Risks Of Untreated Clinical Depression And Why You Should Seek Help In Time
We all have experienced depression from time to time and thankfully, we often are able to come out of it with our will and little help from friends and family. But the term clinical depression is something can that needs extensive medical treatment from an expert psychiatrist. Let’s check out the risks of the same if it is left untreated.
1. Suicide
The most feared risk of untreated depression is suicide. It includes having suicidal thought as well. Many individuals start looking for ways to end their life, or might also picture them carrying it out too. Though being involved in violence is somewhat rare, severely depressed individuals can cause harm to others as well, if they are provoked or evoked.
2. Self Injury
Several individuals engage in self-injury in order to cope with their depression. It includes hitting head on the walls or hard surfaces, burning, clawing, skinning, cutting or ingesting some toxic substance. In such cases, even when some individual is not actually considering suicide, these harmful activities can result in severe injury or even death, accidentally.
3. Addiction
It is not uncommon to find people drink or smoke or even take drugs to cope up with their depression. For clinical depression, this addiction becomes even worse. Such individuals try to subdue their consciousness with substance abuse. This, in turn, can bring many medical threats to them. In many cases, its overuse has been found to lead towards death and deterioration of health.
4. Poor Performance
As depression makes people drenched out of energy, make them unable to focus or even perform the capability, it is almost inevitable to find its result in everyday life. Let it be academic or workplace performance, the results often are too poor as compared to normal.
5. Reckless Behavior
Depression might make people let their guards down, as they are not certain they want a better tomorrow. These individuals might engage in action without considering their consequences. It includes reckless driving, doing dangerous recreational activities, etc.
6. Relationship Issues
Depression deteriorates personal relations the most. It causes rifts, fights, hopelessness in a relationship and affects their family’s mental health as well. For married people, it can lead to even separation or divorce. When such individuals also have children, it dis-balance their growth and emotional health drastically.
7. Poor Health
Depression leads to many health complications, some directly and some indirectly. For instance, insomnia and fatigue directly result from depression and long term depression can give rise to weight gain, high cholesterol and other complications.
Can Depression Be Cured With Timely Treatment
Thankfully, yes! Treatment for depression includes sessions with expert psychiatrists, group session, medicines and shock treatment in severe cases.
On behalf of ILS Hospitals, we would like every individual to evaluate their mental health once in a while, just like they do for their physical health. Remember, the depression is just a phase that can be overcome with help, modern medicines are more than capable of resolving it for good if it is availed at the right time.