What Exactly Is Causing Your Chest Pain?
If you are experiencing chest pain, it is a cause of concern and shouldn’t be ignored. Chest pain doesn’t always mean a person has a heart attack, and there are several reasons it might occur. But it should always be taken seriously, and you should visit a chest pain specialist as soon as it ensues, no matter how mild it may seem to be.
Being worried about your chest pain is a valid concern. It’s a symptom that can arise due to various conditions. Read on to find out what is causing you the chest pain and when is the right time to visit a doctor.
Different Causes Of Chest Pain
1 – Heart Attack
A heart attack occurs due to blockage in arteries and can feel like a sharp pain or tightness around your chest. You may also experience nausea, breathlessness, and a lump in your throat, along with the pain. Generally, this is a serious concern and might require bypass surgery. If you think you have a heart attack, you should seek medical help immediately.
2 – Anxiety
Anxiety-related chest pains are usually mistaken for other conditions. The intensity of the pain can vary from one person to another, while for some, it is persistent throbbing pain; for others, it might feel like a stabbing pain that doesn’t allow them to breathe. Even though anxiety-related chest pain is not life-threatening, you shouldn’t ignore it and pay a visit to the chest pain specialist.
3 – Angina
Angina refers to a medical condition where chest tightness or pain due to a lack of blood flows to the heart. Angina can occur due to several reasons, including strenuous physical activity, stress, or being exposed to cold temperatures for too long. The pain of angina is not a sharp pain; instead, it can be described as more pressure at the centre of the chest. The pain usually lasts for around 10 minutes and goes away on its own.
4 – Collapsed Lung
Collapsed lung occurs when the air sneaks into the space between the lung and the ribcage. The pressure causes the lung to collapse, leading to chest pain, amongst other symptoms. Some other symptoms of the collapsed lung include breathlessness, fatigue, and skin colour turning blue. Collapsed lung needs immediate emergency medical attention and can turn dangerous if it remains untreated for a long time.
5 – Pleurisy
Pleura are two layers of tissue that separate your lungs from the rib cage. When the pleura inflames, one gets pleurisy which causes shooting chest pain. This chest pain gets worse when the person breathes or coughs.
6 – Hiatal Hernia
Hiatal hernia, unlike other hernias, does not cause a bulge but instead causes symptoms like acute chest pain, acid reflux, and heartburn. Hiatal hernia can be treated by making a few lifestyle changes and taking medications prescribed by the doctor.
Chest pain is a serious symptom that indicates some serious underlying issue. The first course of action when you experience chest pain is to visit a chest pain specialist at https://www.ilshospitals.com/ who will determine the cause of the pain and then conclude a treatment plan for you.