
Stay Safe By Mitigating Malaria By Following 6 Tips

Malaria is a parasitic infectious disease that mosquito-borne disease that is carried out by the female Anopheles mosquito. Malaria is highly prevalent in the Indian subcontinent and as we are observing World Malaria Day on 25th April, we on behalf of ILS Hospitals, recommend 6 tips to mitigate the possibility of malaria at the first place.

1. Evaluate the risk of malaria

Malaria is not prevalent in every corner of the world, thus, not everyone is at risk of the same. Thereby the measure of the protection you need is entirely dependent on how much risk you are in. So, at first, it is important to evaluate how much risk you are exposed to. The surrounding and the hygiene level plays an important role in it.

2. Stay protected particularly during nights

Mosquitos tend to bite a lot at night more than daytime. The lack of awareness while bitten more frequently during asleep enhances the risk of malaria. You are recommended to install mosquito nets on the window and sleep under mosquito nets, even during the daytime naps.

3. Keep your surrounding clean

You can reduce the chances of malaria significantly by keeping the surrounding clean and avoiding water clogging. Spraying mosquito repellent spray and bleaching powder in the drain and open water bodies.

4. Cover the body properly

You can avoid mosquito bites by keeping your bodies covered all the times. Wearing long sleeves and full-length pants are recommended. Having multiple layered clothes or soaking them in anti-mosquito liquids prior to drying them off furthermore ensures that the mosquitoes bite cannot penetrate the fabric all the way to reach the skin.

5. Use mosquito repellent

Use mosquito repellent sprays to reduce their population in the vicinity. You are also recommended to use creams and lotions on the parts that cannot be covered with the face, palms, feet etc. to mitigate the risks of mosquito bites.

6. Seek medical help, if needed

The incubation period of malaria usually lies between 1-2 weeks. However, it can exceed this period as well. The best way to ensure your health is by getting in touch with a hospital upon having persistent symptoms. In case, the doctor has prescribed any medication, you are advised to complete the medication course, without fail.

By following these simple guidelines, you will be able to stay safe, from malaria.