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What is included in cosmetic surgery?

Nowadays you might be well acquainted with the term cosmetic surgery as it has become much more popular. It is because people want to increase their appearance and boost their confidence. Starting from subtle refinements to dreamy transformations, cosmetic surgery can offer a diverse range of procedures for addressing different aesthetic concerns. 

If you’re looking to undergo cosmetic surgery then you can choose ILS Hospitals as an option. It is because ILS Hospital is one of the best hospitals that does cosmetic surgery in Kolkata.

In this blog, we will make an entrance into the world of cosmetic surgery by exploring various available procedures. Moreover, we will discuss their benefits, risks and considerations.

Surgical Procedure of Cosmetic Surgery

Here we are discussing surgical procedures that are followed for cosmetic surgery in Multispeciality Hospitals In Kolkata

  • Facial Procedures 

Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)

  • This is one of the most common surgical prlocesses that reshape the nose to improve the function or appearance. 
  • There are some common reasons why people go through Rhinoplasty. Some might have deviated septum, or some might want to reduce the size of the nose. Correction of asymmetry is another reason. 
  • After the surgery, the time for recovery takes generally one to two weeks. During recovery, the operated area might swell or bruise slowly with time. 

Facelift (Rhytidectomy)

  • Facelift or Rhytidectomy is a surgery that tightens and lifts sagging facial tissues to restore a more youthful appearance. 
  • It can heal signs of aging, and fight wrinkles, jowls, and loose skin in the facial area or the neckline. 
  • In this surgery recovery time generally lasts from two to four weeks with slow improvement. It might swell or bruise over time. 

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

  • This is also known as the eyelid surgery which removes excessive skin, muscle or fat from the upper or lower eyelids. It can restore and beautify the appearance of the eyes. 
  • This surgery can heal issues like droopy eyelids, puffiness or under eyebags leading to a more youthful look. 
  • In this surgery, recovery can last for about one to two weeks with a little bit of bruising and swelling around the eyelids. 
  • Body Contouring Procedures


  • Liposuction is one of the most common surgeries which removes excess fat deposits from different areas of the body like the abdomen, thighs, hips, arms or buttocks.
  • Though it is not a weight loss method it is one of the best ways to sculpt the body parts by targeting fat pockets. In these cases, ILS Hospital is the best option if you are looking for cosmetic surgery in Kolkata.
  • Generally, the recovery time varies from one to two weeks along with compression garments that must be worn. It reduces the swelling and bruising to avoid infection. 


  • You can easily understand the term and what type of surgery it is. This is a tummy tuck surgery that removes excess skin and fat from the lower abdomen part and tones the abdomen. It creates a flat, more firm and restores the abdomen to give it a sculpted look.
  • People who have lost huge weight or women who have gone through multiple pregnancies are more likely to go through Abdominoplasty. 
  • In this surgery, recovery happens within two to four weeks along with temporary discomfort and swelling in the operated area. 

Breast Augmentation 

  • Breast Augmentation is also known as augmentation mammoplasty which is a surgical procedure that leads to enhance the size and shape of the breasts. It is done by using a fat transfer technique or by using implants. 
  • It is generally undertaken by women who desire fuller breasts or wish to add volume which gets lost due to pregnancy to weight loss. 
  • In this surgery, recovery time generally lasts for one to two weeks including temporary selling around the chest area. 
  • ILS hospitals have some of the best cosmetic and plastic surgery doctors in Kolkata

Non-Surgical Procedures of Cosmetic Surgery

  • Injections (Botox and Dermal Fillers)

  • We are all well acquainted with the term Botox. Especially nowadays renowned faces go through Botox treatment as well. Both of these are popular non-surgical treatments to reduce wrinkles, and fine lines, or can increase volume in the face. 
  • Botox temporarily paralyzes the muscles of the face stopping them from causing wrinkles or getting contracted. 
  • Dermal fillers are other injectables that add volume to specific areas of the face that have lost their volume due to aging. 
  • Time for recovery in this case is minimal. The majority of the patients get normal immediately after treatment. If any emergency cases arise then you can visit the ILS Saltlake branch as it is the best emergency hospital in Saltlake.
  • Chemical Peeling

  • Chemical peeling is also a non-surgical procedure that needs chemical solutions to exfoliate the skin and remove dead skin cells. It stimulates the growth of new and healthy skin. 
  • It can enhance the reduction of wrinkles, acne scars, sun damage and uneven skin tone. 
  • Generally, the recovery time depends on the severity of the peel but normally ranges from some days to weeks. It can cause temporary redness and peeling of the skin.

Considerations And Risks 

Though cosmetic surgery can provide aesthetic improvements to different body parts, we have to keep some things in our mind. We have to consider some potential consequences and risks associated with it. As one of the best multispeciality hospitals in Salt Lake, ILS Hospital can provide the best cosmetic surgery in Kolkata. But let’s look at some of the risks as discussed below:

  • Operational risks: Risks such as swelling, bruising, infection, bleeding or scarring might happen after the surgery. 
  • Expectations: It is crucial to have practical expectations regarding the outcome of the surgery. The results may also vary from one person to another. 
  • Recovery: recovery time depends on the procedure of the surgery. Even lifestyle factors also depend on the recovery time. 
  •  Consultation: Detailed consultation along with a board-certified plastic surgeon is necessary to discuss the aims, goals, expectations and risks before undergoing the surgery. 

