Gynecological Problems Faced By Women At Their 20 Or 30s.
There are certain gynecological issues faced by many women of all age groups during their lifetime as per the renowned gynecologist. Here we will discuss about the issues face by the women at their 20 or 30s.
In India, many women are not provided with enough information about gynecological problems. Lack of gynae health and sex education also plays a pivotal role in a woman’s life. In our society, gynecological problems and sexual health of a woman is usually neglected.
Generally, women of this age group may face many gynecological complications specially once after getting married or involve in sexual activities. So, let’s shed some light on the topic of such gynecological problems:
Hormonal imbalance: Imbalanced hormone in women is a common condition of all ages. Even after getting married, as the women become sexually-active and usage of certain birth-control methods can also contribute to this factor.
Irregular or missed periods: Hormonal, emotional, psychological and lifestyle changes can cause irregularities in your periods. In married women, birth control pills can also have a side effect on menstruation.
Vaginitis: It is also called vaginal inflammation where the women have symptoms like itching, swelling, burning, redness or soreness in her vaginal area. It is usually caused by a change in the normal balance of vaginal bacteria or due to an infection.
Dyspareunia: Painful sexual intercourse is common in married women. The pain in genitals can last hours after sexual activity. If you suffer from pain during intercourse and abnormal vaginal discharge and bleeding, it’s time for you to consult a trusted gynecologist.
Sexually-transmitted infection: It affect the female reproductive organs. It happens due to unprotected sex with the infected person which causes the sexually-transmitted bacteria to enter the woman’s vagina and infect the entire uterus and fallopian tubes. It can be treated well if discovered early by medical professionals or gynecologists.
Endometriosis: It happens when the tissues in the uterine lining grow outside the uterus resulting in painful menstruation and infertility. It’s a serious medical condition that requires you to book an appointment with the gynecologist for proper treatment.
Pelvic inflammatory disease: Pelvic inflammatory disease or PID is an inflammation of the female reproductive organs due to infection. Bacteria like gonorrhea and chlamydia first enter the vagina and cause an infection then this infection move into the pelvic organs causing PID. It can become xtremely harmful and lead to many complications if the infection spreads and left untreated.
So, we hope that the above information enlightens you about some gynecological health conditions. If you suffer from any of the above conditions, refer to a gynecologist in Kolkata.