Know More About Patients with Heart Condition and Corona Virus
More than a year ago, the coronavirus grappled the whole world with pain and anguish. As the invisible monster spread through the world, it devoured more and more people in its might.
The world has not recovered yet, and the wounds are not healed. But now, we have a grasp on the situation and the possible remedy.
Coronavirus is a significant threat to humanity. But doctors and experts have warned about its potency on people with heart conditions. Heart ailments increase the risk of fatality by Coronavirus.
In the following sections, we will see the causes, concerns, effects, and precautions for heart patients impacted with coronavirus.
The Heart and Coronavirus
When the Coronavirus attacks the system, the functioning of the lungs is dreadfully impacted.
Lungs and heart work together for maintaining the oxygenation system in the body. When the virus infects the lungs, the heart also takes the hit. The pumping capability of the heart diminishes and can also be fatal.
Risks of Infection
Following are the Coronavirus risk associated with people with weak heart health:
- Older people or people above 65 years of age are more prone to Coronavirus infection. The majority of older people have a weaker immune system putting them at greater risk of Coronavirus infection.
- People with high blood pressure or coronary artery dysfunction are likely to get affected by Coronavirus.
- Coronavirus infects people with a history of heart stroke or heart surgery. Due to the stroke, the oxygenation process is already affected.
And if Coronavirus attacks the system, it further hampers the functioning of the heart. Usually, this restricts the blood flow to the brain and other parts of the body, thus increasing the complications.
- People with congenital heart diseases can also get affected by Coronavirus. Coronavirus makes the blood circulation mechanism worse.
- Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD) also increases the risk of increased Coronavirus infection.
The government and healthcare institutions have been vocal about the safety precautions from Coronavirus. But are the precautions different for heart patients? Let’s understand.
- Wash hands regularly with soap for at least 30 seconds or use sanitiser with 60% alcohol content
- Avoid touching your eyes and face
- Maintain a social distance with a distance of 6 feet between you and other people
For the patients with heart conditions
- Take this as an opportunity to revise your diet. Eat healthy meals loaded with nutrients and modify your cooking habits
- If you can’t go outside, stay active inside the house. Indulge in exercising and Yoga to maintain good physical and mental health
- The pandemic infused a lot of stress in the environment. Heart patients are remarkably advised to keep the stress at bay. Use stress management techniques to feel relaxed and positive
- If you have a smoking habit, it is an excellent time to end it. Smoking makes the lungs weak, and hence they become prone to Coronavirus infection
- Take your medications regularly
- If you feel any discomfort in your health, immediately consult the doctor
Coronavirus has shaken the whole world. And it’s not the end. But we can always be vigilant for our health and prevention from the virus.
It is in our hands to be safe. It is in our hands to be healthy. If you already have heart conditions, you can visit https://www.ilshospitals.com/ during this covid situation.