7 Vital Signs You Should Visit an ENT Specialist

Your ear, nose, and throat which are collectively called ENT play a very important role in overall human health. All of these interconnected systems of the human body affect various sides of human life starting from hearing, breathing, and swallowing. 

However, if any serious issue happens then you must seek guidance from the best ENT doctors in ILS Hospital Kolkata. In this blog, we will further explain 7 important factors for which you must visit an ENT specialist. 

Understanding the Signs for Consulting an ENT 

There might be numerous reasons why you must visit an ENT specialist and before making an appointment you should know the seven underlying factors first. 

  • Long-lasting ear Pain Or Hearing Loss

If you are facing any type of ear internal pain or reduction in hearing then it might be a serious case of hearing loss. 

It can happen due to numerous reasons like ear infections, perforations in the eardrums, or sensorineural hearing loss. A special evaluation will be done by an ENT specialist in this case to diagnose the issues properly. 

Appropriate treatment options as per the conditions will be recommended afterward. 

  • Chronic Sinus Issue 

Problems of sinusitis or chronic sinus or nasal polyps can lead to nasal congestion, headache, and postnasal drip. 

An ENT doctor will perform some tests based on nasal imaging studies, conduct nasal endoscopy and allergy testing to recognize the conditions of your sinus, and form a proper treatment plan to reduce the symptoms. 

  • Difficulty in Breathing 

Difficulty in breathing or swallowing can be a very serious issue that needs evaluation by a certified ENT. These types of problems might arise from some conditions like nasal obstruction, throat infections, or disorder in swallowing. 

An ENT specialist can conduct diagnostic tests such as laryngoscopy and swallowing studies, to evaluate the airway and swallowing function. A proper diagnosis will be made in the multispeciality hospital in Kolkata and medication or treatment will be recommended further. 

  • Recurring Sore Throats 

Sore throats that recur often or problems in the tonsils can impact the quality of your life and might indicate the need for a more detailed evaluation by an ENT doctor. An ENT specialist can only assess your problem if you have chronic tonsillitis, strep throat infection, or any disorder in the immune system. 

The doctor will check the throat health and recommend some medications like antibiotics which will also be available if you check for a 24*7 pharmacy near me on your mobile. On the other hand, if the problem is much more complicated then the doctor might conduct surgical removal of tonsils. 

  • Dizziness in the Body 

Ear helps in creating body balance and dizziness or balance problems can occur from inner ear disorders, vestibular migraines, or neurological conditions that affect the balance 

An ENT specialist with proper experience in vestibular disorder can hold specialized tests to understand the cause of the symptoms that are happening. They might recommend appropriate strategies for proper management of the system. 

  • Chronic Cough or Hoarse Voice 

Chronic cough or hoarseness in the vocal cords can be symptoms of throat conditions such as vocal cord nodules or it might be throat cancer. 

A doctor will perform a detailed evaluation of your vocal cords and the upper airway of the passage including laryngoscopy and voice evaluation to recognize the cause of your symptoms and develop a personal treatment plan for you. 

  • Head and Neck Pain 

Head and neck pain may be of different types. Prevalent head and neck pain like jaw pain, stiffness in the neck, or swollen nodes of the lymph. All of these issues like salivary gland infections or head and neck tumors may indicate ENT disorders and these are vital signs for which you must visit an ENT. 

The doctor will perform an intensive evaluation by doing imaging studies or biopsies to understand the cause of the symptoms and provide treatment as needed.

Final Words

The right time to know when you must visit an ENT is very important for addressing diverse ear, nose, and throat conditions that can affect the quality of your life. 

Whether you are experiencing persistent ear pain, problems in breathing, or any other relevant symptoms you must immediately make an appointment at the ILS Hospital considered one of the best emergency hospitals in Kolkata. You can consult with the best doctors to treat your issue and ensure your well-being here. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

In this section of the blog, we have tried to answer some of the relevant questions that have been asked by people all over

Q.1 How does an ENT doctor treat vertigo?

The doctor might conduct a physical examination followed by vestibular testing and imaging studies. Specific exercises or medications might be recommended by the doctor. 

Q.2 Can cosmetic surgery be conducted by an ENT?

