Some Tips to Care for New Born Baby in Summer
Every parent has the same question about how to take care of their newborn baby in Summer. Summer is not easy anymore to take care of a newborn baby, especially at this hot temperature. Every season has a distinct impact on a child’s health. Summer brings heat and warm weather.
New parents are always anxious to find the best pediatricians. If you are living in Dum Dum and looking for the nearest pediatric hospital in Kolkata, visit ILS Hospital for child specialist Dum Dum and make an appointment with an experienced child specialist.
In this blog, we share a few significant facts that you need to know as a new parent. So read on!
Top Common Summer health Problems and Prevention
As a first-time mother, being vigilant and proactive about your baby’s health during the summer is crucial. Keep reading to learn about common summer health issues in infants and how to prevent and treat them.
In this season, new parents must wonder how to keep their baby cool and comfortable in the hot summer. However, it can be said that daily checkups are important to protect your child when the weather changes.
Most parents have the same concerns, like what type of food they need to feed their baby or how to avoid the common summer illness. In the following part, we mentioned five common summer illnesses and a few tips to prevent them from affecting your baby. On this note, you should visit child specialist Dum Dum for doctor guidance for your baby.
During the summer, dehydration is a prevalent health issue for infants. Babies are particularly susceptible because their higher surface area to volume ratio causes them to lose fluids faster than adults. The increased sweating due to hot weather exacerbates this fluid and electrolyte loss.
Symptoms of dehydration in infants include a dry mouth, reduced number of wet diapers, lethargy, and a sunken fontanelle.
Tips to Prevent It:
Try to make your baby hydrated by feeding them breast milk. However, you can take appointment as a child specialist from mother and child care hospital Dum Dum, to get guidance on how often you should feed breast milk to hydrate your child.
Fungal Infection
Fungal infections in children are relatively common and can affect various parts of the body, including the skin, scalp, nails, and mucous membranes. These infections are usually caused by dermatophytes, yeasts, or molds, with ringworm (tinea), athlete’s foot, and candidiasis being among the most frequent types.
Symptoms vary depending on the infection’s location but often include redness, itching, scaling, and in some cases, painful lesions or blisters.
Tips to Prevent It:
To prevent fungal infections in children, maintaining good hygiene is essential. Keep your children indoors during hot and humid weather, as sweating can exacerbate fungal infections.
It’s important to avoid sharing towels or clothes with others to reduce the risk of spreading infections. Ensure that your children wear clean clothes, especially undergarments, to keep their skin dry and free from harmful fungi. However, to get proper treatment, pediatricians in Dum Dum will give you the best suggestions that help you to protect your baby from fungal infection.
Sunburn can cause significant discomfort and pain for babies. Their delicate and sensitive skin is highly susceptible to sunburn, which can develop within just a few minutes of sun exposure. Symptoms of sunburn in infants include redness, pain, and blistering.
Protect your baby from direct sunlight, particularly between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. when the sun is most intense. Dress them in light, long-sleeved clothes and a wide-brimmed hat to shield their face and neck. Apply sunscreen with a minimum SPF of 30 on any exposed skin.
Tips to Prevent It:
The sun is strongest between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., so it’s best to avoid taking your baby outside during these hours. If you must go out, take all necessary precautions. A baby’s skin is very sensitive to sunlight. Make sure your baby is well covered if you go out, especially around noon. Dress them in light-colored, long-sleeved shirts and pants, and consider carrying an umbrella for extra protection.
Insect Bites and Stings
Summer is a peak time for insect activity. Babies are prime targets for bites and stings. These can lead to symptoms like redness, swelling, pain, and itching. Dress your baby in long-sleeved clothing and cover their stroller with mosquito nets.
Avoid areas with high insect activity. Use insect repellent specifically made for infants, and follow the instructions carefully.
Tips to Prevent It
Dress your baby in long-sleeved clothing and cover their stroller with mosquito nets. Avoid areas with high insect activity. Use insect repellent specifically made for infants, and follow the instructions carefully.
Final Words
In summer, ensure your newborn stays cool and safe by keeping them out of direct sunlight, especially during peak hours. Dress them in lightweight, long-sleeved clothing and use SPF 30 sunscreen on exposed skin.
Protect against insects with nets and infant-safe repellent. Keep them hydrated and monitor for signs of overheating to ensure their comfort and well-being. Don’t forget to make an appointment with a child specialist Dum Dum, if you are living in Kolkata. Doctor suggestions and prescriptions are important for proper treatment.
FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions):-
Here are the most asked questions about the same matter by parents. In the following part, we answer those common questions. So, read on!
Q1. How To Manage A Newborn Baby In Summer?
The most common question among parents. Well, Keep your newborn cool, avoid peak sun hours, dress in light clothing, use doctor-prescribed sunscreen, and infant-safe repellent, and ensure adequate hydration.
Q2. How To Take Care Of Newborn Baby Skin In Summer?
Here are the effective tips for your baby’s skin treatment
- Avoid oil messages.
- Keep your baby hydrated.
- Keep your baby cool by wearing cotton clothes.
- Follow bath tips according to a child specialist.
Q3. Do Newborns Get Hot In Summer?
In hot weather, babies and young children risk overheating. Offer your baby extra breastfeeds or bottle feeds. Dress them comfortably in loose clothing to keep them cool.