Final words 

Cosmetic surgery provides a diverse range of steps to enhance and restore the appearance of body areas. If you’re deciding on facial restoration,  body sculpting, or non-surgical treatments, it’s important to assess the benefits, risks, and considerations carefully. After consulting a qualified plastic surgeon in Kolkata, you can make decisions to receive the best results you desire while prioritizing safety and well-being.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions):-

Q1. What is the difference between plastic and cosmetic surgery?

Plastic surgery focuses on appearance and reconstruction while plastic surgery only enhances appearance. 

Q2. Who is suitable for cosmetic surgery?

The patients who are generally healthy or have more practical expectations, and want to change something for personal reasons. 

Q3. What are the risks of cosmetic surgery?

Infection, swelling, bruising or improper reaction to anesthesia. 

Q4. How much time does it take to recover?

Recovery varies from person to person and depends on the surgery type. 

Q5. Will someone achieve permanent results?

The results can be long-lasting but natural aging might affect the progress. 

What Diseases Fall Under Hematology?

Blood-related diseases have become one of the most complicated issues to diagnose and treat relevant conditions. We have all heard about the terms anemia, leukemia or hematology which discloses a spectrum of diseases that impact the blood, bone marrow, or the lymphatic system. 

The chance of hematology or blood-related diseases in the human body is high and it might happen due to multiple reasons. However, it might happen if the blood is mutilated or it can happen if the person is living a very unhealthy lifestyle. One might be very serious about the issues and seek doctor suggestions from ILS Hospitals, the top multispeciality hospital in Agartala

In this blog, we will submerge into some of the very common blood diseases and shed light on the diagnosis and treatment options.

Types Of Blood Diseases that fall under Hematology

No matter how much we try to stay fit and healthy, having blood disease in the body can be unpredictable. Below are discussed some of the important blood diseases which fall under hematology:

   1. Anemia

Anemia is one of the very common blood diseases that is identified by a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin and for this, the oxygen-carrying capacity in the blood is reduced. Anemia can also be differentiated into several types:

  • Vitamin deficiency anemia occurs due to inadequate Vitamin B12 which disturbs the production of red blood cells. 
  • Iron deficiency anemia is one of the common types of anemia and it happens due to inadequate intake of iron. 
  • Sickle-cell anemia is generally derived from a genetic disorder which is identified by the presence of abnormal hemoglobin molecules. It makes the red blood cells rigid and crescent shaped resulting in blockages of blood vessels. 
  • Hemolytic anemia occurs due to autoimmune diseases, infections or genetic disorders. In this case, the red blood cells are destroyed more rapidly than they are produced.

    2. Leukaemia 

Have you heard of blood cancer? Leukaemia is a type of cancer which impacts the blood and bone marrow by increasing the abnormal production of white blood cells. There are generally four types of leukemia:

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) is a faster-progressing cancer which impacts the lymphoid cells and is mainly found in children.

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL) is a slowly progressing cancer that impacts the mature lymphocytes and is generally found in adults. 

Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML) is also a faster-progressing cancer which affects the myeloid cells and is found in both children and adults. 

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia (CML) is a slow-progressing cancer which also affects the myeloid cells. 

3. Hemophilia 

Hemophilia is one of the genetic disorders that is identified by the dysfunction of blood clotting leading to prolonged bleeding and harder-forming blood clots. There are several types of hemophilia:

  • Hemophilia A happens due to a deficiency of clotting factor VIII
  • Hemophilia B happens due to a deficiency of clotting factor IX.
  • Hemophilia C happens due to a deficiency of clotting factor XI (less common than hemophilia A and B).

    4. Thrombocytopenia   

Thrombocytopenia is a condition that can be identified by less platelet count in the blood which can lead towards excessive bleeding. Below given are the causes of thrombocytopenia:

  • Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (ITP) is an autoimmune disorder in which the immune system attacks mistakenly and demolishes the platelets.
  • Medication-induced thrombocytopenia is caused when prescribed medications, such as heparin, can reduce platelet count.
  • Bone Marrow Disorders impact the bone marrow, such as leukemia or myelodysplastic syndromes which can reduce the production of platelets. 

Treatment Of Hematology 

To identify hematologic disorders in the human body one must go through proper diagnosis in one of the best hospitals in Tripura. 

The process of diagnosis is very important as it includes the medical history of the patient, physical examination, laboratory tests and some studies. 

To undergo a proper diagnosis procedure you must delve into ILS Hospitals  which is one of the best multispeciality hospitals in Agartala. 

  • Medications: After seeking medical assistance from a critical care specialist, iron supplements might be given for anemic patients, and immunosuppressive drugs for ITP. Both of these are available in a 24*7 pharmacy near your location. Patients having Hemophilia will be treated with clotting factor replacement therapy and chemotherapy for leukemia patients. 
  • Blood transfusions: This type of treatment is executed in a patient to replenish the blood components like red blood cells or disorders related to bone marrow.  
  • Bone marrow Transplantation: If a patient is diagnosed with bone marrow disorders then he or she might undergo the treatment. 
  • Supportive care: Seeking expert doctor’s help one should change their diet, modify lifestyle, manage symptoms and improve the lifestyle. 

Final Words 

From the above discussion, it is easier to understand how hematologic disorders can cause diverse health conditions which impact the blood and its components. Similarly, these types of diseases have unique challenges and require critical treatment. 