Yes, an ENT doctor can perform cosmetic surgery like rhinoplasty to reshape or reform the function of the nose if there is any problem or treat polyps. 

Q.3 How does an ENT treat voice problems?

The doctor diagnoses the function of the vocal cords through some assessments like laryngoscopy. Afterward, treatment is done by including voice therapy or medications. 

Q.4 What precautions must be followed after ear surgery?

After surgery, the patients must follow the instructions given by the doctor. They should care about the wound, maintain hygiene, and manage medications. 

When you should Visit Audiology Hospital in Kolkata?

Loss of hearing is a very serious and common health concern affecting people’s lives. 

It makes people feel isolated from the external world as they cannot make a transparent connection, unlike others. It might hurt the affected person’s life and make it harder to have social interactions. 

Unfortunately, if you are having any kind of hearing problems then you must make an appointment for timely treatment at ILS Hospital Kolkata which is considered to be one of the best audiology hospitals in Kolkata. In this blog, we will explore the signs that indicate the best time to visit an audiology hospital in Kolkata

Understanding The Factors of Hearing Loss

Nowadays hearing loss has become a very common factor among people and it has been a raised concern. To treat hearing loss problems you must first understand the factors associated with hearing loss including the signs and symptoms. 

  • Recognizing signs of hearing loss 

Hearing loss can happen due to numerous reasons and identifying it in the early stage is very necessary for treating it properly. 

Some of the common symptoms of hearing loss include the complexity of understanding speech, asking for others to repeat their words, increasing the volume on the music box, and feeling any type of ringing in the internal parts of the ear which is also known as tinnitus. 

Bring yourself or your loved ones for the best audiology treatment in Kolkata and seek guidance from an expert doctor in the multispeciality hospitals in Kolkata. 

  • Routine Hearing Screenings 

When you are facing any difficulties with your hearing then routine check-ups or routine hearing screenings are very important for maintaining overall hearing health. 

This priority must be given to persons who are aged, have any kind of occupational exposure due to loud sounds, or have any medical issues. Audiologists at emergency hospitals in Kolkata can conduct intensive hearing assessments, including pure-tone audiometry, speech audiometry, and other screenings to recognize any deformities in the ear. 

We suggest men above 40 and women above 35 have a screening to be done. By following this process one can manage their complex conditions easily. 

  • Managing Tinnitus and Ear Disorders 

Another problem that we have discussed is experiencing ringing in the ears also known as tinnitus. 

Make an appointment immediately in the emergency hospital in Kolkata to avoid any kind of problems in the future. Seek advice from the audiologist in the hospital as they can assist you by providing counseling, sound therapy, and other tests to reduce the problem of tinnitus. 

Moreover, audiology hospitals are well known for diagnosing and treating different conditions, such as otitis media, otosclerosis, and Meniere’s disease. In this case, the doctors provide intensive care to individual patients as per their condition. 

  • Hearing Aid Assessment

For patients who are suffering from hearing loss, hearing aids are gadgets that are used which can be very transformative and restore the ability to communicate. 

The audiologists at our hospital conduct a detailed assessment based on the medical history, lifestyle, and preferences. The doctors will provide a personal setting, programming, and counseling to make sure that the hearing aid properly works. 

ILS Hospital being one of the topmost multispeciality hospitals in Kolkata provides high-end advanced technology for all ages. 

Final Words 

The first thing for individuals with hearing problems to manage optimal health and resolve complexities related to hearing loss or tinnitus is to know the correct time for medical visitation. 

In this case, do not delay while we are always at your help. Come today and make an appointment at ILS Hospital Kolkata, as here expert staff are present to provide personalized solutions to enhance hearing health. 

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

In this section we have tried to jot down some of the often asked questions over the internet over time:

Q1. What are some common causes of hearing loss?

Numerous reasons lead toward hearing loss. Of them, aging is the main cause, another cause can be remaining for a long time in loud sound, or genetic factors can be also responsible. 

Q2. How Can I Protect My Ears From Hearing Loss?

There are many solutions to reduce problems of hearing loss as you can protect your ears with the help of earplugs, and limit the timing of remaining in loud noises for timing. 

