The History of Antibiotic and Its Evolution

The word antibiotic refers to two words, anti means to oppose and biotics means life. Thus, the term antibiotics refer the drugs which are against the living cell. Then why do we consume them? Well simply because the bio cells in consideration is not the host human, but instead the bacterial pathogens that cause infection and side effects.

You can find the antibiotics drugs for a range of medical conditions and illnesses. They predominantly destroy the bacterial growth, but few of then also prohibits the growth of protozoa as well. Antibiotics for virus-related illness is mostly a misnomer as the correct term for the same would be antiviral drugs.


Antibiotic is an indispensable part of today’s medical science. But how did its journey started? Only a few are aware of. The golden era of antibiotics began in early 1909 with the successful invention of salvation to cure syphilis. But the most noteworthy invention was that of the penicillin in the year 1928 by Alexender Fleming. This was a turning point int he timeline of medicines.

The utilization of penicillin was at its peak during the year 1941, when the penicillin was processed in batch for mass production. It cured a wide range of infections in all over the world. These include minor to mild eye infection, bacterial growth, blood poisoning and lots more. Moreover, its role in treating the soldiers from the World War II is unparallel. Eventually, the oral penicillin was fabricated any produced.

However, with time, it was observed that not every individual was responding positively to the use of penicillin. Few individuals did not respond to this particular antibiotic at all, and for few others, their condition even worsened on its application. Thus came to the time of the invention of erythromycin in the year of 1949.


Gradually, several antibiotics were discovered and produced for usage over the several next decades. In the present time, there are many antibiotics available in the market. Several of these are over the counter drugs and thus, it does not need any medical prescription for buying them. However, it is always recommended to get a medical checkup before buying and using any medicine.

As we are witnessing the World Antibiotic Awareness Week in the month of November, we, the ILS Hospitals, pay our respect to all those scientists medical personals, who spend hours in researching and inventing these drugs.