Moreover,  you must take suggestions from doctors in ILS Hospitals, as it is considered to be one of the best critical care hospitals in Agartala.  

Faqs(Frequently Asked Questions):- 

Q1. What is the Main Test Performed in Hematology?

Hematology is all about blood-related diseases and it delves deeper into blood examination. In this case, a CBC or Complete Blood Count test is performed. In this test, both Red Blood Cells (RBC) and White Blood Cells (WBC) are examined.

Q2. What Color tube is used in the Hematology Test?

Generally, a Hematology test is performed in EDTA or it is a purple-coloured top tube. 

Q3. What are the Diseases that Hematology Treats?

Anemia. Bone marrow disorder, Thrombosis, Myeloid disorders, Iron Metabolism disorders and relevant diseases. 

Q4. What Happens if the Haematology of a Person is low?

When you are not having adequate red blood cells, it means you are anemic. This means that your blood has normal Hemoglobin levels and the oxygen flow in the blood is not proper. 

Q5. What Questions will a Haematologist ask?

After making an appointment with the Hematologist, he or she will ask about your overall health condition, ask about some changes which are related to blood disease, review your blood test results and make an explanation about the causes. 

Fibrocystic Breast Disease: Causes, Symptoms, And Diagnosis

Fibrocystic breast disease is one of the most happening diseases nowadays. It is also known by the term fibrocystic changes or fibrocystic mastopathy. It is a very common disease that is identified by the presence of noncancerous breast lumps and relevant symptoms. As fibrocystic changes are very benign, they can also cause discomfort and concern for affected persons. 

In this blog, the intricacies of fibrocystic breast disease will be discussed along with the causes, and symptoms. Treatment of fibrocystic breast disease will also be discussed in this blog to provide a deeper understanding of this condition.

Factors To Know About Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Several factors cause fibrocystic breast disease which is very common nowadays. Below we have discussed several factors like the causes, symptoms, and diagnosis of fibrocystic breast disease which will help you gain knowledge. 

  • Causes Of Fibrocystic Breast Disease

There are several causes of fibrocystic breast disease which arise from fluctuations in the hormone, and changes in the estrogen and progesterone levels throughout the whole menstrual cycle. These hormonal changes can lead to the development of cysts filled with fluids, fibrous tissue, and other changes in the breasts. As the exact reason for the fibrocystic changes remains elusive, so hormonal imbalances, genetics, and lifestyle factors such as consumption of caffeine and stress may contribute to the development. 

  • Symptoms Of Fibrocystic Breast Disease

The symptoms of the disease can vary widely among people and may fluctuate through the menstrual cycle. There are some common symptoms like breast pain, lumps formation in the breasts or swelling of breasts and enlargement, and changes in the breast like thickening. 

Nowadays all of these symptoms typically get worse in the days leading up to menstruation and after the completion of the menstrual cycle. As the fibrocystic changes in the body are serious it is very important to seek medical assessment if there are any other symptoms.  

  • Diagnosis Of Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Diagnosis of fibrocystic breast disease has a combination of clinical evaluation, imaging studies and in some cases, biopsy is done. During the physical examination, the gynecologist assesses the breast tissue for any lumps, nodules, or any other abnormalities. 

Some imaging studies like doing mammography, using ultrasound or MRI might be done to visualize the internal structure of the breasts. Mammography in Salt Lake ILS Hospital is done with utmost care and expertise which helps to make a better diagnosis. In some cases, a biopsy is done to obtain a tissue sample for more analysis while ruling out any other potential concerns like breast cancer. 

Treatment Options of Fibrocystic Breast Disease

Following we have discussed some of the relevant and important treatment options that you should look at the best multispeciality hospital in Salt Lake

  • Self-Care Measures

For many persons with fibrocystic breast disease, self-care measures can be helpful to alleviate all the symptoms and improve the comfort of the patient, these may include wearing a supportive bra, applying heat or cold packs to the breasts, reducing the intake of coffee, practicing stress reduction methods such as meditation or yoga, and maintaining a very healthy lifestyle. Even daily exercise and a proper balanced diet are also recommended to avoid potential risks. 

  • Medications

In some cases, if it is very serious then the best gynecologists in Salt Lake ILS Hospitals will recommend some medications to avoid the symptoms. Non-steroidal drugs like ibuprofen or Acetaminophen can help to reduce any type of discomfort or breast pain. 

Hormonal therapies like oral contraceptives or replacement of hormones might be prescribed to regulate hormonal fluctuations. 

  • Medical Procedures

For persistent or severe symptoms, medical procedures may be considered to address fibrocystic breast disease. Fine-needle aspiration or cyst aspiration may be performed to drain fluid-filled cysts and alleviate discomfort. 

In cases where solid masses are present, surgical excision or biopsy may be necessary to remove the affected tissue and rule out the possibility of breast cancer.

Empowering Awareness And Support In The Best Emergency Hospital In Salt Lake:

The ILS Hospital being the best emergency and multispeciality hospital in Salt Lake has been proven to be one of the best in these cases. Following are some factors that should be kept in mind before proceeding with treatment. 

Educating And Empowering Individuals:

Awareness and a good understanding of fibrocystic breast diseases are essential for empowering individuals to take steps to manage their breast health. 

By familiarizing themselves with the causes, symptoms, and diagnostic approaches associated with fibrocystic changes, individuals can advocate for timely medical evaluation.