Q3. How Often Should I Visit The Hospital For Screening?

For at least once a year everyone must schedule a hearing screening in a hospital.

Q4. Which Doctor must be Consulted for Hearing Problems?

Generally, ENT doctors can be consulted in this case. Specifically, doctors who treat ear problems are called audiologists. 

Q5. What are the signs of Hearing Problems in Kids?

Kids might not express their problems so easily and for that reason, you can look for some factors like pain in the ears, the flow of any liquid, or problems while sleeping.

Visiting an ENT Specialist During COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic not only disrupted our daily activities but also questioned our visit to the hospitals
and clinic. An apparent fear encapsulated our minds and rendered us helpless at times.

Apart from the COVID warriors, the medical professionals in the stream of ENT, gynaecology, ophthalmology,
orthopedy, etc., had to face the doubts of taking up patients. For patients, consulting even for ear pain or
nose bleed became an arduous task because of COVID fear.

But the Ministry of Health in India, took specific steps to ensure the smooth functioning of the medical

In this article, we will see how the ENT specialists in Kolkata, in compliance with the government rule, devised a protective environment for patients to get consulted during COVID-19 times.

Protocols Designed for Visiting An ENT Specialist

ENT is a high-risk area, prone to the spread of COVID-19 infection among the patients and the doctors. The
following protocols or SOPs have been set up by the government for the ENT specialists and the patients to
get better treatment and avoid the COVID-19 virus.


  • Telecommunication or online consultation should always be preferred between the doctor and the patient
    to avoid physical interaction. Even after the surgery, patients should be advised to take a follow-up through
    online consultation.
  • Only one patient should be allowed in the examination room.
  • Patients with appointments should be preferred over walk-in patients.


  • Ensure the patient and the ENT specialist is wearing masks, hand gloves, and maintaining social distancing.
  • Use sanitisers before entering.


  • Patients are screened using thermal, thermal guns to reduce the exposure to the medical staff.
  • Patients with symptoms of COVID-19 are screened in a separate COVID-19 Screening Clinic to ensure the
    safety of other ENT patients.
  • Personnels screening the patients have to wear a PPE kit.
  • All the patients and their caretakers must wear a tripled layer mask and a gown.

Precautions Within ENT OPD Room

  • ENT OPD room must be well-ventilated.
  • The ENT specialists must wear a Level I PPE kit that includes an N95 mask, gloves, gown, and face shield.
  • For unavoidable Nasal Endoscopy, doctors and nurses must wear Level II PPE kit that includes an N95 mask,
    gloves, cover-all gown, and goggles. Generally, this is to avoid any risk from the aerosol generation during
  • Patients with COVID-19 symptoms should be treated in separate wards. Only after the COVID-19 negative
    report, they should be shifted to the ENT ward.
  • Only one care-taker of the patient should be allowed in the ward. The care-taker should also be screened
    before entering.
  • Operation and ENT instruments must be sterilised as per the standard protocol.
  • Ward should be cleaned and disinfected regularly.
  • A distance of two meters between the patients’ bed is compulsory.
  • Belongings of the patients must be kept to a minimum.
  • All the furniture in the ward must be kept to a minimum and cleaned regularly.
  • Visitors should not be allowed.
  • A separate ward should be marked for the tracheostomised patients or the patients with a high potential
    of aerosol generation.


The above points are the significant protocols required for ENT consultation. ENT symptoms involve ear pain, nose bleed, sore throat, snoring, hearing loss, etc. The respiratory organs are more prone to the COVID-19 virus. Thus, ENT becomes a crucial branch to follow the safety protocols during such a pandemic.

For more information about ENT specialists in Kolkata, safety procedures, and treatment, visit,

Best Ent Specialists In Kolkata Share Useful Tips For Healthy Ears 

Ear health is often ignored by many people. Ears are important as they help us hear various sounds. Today, renowned ENT specialists from ILS Hospitals – Kolkata and Agartala will share some useful tips that will help you maintain good ear health.

Follow these below-mentioned tips by our ENT experts for good hearing health.

