Joint Replacement Surgery

How Can Joint Replacement Surgery Improve Your Work-Life?

Joint replacement or Arthroplasty surgery- this surgery can change the person’s life who is suffering from joint damage. Joint is the place where two bones come together that can be a shoulder, knee, hip, elbow, ankle, and finger. 

Joint replacement surgery can happen for various reasons such as injuries, osteoarthritis, infections, rheumatoid arthritis or other such causes. It has an impact on the patient’s body such as stiffness, pain and swelling. However, it can  be treated by proper treatment with medicines. Now you may ask when an individual is required for Arthroplasty surgery. 

Through this blog, we’ll discuss when someone needs to opt for replacement surgery, how it can improve work-life and more. So, read on!

What is Joint Replacement Surgery?

Arthroplasty is a type of surgery to replace damaged joints with a new artificial one. It’s also known as joint replacement surgery. During this procedure, an orthopedic surgeon takes out the old parts of your joint and puts in a new one that can be made of metal, plastic, or ceramic.

However, replacement surgery has different types. Orthopedic doctors can understand which type of Arthroplasties need to be conducted. On this note , ILS Hospitals, an expert hospital of joint replacement in Salt Lake has modern technology setup with an expert orthopedic doctor to give the best treatment of Joint replacement surgery in Kolkata

Type of Arthroplasties or Joint Replacement

Joint can be replaced with arthroplasty including:

1. Knee
2. Shoulder
3. Elbow
4. Hips
5. Ankles
6. Fingers
7. Wrists
8. Toes

There are two type of Joint Replacement surgery, such as:

1. Total joint replacement: When you get a total joint replacement, the doctor replaces all the parts of a joint with a special fake one.

2. Partial joint replacement: With a partial joint replacement, the doctor only replaces some parts of the joint. Sometimes, doctors call this joint resurfacing.

Joint Replacement Surgery: How It can improves Work Life

Joint replacement surgery can make a big difference in someone’s life. People who have successful surgery feel less pain, can move better, and enjoy life more. But many people wonder when they can go back to work after surgery because they want to get back their work life as soon as possible. 

After leaving the hospital, patients recover at home and follow instructions for taking care of themselves. It usually takes between three to eight weeks after surgery before they get back to their active work again. But everyone’s recovery is different, and some people might take longer, especially if they weren’t very healthy before surgery.

Here’s a general idea of when different types of workers might be able to go back to work:

1. Office workers: 4 to 6 weeks
2. People who do a mix of physical and desk work: 3 months or more

People who have physically demanding jobs should be careful because they could hurt their new joint if they go back to work too soon. It’s important for them to think about changing to a less physically demanding job to keep their joints healthy in the long run.

How Should You Prepare for Joint Replacement Surgery?

Your doctor or surgeon at the best multispeciality hospital in Salt Lake will help you prepare for surgery. You may need:

1. A check-up to make sure you’re healthy enough.
2. Blood tests.
3. A heart check with an electrocardiogram (EKG).
4. A dental check-up to prevent infections.
5. Scans like X-rays, MRI, or CT scans.
6. Tell them about any meds or supplements you take. You might need to stop some before surgery.
7. Your surgeon will tell you when to stop eating and drinking before surgery, usually eight hours before. They’ll also let you know which meds you can take with a sip of water on the morning of surgery.

Your surgeon will tell you when to stop eating and drinking before surgery, usually eight hours before. They’ll also let you know which meds you can take with a sip of water on the morning of surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):-

Here are the few relatable questions that we have jotted down rto let you know about more information about Joint replacement. 

Q1. What are the precautions to be taken after joint replacement?

It’s recommended to use a higher toilet seat instead of lower ones and avoid activities like jogging, running, and intense sports after getting a joint replacement. You can do moderate-paced walking, climb stairs, and swim without any issues.

Q2. Is joint replacement a major surgery?

In most situations, a new knee joint will stay strong for 20 years or more. Getting a new joint is a big surgery with some risks. It’s crucial to understand these risks and talk about them with your surgeon before going ahead with the surgery.

Q3. What is the most common joint replacement surgery?

Hip and knee replacement surgeries are very common, but doctors can also replace other joints like ankles and shoulders.

Final Words

Joint replacement surgery, also known as arthroplasty, is a helpful and safe procedure. It helps people move better and reduces long-lasting pain. After getting a new joint, most people feel better and can do more without hurting.

It can be said that if your doctor suggests joint replacement, you should opt for that. A joint replacement surgery has the potential to improve your work life. Contact ILS Hospital, a multispecialty hospital in Salt Lake for an appointment with an orthopedic doctor.