Seeking Support And Resources:

Having fibrocystic breast disease and living with that can be very challenging both physically and emotionally. Seeking support from doctors, support groups, or online communities can provide valuable guidance, reassurance, and solidarity for individuals. 


Fibrocystic breast disease is a prevalent condition that is identified by non-cancerous breast lumps. By understanding the causes, symptoms, and diagnostic approaches associated with fibrocystic breast disease, individuals can empower themselves to take proactive steps in managing their breast health. Ils Hospital is considered to be one of the best gyne hospitals in Salt Lake

Faqs(Frequently Asked Questions):-

In this part of the blog, some frequently asked questions are answered on these topics which we have tried to answer. 

Q.1 What is fibrocystic breast disease?

Fibrocystic breast disease is a condition characterized by the presence of noncancerous breast lumps and accompanying symptoms such as breast pain, tenderness, and swelling. It is relatively common and affects many women during their reproductive years.

Q.2 What causes the disease?

The exact cause of fibrocystic breast disease is believed to be related to hormonal fluctuations, particularly changes in estrogen and progesterone levels during the menstrual cycle. Other factors such as genetics, caffeine consumption, and stress may also play a role.

Q.3 What are the symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease?

Common symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease include breast pain or tenderness, breast lumps or nodules, breast swelling or enlargement, and breast changes such as thickening or lumpiness. 

Q.4 How is fibrocystic breast disease diagnosed?

Diagnosis of fibrocystic breast disease typically involves a combination of clinical evaluation, imaging studies (such as mammography, ultrasound, or MRI), and, in some cases, biopsy. During a physical examination, healthcare providers assess the breast tissue for lumps or abnormalities. 


Pregnancy Check Up- Why It Is Important?

Pregnancy is a remarkable journey in the lives of every woman which is characterized by profound physical and emotional changes. The stages of pregnancy require meticulous care and attention to make sure of the health and safety of both the mother and the child inside her womb. 

During this transformative period, regular pregnancy check-ups emerge as a cornerstone of prenatal care. It offers invaluable opportunities to observe maternal health, detect potential complications, and foster optimal outcomes for mothers and children. 

In this blog, we will delve deeper into the multifaceted importance of pregnancy check-ups, by highlighting their pivotal role in safeguarding maternal-fetal health through the process of pregnancy.

Reasons For Pregnancy Checkup

As it is one of the most crucial periods as well as the journey, there are multiple reasons behind pregnancy checkups.

1. Monitoring Maternal Health

The pregnancy checkups provide an opportunity for the gynae specialists to observe the mother’s health throughout this whole period. Important signs such as blood pressure, weight, and rate of heart are routinely evaluated to detect any problems from the norm like diabetes or hypertension.

Moreover, the healthcare providers may perform physical examinations to assess the progress of pregnancy and the overall health of the mother. The check-up sessions serve as the important checkpoints for evaluating the well-being of the mothers.

Regular physical examinations are conducted with utmost care to address any issues and make sure that no problem arises. The ILS Hospitals are renowned as the 24*7 emergency hospitals in Salt Lake in case of any emergency.

2. Detecting Potential Complications

The healthcare providers prescribe regular prenatal visits as it allows them to make sure that no problem arises. Some critical conditions like preeclampsia, diabetes, abnormalities of the placenta, or fetal growth might arise. If the issues are detected early then it becomes easy to minimize the risks of both the mother and the baby.

Diagnostic tests are performed like ultrasonography, blood tests, and monitoring of the fetus during pregnancy checkups.

The ILS Hospitals in Salt Lake has one of the best gynecologists Dr. Aruna Tantia having huge experience in this field. During an emergency, you can opt for ILS Hospital as it is the best emergency hospital in Salt Lake.

3. Providing Essential Guidance And Support

Pregnancy checkups offer mothers proper guidance and support through their journey to motherhood. The healthcare providers offer nutrition information, exercise, taking prenatal vitamins, and modifying lifestyle to promote a healthy pregnancy. They also provide any kind of mental support and answer any type of questions arising in the minds of the mothers. The hospital also provides an emergency ambulance service in Kolkata.

The healthcare providers generally educate the parents about labor and delivery of the baby, breastfeeding, postpartum care, and care of the newborn. It also empowers them to make informed decisions about their pregnancy and childbirth experience.

4. Facilitating Timely Interventions

Taking prenatal care timely allows for early recognition and good management of pregnancy-related complications. Thus it reduces the risk of adverse results for both mother and baby.

ILS Hospital in Salt Lake has one of the best mother and child care units in Kolkata making it very comfortable for new mothers and babies. The healthcare providers will suggest medications, dietary modifications, and changes in the lifestyle to achieve a positive result. Even special care needs to be taken to avoid any health concerns or potential risks.

Regular monitoring of fetal growth and development allows gynecologists to adjust management strategies as required to optimize the results and the well-being of the mother and the baby.

5. Promoting Optimal Outcomes For Mother And Baby

Finally, the primary goal of pregnancy check-ups is to promote optimal outcomes for both the mother and the baby. Severely monitoring the health of the mother, detecting potential risks, and providing essential guidance and support are very necessary. The main aim of the doctors is to ensure the safety of the mother and fetus.

Regular prenatal care is connected with reduced maternal and neonatal morbidity rates. Even improved birth outcomes such as higher birth weights, reduced preterm birth rates, and lower rates of infant mortality are linked too.