Use of earphones/headphones/earbuds at a lower volume

Nowadays, everyone uses earphones or headphones while listening to music and watching videos online. Earbuds have come into existence as well. We don’t want you to stop using them, but we would highly recommend you to use such devices at lower volumes. Also, clean your earbuds and headphones regularly.

Clean your ears the right way

Cleaning your ear should not be overlooked as the accumulation of ear wax can impair hearing. Do not clean your ears with Q – tips, instead soak a cotton ball into warm water and clean the outer part of your ears gently. Remember to not push the ear wax towards the ear canal. In case of earwax blockage, you should refer to an ENT specialist.

Use earplugs when exposed to loud noises

Long exposure to loud noises can cause hearing loss. Take precautions and wear noise-baring earplugs.

Don’t insert anything inside your ear

Don’t insert anything into your ear, not even your own finger to avoid injuries or infections in the ear canal.

Visit an ENT specialist every year 

If you want to ensure good ear health, visit an expert ENT specialist for your annual ear check-up. If you use a hearing aid then you should visit your ENT doctor more frequently. You can visit our hospital units in Kolkata and Agartala to get medical consultations from our ENT professionals

Eat healthy and do not stress as stress does no good to your ears. For any health-related advice, visit ILS Hospitals, one of the best hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala.

Mouth Ulcer? Know The Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis And Treatment

What is a mouth ulcer? Mouth ulcers or informally known as canker sores are white or red bruises that occur on areas like- inside the mouth, cheek, gums, tongue and even lips. We all have witnessed canker sores at some point in our lives and know how annoying and painful they can get. Generally, mouth ulcers can be self-treated but if it prolongs for, say, three and a half weeks, then it’s a serious condition and you need to get medical supervision from the hospital at that immediate moment.

Let us now know the causes behind these unbearable mouth ulcers.

  • Brushing vigorously with a hard-bristled toothbrush

  • Using toothpaste and mouth rinses containing sodium lauryl sulphate or other harsh chemicals

  • Improper oral hygiene

  • Unintentional bites inside the tongue and cheeks

  • Being allergic to certain foods like eggs, coffee, nuts, citrus foods (such as lemons, apples, tomatoes, strawberries), chocolates and so on

  • Side effects of some medicines

  • Deficiency of iron, zinc, vitamin B-12 and folate

  • Incorrect dentures or new braces

  • Infections caused by bacteria, viruses and fungi

  • Constant stress and anxiety

  • Insomnia.

The symptoms associated with mouth sores are visual and include the following:

– Swelling and redness in the affected area

– Facing difficulties while brushing teeth

– Problems in eating spicy, sour and salty foods

– Poor appetite.

Mouth ulcers are common and can get self-healed but if you frequently get them, then it becomes a problem and you should seek medical help from a good hospital or clinic.

The diagnosis is a visual exam for mouth ulcers and in case of recurring and serious mouth ulcers, other diagnostic tests are prescribed by the concerned doctor.

Here are some ways to self-treat mouth ulcers. Let’s look at them below:

  • Drink plenty of cold fluids preferably through a reusable glass straw (because environment matters too)

  • Applying a cold compress to the sore area

  • Avoid eating spicy, sour and salty foods

  • Avoid drinking too hot or cold beverages

  • Do not chew any gum

  • Gargle with warm saltwater

  • Get medically-prescribed medicines.

If you get no respite from your mouth ulcer, then visit your dentist or an ENT specialist without any excuses.

There’s no sure-fire way to prevent mouth ulcers but we can always avoid them to some extent by

– Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and a mild toothpaste

– Avoiding foods that trigger allergies

– Eating a well-balanced and nutritious diet

– Getting regular dental check-ups from a clinic or hospital.

For getting medical assistance, contact ILS Hospitals in Kolkata and Agartala.

Cochlear Implant Surgery – A Hearing Gift from Medical Science

Saying goes- one the most beautiful things in the world is the music. It has no barrier in language or any other constraints. Unfortunately, it becomes insignificant if one is impaired in hearing. There could be several reasons for the same. According to ENT specialist, one can either lose their hearing power gradually over time, suddenly, due to an accident or they could be born with this disability.

