5 Facts About PCOS Every Women Should Be Aware Of
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) is a condition in which a woman’s body starts to secrete male-sex hormones in a much higher level than ideally should be. As a result, it starts interrupting menstrual cycles and makes the chances of natural conception quite challenging. Here we present some useful facts as per the gynecologists that every woman should be aware of. So let’s begin.
Fact 1 – PCOS Will Leave You More Tired Than You Can Imagine
PCOS not only stresses gynecological health but overall health as well. It makes them feel drenched of energy and experience persistent fatigue. For many women, this severe lethargy lasts particularly during the menstruation cycle, while for others it is pretty much the same, in general.
Fact 2 – PCOS Is Quite Common
In case someone is dealing with PCOS and have to take the day off, while their peers are enjoying everyday life, it is impossible ‘not be feel burdened’ by this unwanted condition. But it the reality, PCOS is a very common condition among women of childbearing age, as per gynecologists. In fact, many women live with PCOS that often stays undiagnosed as they lead a normal life.
Fact 3 – PCOS Cannot Be Cured. But It Can Be Treated
As per gynecologists, medical science is yet to find a complete cure for PCOS. However, good hospitals offer quality treatment for it. This includes managing symptoms by following a balanced diet, taking prescribed supplements and leading a healthy life overall.
Fact 4 – PCOS Needs Prolonged Treatment
As already mentioned, PCOS cannot be cured. Thus, it is crucial to avail its treatment for a prolonged period of time. As PCOS is considered as a condition affecting the women of childbearing age, so they let their guard down when they pass this stage. However, it is highly recommended to keep treating the symptoms even when they hit menopause or are currently pregnant.
Fact 5 – Natural Conception Is Possible Even With PCOS
Though it is common for women with PCOS to struggle to have a baby without any medical aid but it is NOT impossible. Many women successfully conceive even with PCOS. Besides, with advanced artificial reproductive techniques, the chances of having a successful conception are quite high.
At ILS Hospitals, our expert gynecologists offer the best treatment for women dealing with PCOS and other gynecological conditions effectively.