Wrapping it Up

Pregnancy check-ups are an important part of prenatal care that offers new mothers the opportunity to receive proper medical care, support, and guidance throughout their pregnancy journey. Starting from monitoring maternal health and detecting potential complications to providing essential education and facilitating timely interventions, pregnancy check-ups play an important role in promoting the health and well-being of both mother and baby. 

By prioritizing regular prenatal care, expectant mothers can optimize their chances of having a safe and healthy pregnancy, ensuring a positive outcome for themselves and their precious little ones.

FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions):-

Q1. Why is a pregnancy check-up important?

It is indeed very important for detecting the overall health condition of the mother and the baby. 

Q2. How often should I schedule a pregnancy check-up?

The mother is given an appointment to attend the check-up schedule once a month during the first and second trimesters. Later the session is increased in the third trimester. 

Q3. What should be expected in a pregnancy check-up?

In the check-up session blood pressure is observed, including the weight and heart rate. Ultrasonography is used to detect the health condition of the child. 

Q4. What happens if any complication arises during a check?

Do not panic if any complications arise as it can impact the bay. The doctor will prescribe medications or lifestyle modifications to manage the situation. 

Q5. Can I attend a pregnancy check-up alone?

Attending pregnancy check-up is very common but it is suggested generally to bring someone or a family member or a friend for support and encouragement. 





Baby Check-Up Schedule- Why It Is Important?

Giving a warm welcome to a newborn baby marks the beginning of an extraordinary journey. It is filled with boundless love, joy, and discovery. Amidst the whirlwind of concerns for a newborn, establishing consistent check-up schedules is found to be an important responsibility of parenting. 

In this blog we will shed light on the significance of baby check-up schedules, highlighting the main role in observing the infant’s health and tracking the developmental milestones.

Understanding The Baby Check-Up Schedule

The baby check-up schedule is a systematic guideline prescribed by the pediatrics which includes check-up schedules of different stages. The doctor will monitor the health, growth, development, and well-being of the infant in the session. Even proper guidance and support will be provided to the parents following the sessions. 

  • Newborn Check-Up (Within The First Week)

The newborn check-up is done very recently after the birth of the baby. It is conducted usually in the first week of birth. During this visit, the doctor checks the body including vital signs, weight, length, circumference of the head, and overall appearance. They also check for common problems in newborn babies like jaundice, abnormalities, or feeding difficulties. 

  • 1-Month Check-Up

After the baby turns one month the doctor recommends an appointment to evaluate the growth and development of the baby. The pediatrics evaluate the sleep pattern of the baby, sleeping habits, and overall well-being of the infant. In this stage, the parents might receive guidance on breastfeeding or any kind of formula feeding, the safety of the sleep cycle, and strategies to calm down a fussy baby. 

  • 2-Month Check-Up

This happens at the 2 month age of the baby and it is very important as the doctor monitors the growth and development of the baby. They provide any vaccinations that are needed to protect them from any infections, such as diphtheria, tetanus, polio, influenza, pneumonia, and rotavirus. Parents may receive information on the infant’s nutrition and required immunizations. 

  • 4-Month Check-Up

Now the checkup is conducted after 4 months where the baby’s physical and cognitive health is given focus. Pediatricians in Salt Lake ILS Hospitals will track milestones such as head control, reaching, grasping, and babbling. 

They will administer additional vaccinations and discuss strategies for promoting sensory stimulation. 

  • 6-Month Check-Up

The 6-month checkup of a baby is very important as it is a milestone of the baby’s development. The baby in this stage is introduced to solid foods. The pediatricians will assess the growth of the baby, and feeding habits, and will monitor their skills. 

They guide complementary foods, oral hygiene, and safety measures that should be taken if any emergency arises. 

  • 9-Month Check-Up

In this stage, the doctor continues with the usual check-up of the bay and tries to resolve any issue addressed by the parent. They assess the social skills, interactions of the baby, and language development of the baby. 

Parents might be guided by the doctors to childproof the home, promote independence, and encourage healthy eating habits. 

The ILS Hospitals have got the best and board-certified child specialists in Salt Lake and it can be the best option for you when it is time for you to go for a check-up. 

  • 12-Month Check-Up (1-Year Well-Baby Visit)

This is a one-year baby check which is considered to be the comprehensive check-up stage in which the growth and development stage is completely checked. The pediatrics will provide physical, cognitive, and social milestones, recommend vaccinations, and discuss strategies for their well-being. Parents receive proper guidance for the toddlers to give them proper nutrition, safety, and discipline in this stage. 

Importance Of The Baby Check-Up Schedule 

Every mother should follow the proper schedule for baby check-ups. In the following part, we are going to share the importance of scheduling your baby check-up in the multispeciality hospitals in Salt Lake.

  • Early Detection Of Health Issues:

Regularity in baby checkups helps doctors detect potential health issues early by enabling prompt intervention and treatment of the child. Conditions such as delay in development, growth abnormality, or medical concern can lead to more favorable outcomes and improved health. 

  • Monitoring Growth And Development:

The baby check-up schedule provides a structured framework for monitoring the growth of the baby and its development over time. By tracking important factors like the weight of the baby, length, and circumference of the head, the doctors can ensure that the baby is progressing and identify any areas that require intervention. 

  • Vaccination Administration:

The baby check-up schedule includes recommended vaccination appointments and provides important safeguards to avoid infection. It helps to build immunity and protect the baby’s health by preventing illness and complexity. Staying connected to the vaccination schedule helps to ensure that the baby is adequately protected and it contributes to immunity. 