Thankfully, there are several medical arrangements for the same in today’s era. ENT Specialists these days are using an exceptionally powerful implant called the Cochlear ImplantA revolutionary medical approach that enables the majority of the patient to experience sound.

Cochlear Implant

The cochlear implant is a medical electronic device. It can be considered as an alternative mechanism to compensate for the improper function of the inner ear. It is more advanced as compared to hearing aids, which only enhances the intensity of external sounds. The cochlear implant, on the other hand, bypasses the damaged inner ear and propagate the signal directly to the brain.

Cochlear implant is helpful for the patients with the following conditions-

  1. Moderate to significant hearing loss in one/both ears
  2. Had very little or no help from the hearing aids
  3. Score less than 50 (sometimes 60) percent on sentence recognition, evaluated by hearing professionals.

Several people are bilateral, i.e. have these implant in both ears. It can improve various functions of the ears, such as identifying the direction of sound or to segregate the desired sounds from the undesired ones.

Our success story

Recently, a patient had a successful cochlear implant surgery at one of our facilities, i.e. in ILS Hospital Agartala. The patient was very young, a boy of about five. Being a child of only five years of age, a significant learning period was ahead of him. Since hearing is a huge step of learning itself, this implant will help him direct his life towards a new and better direction.

Cochlear Implant

Needless to say, this implant will make a significant change in his life from now on. A glimpse of his positive life ahead, can be seen by the letter of acknowledgement sent by his father. We hope and pray for his healthy and prosperous life.

Also, we encourage the parents and guardians of such children to come ahead and get evaluated for the same. A little awareness and efforts can make their lives so much better.

5 Most Common Ear Diseases You Should Stay Away From

Most of us prefer to speak more than they prefer to hear, despite of the fact that our body has been designed with two ears and a mouth. But with multiple ears, we come across multiple ear diseases. According to ENT specialists, several people often ignore these diseases until it becomes a serious threat.

On that note, let’s have a look at the 5 most common ear diseases:

1. Ear Infection

Almost every individual suffers at least once of ear infection. It is caused by bacterial pathogen which enters through the tear of the ear skin. It can be characterized by pain, inflammation, redress and smelly discharge from the ear. Its treatment is usually limited to the use of antibacterial medication applied either topically or orally.

Ear Infections

2. Swimmer’s Ear

This disease causes inflammation of the ear canal. It is caused by an excess amount of moisture trapped inside the ear canal and can eventually lead to infection as well. It can be characterized by non-smelly discharge along with itching. It can even cause fever and lymph nodes swelling in later stages.

swimmers ear

3. Boils in the Ear

This disease occurs due to the bacterial infection on the surface of the ear. It is characterized by a small bump that protrudes from the ear. It is usually accompanied by pain and itchiness. Upon bursting, it may release some pus and discharge. Often it resolves on its own, but painkillers and antibiotics can be prescribed for quicker recovery.

Boils in the ear

4. Tinnitus

Tinnitus can be easily characterized by experiencing a ringing sound in one or both ears. However, people may also experience a buzzing, clicking, roaring or even hissing sound. It may either be high pitch or low pitch and varies from people to people. Several times healing of this disease happen on their own, but at times sound therapy or tinnitus retraining therapy etc. is done to cure it totally.


5. Barotrauma

Barotrauma in caused due to sudden change of air or water pressure. It usually happens during cruising, scuba diving or mountain hiking. It begins with hearing popping sounds, which leads to dizziness, hearing loss and pain. Decongestants may be prescribed by the doctor to address it. However, in the time of duress ENT specialists advises that yawning, swallowing or chewing can help to ease the pain and relieve the pressure.


In case you encounter any problem associated with ear, which seems to persist or recur, consult an ENT.

ENT – Definition and Common ENT Problems

Stands for Ear, Nose and Throat. The department of medical science that deals with these three domains together. A specialized doctor in this domain is called Otolaryngologist, or more commonly as ENT itself.

Why it is so important?

Ears, nose and throat are vital parts of the body. Let’s have a look at these crucial organs and learn what may go wrong with it.

  • Ears – It is the sensory organs that enable us to hear sounds around us. Moreover, it contributes towards an overall balance of the body.

