey of motherhood begins with pregnancy and childbirth is a crucial event in it. Babies are coming into the earth since the dawn of humankind, sometimes with little to no assistance, all through natural birth. Gradually came the technique of cesarean birth, which offered some advantages for complicated birth. Nowadays, ‘painless delivery’ is being offered by many advanced obstetrician and maternity hospitals. Let’s understand what painless delivery is and how it is carried out.
The labor phase is a painful and traumatic experience for many mothers. The birthing method is a crucial factor for the same, but it also depends on the pain tolerance level of the mother and overall conditions. But thankfully, the expert obstetricians and medical science can help ease the pain these days, with the help of ‘painless delivery.’
What Is Painless Delivery?
Painless delivery is sort of a ‘nickname’ for a natural birth with the administration of a special drug called epidural. Epidural reduces pain significantly in a specific area. In case of labor, it is administrated right in the spine, cause a somewhat numbness in the lower part of the body. With epidural in your system, you are still awake and feel the contraction and can push your baby.
It is induced for natural birth as per the will of the mother or as necessity felt by the doctor. It is also administrated in case of carrying out a C-section. Even though some minor risks such as back pain, fever, and headaches are associated with the epidural, they are extremely rare and poses no long term complications.
Is Painless Delivery totally Painless?
Well, definitely not. While you are welcoming your little baby in the world, it is inevitable to feel some pain. With no epidural, the magnitude of this pain is tremendously high for many mothers. This magnitude can be significantly reduced with the administration of the epidural. With less severe labor pain, you can concentrate more on giving birth and make it a comfortable experience altogether.
Should You Consider Getting A Painless Delivery?
There is no definite yes or no answer for the same. You, along with your partner and obstetrician need to discuss all the possibilities of birth. However, in case you have a low tolerance for pain or becoming a mother for the first time, you should definitely be aware of the same and consider it as one of the options.