  • Parental Education And Support:

Baby checkups provide valuable opportunities for educating the parents and supporting them. The pediatricians offer guidance on different aspects of child care including feeding. Sleep, safety, and developing milestones. They recognize concerns, questions, and answers to them and empower the parents with the knowledge to help them gain confidence. 

Final Words

The baby checkup schedule plays a fundamental role in promoting the health, growth, and development of the baby. By staying in touch with the discussed framework of routine appointments, parents can ensure that their baby receives comprehensive medical care. ILS Hospitals in Salt Lake is one the most recognized multispeciality hospitals in Kolkata which has the best child care unit. It makes regular monitoring of the baby, vaccination administration, and the schedule will be a foundation for a healthy toddler. 

Faqs(Frequently Asked Questions):-

At the end of this blog, we share answers to the most frequent questions that people have asked multiple times online. So, let’s check them out. 

Q1. Why Is Baby Check-Up Important?

Baby check-ups are very important as they observe the growth, by detecting the early issues, and making sure that they are getting the proper nutrition. 

Q2. How Often Should The Baby Check-Up Schedule Be Planned?

Baby checkups are generally scheduled during the first year, with visits that are suggested after the birth followed by every monthly check.

Q2. What Happens During A Baby Check-Up?

During the baby check-up, the pediatrician monitors the growth, health, nutrition, and sleep cycle of the baby. Further, the doctors administer any important vaccinations or offer guidance on parenting. 

Q3. Why Are Vaccinations Important For Babies?

Vaccinations protect the child from severe diseases and control the well-being of their health.

Dialysis: Types, Procedure & How It Works

Dialysis is one of the well-renowned terms in medical science that serves as a substitute for the impaired function of the kidney. The problems include kidney failure and renal insufficiency. It also plays a very crucial role in the management of end-stage renal disease. Dialysis maintains the overall health conditions and well-being of a person. 

In this blog, we’ll guide you through the various types of dialysis, the procedure which is involved, and its action to support the function of the kidney. For the best dialysis in Agartala, you can contact ILS Hospitals Agartala.

Procedures of Dialysis 

Dialysis is an important medical treatment that performs an essential function of the kidneys. First, it filters waste products and excess fluids from the blood when the kidneys are unable to perform such. Generally, there are two types of dialysis – hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis.

1. Hemodialysis

Hemodialysis is one of the most common types of dialysis that is typically performed in a dialysis clinic or hospital. The process is conducted by removing blood from the body through a vascular access point such as an arteriovenous fistula or graft. After that, it is circulated through a dialysis machine. Within the machine, the blood passes through a filter called a dialyzer. It removes the waste products and excessive fluids before returning purified blood to the body. 

The process lasts for about three to four hours and it is typically performed three times per week. The process of hemodialysis requires careful monitoring with the help of trained medical professionals. It can ensure the safety and effectiveness of the treatment.

2. Peritoneal Dialysis

Peritoneal dialysis is another alternative form of dialysis that can be performed at home by the patient. It also includes the use of the peritoneal membrane which is the thin lining surrounding the abdominal cavity. The procedure acts as a natural filter for waste removal. During the peritoneal dialysis, a sterile solution called dialysate is inserted into the abdominal cavity through a catheter. The dialysate draws waste products and extra fluids from the bloodstream into the abdominal cavity. After that, it is drained out of the body. 

Peritoneal dialysis can be executed and performed continuously throughout the day or while the patient is sleeping. This is a very flexible process and this flexible process allows the patient greater independence and convenience for patients compared to hemodialysis. The dialysis which is performed throughout the day is called continuous peritoneal dialysis and the one which is carried out throughout the sleep cycle is called automated peritoneal dialysis.

How Dialysis Works

Both the procedure hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis function are available in Agartala ILS Hospital. These procedures are the principle of diffusion and osmosis for removing waste products and extra fluids from the bloodstream.

1. Diffusion

Diffusion is an important process by which solutes such as waste products move from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration. It moves through a semipermeable membrane. In hemodialysis, blood flows through hollow fibers within the dialyzer allowing the waste products to diffuse into the dialysate. A similar thing happens with the process of peritoneal dialysis in which the waste products diffuse from the bloodstream into the dialysate in the abdominal cavity.
If you are looking for the best treatment under a board-certified doctor then you should visit Agartala ILS Hospital as it has one of the best dialysis in Agartala. It is also renowned as one of the best nephrology hospitals in Agartala.

2. Osmosis

Another process of dialysis which is done is called osmosis. It includes the movement of water across a semipermeable membrane from an area of lower solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration.
In the dialysis process, osmosis helps to remove extra fluid from the bloodstream by creating a concentration gradient within the blood and dialysate compartments. This is an important process that helps to regulate fluid balance in the human body and prevent the overload of fluid.
ILS Hospital is also known as the best urology hospital in Agartala.

Final words 

Dialysis is a very vital treatment option for patients with kidney failure, providing a lifeline to those who are unable to perform the important function of kidneys. Whether through hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis, the procedure plays a very crucial role in managing renal disease. It also seeks to improve the quality of life of patients. By understanding the types available one can contact the best multispeciality hospitals in Agartala for making informed decisions. Moreover, this knowledge is very important to gain knowledge. It also equips them with tools that are necessary to navigate the complex factors of managing renal insufficiency. It fosters a proactive approach towards optimizing overall health and well-being. 

FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions):-

Q1. Why is dialysis important?

Dialysis is very important for patients who have undergone kidney failure, or renal insufficiency for filtering out their blood. 

Q2. What are the different types of dialysis?

There are generally two types of dialysis – hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis. 

Q3. How often is dialysis performed?

Dialysis can be performed multiple times a week depending on the condition of the patient. 

Q4. What are the advantages of peritoneal dialysis?

Peritoneal dialysis provides greater flexibility and independence as it can be performed in the home by the patients. 

Q5. Are there any risks associated with dialysis?

As dialysis is safe and effective, there are some potential risks and complicated factors. Risks like infections, blood clots, and changes in blood pressure can happen if you undergo dialysis. 




Common Orthodontic Problems – Types, Treatments

Nowadays people have become much more cautious regarding orthodontic problems of all ages. It can affect oral health, aesthetics, and overall well-being. 

Starting from misaligned teeth to biting irregularities, orthodontic problems embark on a diverse range of conditions that require timely observation and proper treatment. In this problem, we will explore some of the very common orthodontic problems. The reasons for the treatment of orthodontic problems will be discussed in this blog.

Types and Treatments of Orthodontic Problems

If you or your related one is experiencing these kinds of orthodontic problems then it is high time that you consult dental doctors in Kolkata who can evaluate your problems. They can also assess your needs and prescribe a proper plan for preventing the problems again. 

Moreover, if it is traditional braces, aligners, or any other orthodontic appliances someone can prevent the problems early in their life to achieve that aesthetic smile and change the appearance of their face.

1. Malocclusion

Malocclusion refers to the misalignment of the teeth or the improper positioning of the upper and lower dental parts when the jaws are closed. This problem can be seen in various forms:

It happens when the upper part of the front teeth overlaps excessively over the lower front teeth.

This one is just the opposite of the former one. Here the lower part of the teeth overlaps the upper part of the teeth.

It happens when one or more than one teeth are positioned abnormally about the opposite teeth.

2. Open Bite

When the upper and lower teeth do not meet properly the jaws remain closed.
The treatment of Malocclusion includes different orthodontic appliances like braces, aligners, or retainers to move the teeth into proper alignment. The treatment depends on the condition and severity of the teeth. While in some cases tooth extraction is an option for making the alignment proper.
Intervening the problems early is often recommended to address malocclusion during childhood. As the jaw is still in the growth phase so if any treatment is done it can be recovered easily. Though it is a time taking treatment it gives drastic results. ILS Hospital has one of the most renowned orthodontics in Kolkata. Experienced orthodontics can assess the condition and make a proper plan for achieving a healthy and well-aligned smile.

3. Crowding

It mainly happens when there is much less space in the dental arches to provide accommodation to each tooth properly. It leads to overlapping or rotating teeth. Crowded teeth are more prone to plaque disease or tooth decay. It might also have gum disease as it is difficult to clean.
ILS hospital in Dum Dum has so much advancement in treatment as it is one of the most renowned multispeciality hospitals in Kolkata.

If you are staying near it is the best hospital in Dum Dum. The orthodontics department includes a tooth extraction process to create space, align teeth, or expand to widen the dental arches.

4. Spacing Discrepancies

This is another dental issue that involves gaps or spaces between the teeth which might have happened due to missing teeth, small teeth, or any abnormal growth. However, some individuals find these spacing or issues to be aesthetically pleasing. Excessive spacing can affect the biting function and increase the risk of gum problems.

Treatment options are multiple as it includes braces, aligners, and cosmetic procedures like veneers to close the gaps of teeth.

5. Protrusion

The protrusion is also known by the term “buck teeth” which refers to the forward protrusion of the upper front teeth beyond the lower front teeth.

This type of condition can happen due to many reasons like genetics, a habit of sucking the thumb, or skeletal disturbance. Protruding teeth not only affect the facial appearance but also increase the risk of dental trauma. Different treatments of orthodontics such as braces or different appliances can help to make the protrusion correct and balance the facial structure.

6. Crossbite

As discussed above crossbite occurs when one or multiple teeth are positioned abnormally in accordance to the opposite teeth. It leads to a misaligned bite and this issue can impact both the front and back teeth and may also lead to uneven wear, pain in the jaw, and problems in chewing.

The dental clinic in Kolkata ILS Hospital has multiple treatment options. It includes braces and aligners for realigning the teeth and enhancing the function of biting.

Final Words

Orthodontic problems nowadays have been one of the most common issues that are affecting aged people and also millennials. Starting from malocclusion and crowding to spacing discrepancies and protruded teeth, these issues have a huge impact on human oral health.

It also impacts the overall quality of life as it reduces the self-confidence and appearance of a person.
However, people with the issue are fortunate enough as treatment in Orthodontics has become so much more advanced. It has been made possible to address the problems effectively and achieve outstanding results.

FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions):-

Q1. How does malocclusion affect the oral health?
Malocclusion can impact oral health by enhancing the risk of dental problems such as tooth decay, gum disease, and uneven teeth. It can also cause difficulties in chewing, speaking, and maintaining proper oral hygiene. Thus it leads to discomfort and functional issues.

Q2. Can malocclusion be treated?
Definitely! Malocclusion can be treated with different orthodontic interventions like braces, aligners, or retainers. Detecting it at early stages is recommended to get optimal results and prevent potential complications.

