cosmetic surgery

What is included in cosmetic surgery?

Nowadays you might be well acquainted with the term cosmetic surgery as it has become much more popular. It is because people want to increase their appearance and boost their confidence. Starting from subtle refinements to dreamy transformations, cosmetic surgery can offer a diverse range of procedures for addressing different aesthetic concerns. 

If you’re looking to undergo cosmetic surgery then you can choose ILS Hospitals as an option. It is because ILS Hospital is one of the best hospitals that does cosmetic surgery in Kolkata.

In this blog, we will make an entrance into the world of cosmetic surgery by exploring various available procedures. Moreover, we will discuss their benefits, risks and considerations.

Surgical Procedure of Cosmetic Surgery

Here we are discussing surgical procedures that are followed for cosmetic surgery in Multispeciality Hospitals In Kolkata

  • Facial Procedures 

Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)

  • This is one of the most common surgical prlocesses that reshape the nose to improve the function or appearance. 
  • There are some common reasons why people go through Rhinoplasty. Some might have deviated septum, or some might want to reduce the size of the nose. Correction of asymmetry is another reason. 
  • After the surgery, the time for recovery takes generally one to two weeks. During recovery, the operated area might swell or bruise slowly with time. 

Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

  • Facelift or Rhytidectomy is a surgery that tightens and lifts sagging facial tissues to restore a more youthful appearance. 
  • It can heal signs of aging, and fight wrinkles, jowls, and loose skin in the facial area or the neckline. 
  • In this surgery recovery time generally lasts from two to four weeks with slow improvement. It might swell or bruise over time. 

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

  • This is also known as the eyelid surgery which removes excessive skin, muscle or fat from the upper or lower eyelids. It can restore and beautify the appearance of the eyes. 
  • This surgery can heal issues like droopy eyelids, puffiness or under eyebags leading to a more youthful look. 
  • In this surgery, recovery can last for about one to two weeks with a little bit of bruising and swelling around the eyelids. 
  • Body Contouring Procedures


  • Liposuction is one of the most common surgeries which removes excess fat deposits from different areas of the body like the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms or buttocks.
  • Though it is not a weight loss method it is one of the best ways to sculpt the body parts by targeting fat pockets. In these cases, ILS Hospital is the best option if you are looking for cosmetic surgery in Kolkata.
  • Generally, the recovery time varies from one to two weeks along with compression garments that must be worn. It reduces the swelling and bruising to avoid infection. 


  • You can easily understand the term and what type of surgery it is. This is a tummy tuck surgery that removes excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen part and tones the abdomen. It creates a flat, more firm and restores the abdomen to give it a sculpted look.
  • People who have lost huge weight or women who have gone through multiple pregnancies are more likely to go through Abdominoplasty. 
  • In this surgery, recovery happens within two to four weeks along with temporary discomfort and swelling in the operated area. 

Breast Augmentation 

  • Breast Augmentation is also known as augmentation mammoplasty which is a surgical procedure that leads to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. It is done by using a fat transfer technique or by using implants. 
  • It is generally undertaken by women who desire fuller breasts or wish to add volume which gets lost due to pregnancy to weight loss. 
  • In this surgery, recovery time generally lasts for one to two weeks including temporary selling around the chest area. 
  • ILS hospitals have some of the best cosmetic and plastic surgery doctors in Kolkata

Non-Surgical Procedures of Cosmetic Surgery

  • Injections (Botox and Dermal Fillers)

  • We are all well acquainted with the term Botox. Especially nowadays renowned faces go through Botox treatment as well. Both of these are popular non-surgical treatments to reduce wrinkles, and fine lines, or can increase volume in the face. 
  • Botox temporarily paralyzes the muscles of the face stopping them from causing wrinkles or getting contracted. 
  • Dermal fillers are other injectables that add volume to specific areas of the face that have lost their volume due to aging. 
  • Time for recovery in this case is minimal. The majority of the patients get normal immediately after treatment. If any emergency cases arise then you can visit the ILS Saltlake branch as it is the best emergency hospital in Saltlake.
  • Chemical Peeling

  • Chemical peeling is also a non-surgical procedure that needs chemical solutions to exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells. It stimulates the growth of new and healthy skin. 
  • It can enhance the reduction of wrinkles, acne scars, sun damage and uneven skin tone. 
  • Generally, the recovery time depends on the severity of the peel but normally ranges from some days to weeks. It can cause temporary redness and peeling of the skin.

Considerations And Risks 

Though cosmetic surgery can provide aesthetic improvements to different body parts, we have to keep some things in our mind. We have to consider some potential consequences and risks associated with it. As one of the best multispeciality hospitals in Salt Lake, ILS Hospital can provide the best cosmetic surgery in Kolkata. But let’s look at some of the risks as discussed below:

  • Operational risks: Risks such as swelling, bruising, infection, bleeding or scarring might happen after the surgery. 
  • Expectations: It is crucial to have practical expectations regarding the outcome of the surgery. The results may also vary from one person to another. 
  • Recovery: recovery time depends on the procedure of the surgery. Even lifestyle factors also depend on the recovery time. 
  •  Consultation: Detailed consultation along with a board-certified plastic surgeon is necessary to discuss the aims, goals, expectations and risks before undergoing the surgery. 

Final words 

Cosmetic surgery provides a diverse range of steps to enhance and restore the appearance of body areas. If you’re deciding on facial restoration,  body sculpting, or non-surgical treatments, it’s important to assess the benefits, risks, and considerations carefully. After consulting a qualified plastic surgeon in Kolkata, you can make decisions to receive the best results you desire while prioritizing safety and well-being.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):-

Q1. What is the difference between plastic and cosmetic surgery?

Plastic surgery focuses on appearance and reconstruction while plastic surgery only enhances appearance. 

Q2. Who is suitable for cosmetic surgery?

The patients who are generally healthy or have more practical expectations, and want to change something for personal reasons. 

Q3. What are the risks of cosmetic surgery?

Infection, swelling, bruising or improper reaction to anesthesia. 

Q4. How much time does it take to recover?

Recovery varies from person to person and depends on the surgery type. 

Q5. Will someone achieve permanent results?

The results can be long-lasting but natural aging might affect the progress.