  • Nose – It is another sensory organ that enables us the sense of smell. It also contributes partially towards taste and filter the air entering through the nostrils as a defense mechanism.

  • Throat – It provides the passage for air, water and food to reach the wind pipe and food pipe respectively.

Malfunction of these organs can affect the quality of life significantly. In certain cases, it can even become a medical emergency. In case a problem in any of these organs persists, proper treatment should be sought without delay.

So, what are the common ENT problems and their symptoms?

The most common ENT disorders and their respective symptoms are –

  1. Ear infection – germs entering the ear gets trapped causing ear infection. Children are more likely to get infected with it. If left untreated for long duration, it can significantly affect the hearing and speech development of the child.

Symptoms of ear infection are

a) Hearing loss
b)Drainage from ear
c)Difficulty with balance
d)Pain in the ear
e)Pulling or tugging the ear in children

Ear Infection - ILS Hospitals

  1. Sinus infection – Sinuses are the cavities located inside the skull surrounding the nose and eyes and contributes to the vocal resonance. Sinus infection occurs when a pathogen such as bacteria or virus enters the sinus cavities.

Symptoms of sinus infection are

a) Runny nose
b) Difficulty in breathing
c) Constant coughing or sneezing
d) Headache
e) Sharp pain around the eyes and bridge of nose
f) Bad breath and toothache

Sinus infection - ILS Hospitals

  1. Tonsillitis – According to ENT specialists in ILS Hospitals, most of the people suffer from mild tonsil infection at least once in life. But occasionally it gets severe due to inflammation to that extent when passage of air gets blocked and swallowing becomes difficult. In these circumstances, the removal of tonsil becomes inevitable, though nowadays this medical procedure is executed rarely.

Symptoms of Tonsillitis are

a) Difficulty in swallowing food and water
b) Change in voice
c) Persistent strep throat
d) No significant effect of antibiotics

Tonsillitis - ILS Hospitals

ENT specialist should be consulted and proper treatment should be availed as soon as any of such symptoms persist for a long time.

The 3 Most Common Congenital Diseases

According to Cardiologist, on an average, about 303,000 newborns die within 4 weeks post detection, as a result of congenital diseases. Congenital diseases are present due to some medical deformities during the time of birth. Congenital disease can cause long term disability, which may have adverse effects on survival and development. Several times it remains unclear regarding the exact cause of this congenital defects.

Here are the 3 most common congenital defects a baby may suffer from:

1. Congenital Heart Disorder

It is the medical condition in which there exists a problem in the heart structure since the time of birth. Its symptoms may either be absent or may vary from mild discomfort to life-threatening condition such as heart failure. It can be distinguished by presence of bluish skin, low birth weight and fatigue.

Congenital Heart Disorder

The exact cause for congenital heart disease often remains unknown. Mother’s infected with Rubella during the period of pregnancy may act as a contributing factor for the same. Additional factors during pregnancy such as consumption of alcohol or tobacco or some specific medication may also play a significant role for the same.

2. Down Syndrome

This medical condition is also called Trisomy 21, in which a third copy of chromosome number 21 present alters the genetic makeup. It affects adversely on the physical growth and mental development. It can be characterized by observing delayed growth and moderate intellectual disabilities. A grown up individual suffering from down syndrome possess an average IQ of 50, which is equivalent to mental age of a child of eight years old.

Down Syndrome

The possibility of having down-syndrome is associated with the mother’s age. The risk of suffering from it is about 3 percent for pregnant woman with age more than 45, this risk minimizes to 0.1 percent in case the woman is 20 years

3. Cleft lip and Cleft palate

Also called orofacial cleft, this is a class of defects that include either cleft lip, cleft palate or both. In a cleft lip, an opening may stretch till nose. It may be present either on one side, both sides or in the middle. In a cleft palate, an opening exist between the roof of mouth and nose. These conditions arise when joining of tissues does not occur effectively.

Cleft lip and Cleft palate

According to ENT Specialists of ILS Hospitals, if this condition is left untreated, it can interfere with feeding, speech and hearing function. It also causes persistent ear infection. Consumption of alcohol or tobacco or even obesity during pregnancy has been associated with this group of diseases.