Most Common Gynecological Procedures
Gynecological conditions are quite common and thankfully the modern medical science can address most of them effectively. While some can be treated effectively with topical medication, some can be evaluated through non-invasive techniques, but for other condition, it becomes inevitable to use invasive techniques. Most of these procedures (both invasive and non-invasive) are carried out by expert gynecologists and obstetricians in maternity clinic and hospitals.
Here we list out some common gynecological procedures.
Dilation And Curettage
More commonly known as D & C, it is a procedure in which the doctor dilates the cervical cavity in order to remove the lining of the uterus through curettage and extract it out of the cavity through suction. It is used to diagnose any polyps or abnormal growth in the cervical cavity and it is also done to terminate any molar pregnancy and remove the fetal tissues completely after a miscarriage.
Pap Smear
This gynecological procedure should ideally be availed by every woman after the childbearing age and onwards. This procedure including extracting some tissues from the cervix using a speculum. Going for routine Pap smear can help with early detection of any malignancy in the cervix.
Breast Ultrasound
Even though breast cancer is quite common, having lumps in the breast tissue is quite common as well. Whether or not it has malignant growth, can be evaluated by ultrasonography in its original stages. A tumor that keeps growing along with warning signs like nipple discharge and pain, should be diagnosed further.
Hysteroscopy And Hysterectomy
Hysteroscopy is a non-invasive diagnostic procedure to evaluate the presence of any uterine condition. It can also offer useful insights like locating an IUD, abnormal tissue growth, evaluate reasons for repeated miscarriages.
Hysterectomy is the surgical procedure to remove the uterus if it is needed to ensure better health of the patient. Though is sound scary, it is becoming quite common these days and as per gynecologists, they are safe as well if availed form a quality healthcare provider.
Cervical Cryosurgery
Polyps and tumors in the cervix are quite common these days. Cervical cryosurgery is done for removing the tumors that do not resolve on its own. This procedure uses the cryogenic technique to freeze a section of the cervix and remove pre-cancerous cells from the lining of the cervix.
In case you need to undergo any such gynecological procedure or looking for an expert opinion to consider the same, get in touch with our highly experienced gynecologist and obstetrician at ILS Hospitals.