All About Ovarian Cysts You Need To Know
There are several gynecological complications that affect the health of women. It is crucial to get in touch with an expert gynecologist in case any symptom of discomfort persists. Let’s have a brief introduction to one such common gynecological condition, the ovarian cysts.
Ovarian Cysts – What Are They
Ovaries are a pair of organs in the female reproductive system. They are located on each side of the uterus, in the lower abdomen. Ovarian cysts are solid or fluid-filled cavity sacs that can develop into either one or both ovaries.
Symptoms Of Ovarian Cysts
The most common symptoms of cysts are as follows-
- Pelvic Pain During Menstrual Cycle
- Abdominal Swelling
- Pain While Passing Urine Or Bowel
- Tenderness In Breasts
- Nausea And Vomiting
- Pain In Lower Back Or Legs
- Dizziness
- Fever
- Breathlessness
However, in many cases, the cysts project no bothersome symptoms and thus remain unnoticed.
Complication Of Ovarian Cysts
Majority of the cysts get resolved on its own and often requires no treatment. However, there may be some compilations associated in some cases. Some of the same are as follows-
- Ovarian torsion is a condition when a large cyst makes the ovary dislocates from its original place, causing a blood supply cut off.
- Ovarian rupture is pretty much self-explanatory, in which the cyst burst and spills the infectious content
- Having cancerous cystic ovarian mass in the cysts indicates malignancy within the cyst.
These complications require immediate medical attention as ignorance can lead to severe consequences later on.
Thereby it is crucial to know the symptoms of the same very carefully, some of which are as follows
- Unexplained Weight Loss
- Loss Of Appetite
- Random Changes On Menstrual Cycle
- Persistent Pelvic Pain
- Abdominal Discomfort Or Fullness
In case multiple symptoms are simultaneously arising and causing much pain and discomfort, it might be a silent indication of an underlying cyst complication. It requires seeking immediate medical attention.
Diagnosis Of Ovarian Cysts
Ovarian cysts can be diagnosed through the following screenings-
- Routine or recommended pelvic examination
- Ultrasonography
- CT scan
It is important to avail these diagnostic screening timely to ensure a timely treatment in turn. Even though the cysts do not pose any severe threats, it is always wise to have an accurate diagnostic to re-ensure the same.
Treatment Of Ovarian Cysts
The treatment approach depends largely on the size and severity of the cysts. Some cysts resolve on its own, while some other requires medical intervention. It includes prescribing oral medication, birth control pills and surgical means like laparotomy.
Avail quality treatment and diagnosis of ovarian cysts at ILS Hospitals.