A Brief Introduction to the Types of Blood Donation

Blood transfusion is a process of supplying blood of a matching group to an individual in need of it. Even though advanced procedures such as laparoscopic surgery rarely needs a blood transfusion, it is needed for medical emergencies, life support systems, several specific diseases, such as thalassemia, or even a major pre-scheduled invasive surgery.

Whether or not you have been a part of blood transfusions, you are more likely to be accustomed to only one type of blood donation. However, did you know that there are 4 types of blood donations, as per the element of the blood? Let’s have a quick look at each of them

1. Whole blood donation

The most common procedure, in which about a pint of whole blood is extracted out of the body. It may or may not be further segregated into platelets, plasma, and red cells, depending upon the need of the recipient. The procedure takes about half an hour or even less, while the patients can donate the same every 2 months.

2. Platelet Apheresis

It requires a special apheresis machine that collects blood and separates all its elements with centrifugal effect. The platelets component is kept for transfusion while the remaining elements return back to the body’s blood circulation. The process takes about 2 hours.

This type of blood is needed by patients battling cancers, undergoing organ transplant therapy and surgeries/medical emergencies that may involve massive bleeding. Moreover, while a single platelet donation can be used for multiple blood transfusion, it takes about 5-6 whole blood donations to make up for a single platelet transfusion. It can be donated every seven days, up to 24 times a year.

3. Plasma Apheresis

This type of blood donation goes simultaneously with the previous one. In this type, only the plasma is kept for the blood transfusion, while the rest is returned back to the body. The process takes about an hour and a half. It can be done after every two weeks.

4. Power Red

This one is yet another donation type involving the apheresis machine, which collects only the red cells while it returns the plasma and the platelets. Often the rare blood types have short supply as the donor need to meet few special guidelines for donating this type. It includes having higher levels of haemoglobin and specific body height and weight.

A single donation usually takes about an hour and collects two units of red cells. The donor can contribute every 120 days.

Each blood donation types has its own features. On this World Blood Donor Day, 14th June we honour every blood donor and feel our duty to pay tribute to one particular donor named James Harrison of Australia. This blood plasma donor rightfully earned the title of ‘man with the golden arm’ as he has donated blood plasma 1173 times throughout his entire life. After receiving 13 liters of blood for a surgery at the age of 14, he committed to donate blood in the future. Having a rather strong antigen against the group Rh antigen, he was able to donate blood plasma, which as per estimation, saved about 2.4 million unborn babies.

Blood Donation

While saluting such a determined spirit, we, on behalf of ILS Hospitals, urge every healthy, capable individual to donate blood, at least once in their lifetime.

How to Spot Heat Stroke and Address it on Time

Heat stroke is a common side effect of long exposure of the sun. As the summer is here, and not everyone has the luxury of the working inside an AC office. Thus, many people are forced to work under the sun even at the peak hours of the day. Many people get admitted to hospitals due to the same, as an untreated heat stroke can end up badly. However, identifying them in the initial stage can help it a lot control it.

Let’s understand, what a heat stroke is. Heat stroke is severe injury due to long exposure under heat and radiation. It is considered as a medical emergency and thus timely detection is crucial.

Detecting an imminent heat stroke can be done by looking for other symptoms such as heat cramps, exhaustion, and fainting, but often it may have no previous symptoms, making it quite tricky to identify.

On an average, the following symptoms usually onsets for an imminent heat stroke-

  1. Abnormally high core body temperature
  2. Dizziness, confusion, stammering
  3. Loss of consciousness
  4. Rapid heartbeat
  5. Shallow breathing
  6. Sharp, throbbing headache
  7. Lack of sweat
  8. Muscle cramp and weakness
  9. Seizures
  10. Nausea and vomiting
  11. Dry, red skin

Usually, the heat stroke affects an older individual much more adversely than younger people. However, athlete and sportsperson are highly susceptible to get severely affected by heat strokes as well.

Heat stroke, in its severe form, can cause temporary and permanent damage to the brain cells, along with other organs. Thereby, getting the patient in touch with a healthcare facility is highly recommended. However, the patient could be addressed in the meantime, through any of the following ways as well, to keep the situation under control.

Laying down the patient under the fan and sprinkle water on their body

Immerse the patient under the shower or in the bathtub with cold water

Applying ice packs on armpits, neck, and back, particularly because, the blood vessels are underneath these sites and thus helps to cool down the body more effectively.

Going for an ice bath is recommended for the young patient, who collapse due to over exhaustion, but is otherwise healthy and effective as well. However, the same should never be considered for older and very young patients, as it causes more harm than good.

Seeking a healthcare is still recommended, even if the patients get better after first aid treatment to ensure no long-term damage onsets due to the same. Needless to say, taking adequate precautions is the best way to stay healthy during summer.