Female Infertility: Signs And Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis And Treatment

Infertility means being unable to conceive children. In this blog, we will mainly focus on female infertility. In basic words, female infertility is the incapability to conceive a baby even after numerous unprotected sexual intercourse with a fertile partner. There are many reasons responsible for infertility in women. To be on the safer side, regular visits to the gynaecologist should become the norm of every married or unmarried woman. You need to look for these below-mentioned signs and symptoms to find the status of your fertility. Here are some signs and symptoms related to infertility:

  • Irregular menstruation: If you have a history of frequent missed periods or irregularities in the duration (if your period lasts for than seven days) of the menstrual cycle, it is a sign of female infertility.

  • Painful menses: Periods are painful, but if they become intolerable and give excruciating muscle cramps and are accompanied with heavy bleeding, then it might indicate towards infertility.

  • Dyspareunia: If every time you suffer from pain and agony during sexual intercourse, it’s time for you to consult medical advice as it is not a normal phenomenon.

  • Unwanted hair growth or hair loss: Another common symptom is hirsutism which is the excessive growth of hair on unwanted areas or alopecia or baldness on the hair scalp.

  • Sudden weight loss or gain: One of the symptoms of female infertility is unanticipated weight loss or weight gain. There are various factors responsible for gaining or losing weight so getting medical consultation is the only way to find out the cause.

Let’s find the causes responsible for infertility in women.

  • Tubal infertility or blocked and damaged fallopian tubes

  • Earlier miscarriages

  • Multiple abortions

  • PCOS

  • Endometriosis

  • Ectopic pregnancies in the past

  • Sexually transmitted infections

  • Fibroids or ovarian cysts

  • Obesity

  • Smoking

  • Alcohol consumption.

We will now throw some insight on diagnosis and treatment available for known causes of female infertility.

Diagnostic tests recommended by OB-GYN doctor to determine female infertility

  • Urine test

  • Blood test

  • Ultrasound scan

  • X-Ray: Hysterosalpingography (HSG)

  • Hysteroscopy

  • Laparoscopy.

Surely, there are various treatment methods available for this. The prescribed treatment differs for every woman. To name a few treatment methods, we have mentioned them below:

1. Fertility drugs and medication.

2. Hysteroscopy

3. Tubal surgeries

4. IVF (In vitro fertilization)

5. Artificial insemination.

We, at ILS Hospitals, provide a precise diagnosis and necessary treatment for female infertility. Book an online appointment for medical consultation from our expert gynaecologists in kolkata.

Why Infertility In Men Is On The Rise In India Lately?

Having progenies ensure the continuity of the human race on Earth. But lately, several people are coming up with the problem of infertility. Both males and females are suffering from it these days. You can find out the main reason for infertility among women here, for which one should consult a gynecologists.

Though we have one perk regarding potential fatherhood has over motherhood. That is, the age of the father is much less of significance against the age of the mother. This might look like a major advantage. However, the problem of fertility has increased among men alarmingly.

Here are some of the reasons for the same:


Having weight more than one can manage is always harmful for health. Recently, several studies have found a close relation between men being infertile with being obese or immensely overweight. Apart from physical difficulties, the extra weight also negatively affects the fertility factors significantly.

Obesity or Overweight

Lifestyle and stress

Following a sedentary lifestyle such as huge consumption of alcohol and other drugs can cause low sperm count. Also, the long working hours and work related stress, effects these factors largely.


Though a skilled gynecologist can trace this problem, it is always advised to seek a doctor’s expertise in handling infertility cases.

UTIs and STDs

Even though the occurrence of UTI in men is much less as compared to female, having a UTI can affect fertility. Especially recurring UTIs possess more severe threats.

UTIs and STDs

Several of the men in both rural and urban regions often gets indulged with multiple partners. No matter how careful one is, this practice can cause STDs. Though, some of the STDs are resolved with medications, while few others have catastrophic results and infertility is one of them.

Prior medical history, includes congenital diseases / sterility

Several diseases that might have affected in prior life may leave some traces of several problems in the future. This includes trauma, hydrocele, mumps, malaria, cryptorchidism, testicular cancer and several other.

Prior medical history, includes congenital diseases

Strenuous physical activities and injuries

Numerous physical activities like, bicycling and horseback riding that demand vigorous movements, can also have an adverse effect on the fertility of men. Additionally, sports like cricket, football, wrestling and other martial arts may also increase the risk of any accident that can directly or indirectly cause infertility.

Strenuous physical activities and injuries

Wearing supportive and protective garments during these activities mitigates the risk up to a large extent.  Thus, staying in good health is essential for personal reasons and also for ensuring a safe parenthood.

Why Infertility In Women Is Lately On A Rise In India?

Infertility is a condition of not being capable of conceiving a baby naturally. The problem of infertility is increasing among women in India lately. Know what reasons might be acting as the prime cause for it.

Our children are our future. But nowadays, lots of women are coming up to gynecologists with the problem to conceive a child naturally. Infertility is the medical condition, in which a couple fails to conceive a baby naturally even without any birth control means. The reason for the same could either be due to biological constraints in men, women or a combined factor of both.

The problem in on rise, especially since a past few decades. In fact, a rise of 30-35 percent of infertility has been recorded in the past 10 years.

According to the gynecologists in Kolkata, the following reasons are the prime factor for causing infertility in women-

  1. Sedentary lifestyle and stress

The consumption of alcohol or smoking regularly can cause an abrupt disturbance of the hormonal balance in the body. Not getting enough amount of a sleep, having persistent stress, spending too much time on TV and other electronic, lack of yoga or physical exercise etc., also comes under the sedentary lifestyle. The environmental pollution that we remain exposed to also act as a factor.

Sedentary lifestyle and stress

  1. Being obese or extremely underweight

Having poor nutrition for a long time can either result in being obese or extremely underweight. Though being obese directly does not cause infertility, but it causes hindrance in terms of irregular periods, insulin resistance, sexual incompatibility etc. Being in any of the extreme side of weight zone can cause serious trouble for conceiving.

Being obese or extremely underweight

  1. Late marriage and family planning

During the past decades, women are more career oriented than they used to be earlier, due to improvement in social and emotional context. These days, most of the educated women aim to establish their professional lives before settling down or having kids. Thus, by the time they are ready to start a family, they cross the threshold age limit and the fertility begins to decline significantly.

Late marriage and family planning

  1. Sexual relationship with multiple partners

The concept of monogamous relations in India is largely getting diluted. These days, several women engage themselves with multiple partners, which leads to sexually transmitted infection and thus the fertility gets affected in a negative way.

Sexual relationship with multiple partners

  1. Birth defect or other medical constraints early menopause

Some women are born with a rare medical condition which makes them incapable of bearing any kids naturally. This can either be conditions where the woman is born without a uterus or having sterile reproductive organs.

Birth defect or other medical constraints early menopause

Practice healthy living, enjoy the happiness of motherhood!