Q3. What can be the results of untreated malocclusion?
Untreated malocclusion can lead to complications like increased risk of dental problems, speech difficulties, and self-respect issues because of aesthetic concerns.

Q4. How can someone determine if they have malocclusion?
If someone experiences symptoms like difficulty chewing or speaking, pain in the jaw, or noticeable misalignment of the teeth, then it is highly advisable to make a consultation with a board-qualified dentist






Traveling with Back Pain? Here some tips for Comfortable Journeys

Traveling can be really fun, but if you have back pain, it can also be challenging. For many people  (mid-age group of people to senior citizens)suffering from back pain. The discomfort and stiffness that make it tough to enjoy travel experiences to the fullest. Whether it’s a road trip or a flight, the constant ache in their backs serves as a reminder of their limitations. 

In this article, we’ll talk about easy things you can do to travel with back pain. We’ll focus on the problems people with back pain face when they travel and how to deal with them. Though, you can visit multi speciality hospitals in Howrah for doctor checkup before going for a long tour and get permanent solution.

Back Pain Treatment in Howrah

Before we dive into the following tips, please take a look at the center of the best treatment of back pain. ILS Hospital,  a 24×7 emergency hospital in Howrah. For those who are suffering from back pain after following a few tips, take an appointment for an expert orthopedic doctor in Howrah.

Whether your back pain affects your daily days or traveling, it is important to take proper treatment from the best spine surgeon in kolkata. 

Traveling with Back Pain: Tips for Traveling

When you are traveling  with back pain, it is important to follow a few tips to make your journey painless. For example, the right seat and proper footwear can help not face back pain while traveling in a flight or 4 wheelers. So, let’s check them out!

Here are some simpler ways to say the tips you provided:

1. Pick a Good Seat:

When you can, choose seats that have good support for your lower back. This could be in a car, plane, or train. Using a small pillow or cushion behind your lower back can also help keep your spine in a natural position and reduce strain.

2. Take Regular Breaks and Stretch:

During long trips, make sure to take breaks often. Stand up, stretch your body, and walk around a bit. Doing gentle stretches for your back, neck, and legs can make you feel less stiff and improve blood flow, which can stop back pain from getting worse.

3. Back- Pack Light:

Try to keep your luggage as light as possible. Carrying heavy bags can hurt your back. If you can, use a suitcase with wheels to make it easier to move around. Also, try to split your stuff between two bags to make them lighter.

4. Wear Supportive Shoes:

Wear shoes that are comfy and give good support, especially if you know you’ll be walking a lot. Having the right shoes can help your posture and take pressure off your spine.

Tips for after Traveling

Here are two simple tips for relief back pain while traveling:

1. Hot and Cold Therapy: Bring a reusable hot or cold pack with you. Using it on your sore back can help reduce swelling and calm muscle pain.
2. Stay Hydrated and Eat Well: Drink enough water and eat balanced meals. This keeps your body healthy and can help prevent back pain caused by inflammation and tense muscles.

Long Road Tips: Tips For Back Pain Relief

Going on a long car trip can be really fun, but sitting in the car for a long time can make your back hurt. Here are some easy tips to help you feel better and enjoy your trip more:

Make sure your car seat is comfy and gives good support to your lower back. You can use a pillow or cushion to make it even more comfy.

1. Take breaks often. Stop at rest areas to stretch your legs and move around. It helps your muscles feel better.

2. Do some simple exercises when you stop. Stretch your legs, twist your body gently, and bend backward a little to relax your back.

3. Sit up straight while driving. Don’t slouch or lean too much. You can use a special cushion to support your lower back if you need to.

4. Drink water and eat healthy snacks. Being thirsty or low on energy can make your muscles ache more.

5. If your car doesn’t have good back support, use a portable cushion to help. It can make a big difference in how comfortable you feel.

These tips can help you avoid back pain during long car trips, so you can have a comfy and enjoyable journey!

Final Words

Traveling with back pain needs to keep in mind a few tips and follow proper instruction. However, getting proper guidance from a doctor, you should visit ILS Hospital for better treatment. 

By consuming proper medicines and maintaining instructions, you will get better soon. Hopefully, this blog will help you. Stay tuned with us for a worthy health related article. 









What You Need to Know About Heart Surgery?

Open-heart surgery is an important operation that saves many lives. Nowadays, new medical technology reduces the risk of this surgery. It  is usually between 1% and 5%, which is similar to other surgeries. During this surgery, doctors make a cut to reach the heart and fix any problems inside it.

ILS Hospitals, the best heart hospital in Agartala has adopted the new medical technology. These include beating heart surgery, minimally invasive heart surgery (MICS), and robotic heart surgery. In these methods, the cuts are smaller, cause less damage, and look better after healing.

What is Open Heart Surgery?

Heart surgery commonly known as Cardiac surgery includes the operational activity of the heart or the blood vessels that are linked to the heart.

Heart surgery can aid the problems especially one who is born with congenital heart disease. It can also refurbish critical heart problems that might develop later. It is one of the most complex surgeries which includes a group of experienced and expert cardiologists. The best heart hospital in Howrah  has a team of expert cardiologist to gives the  best treatment for 24*7.

Who is Required to have Heart Surgery?

People with numerous types of heart disease need to have serious cardiac surgery. These include several issues like coronary artery disease, heart valve disorders and congenital heart defects. These issues might result in blockages in the arteries and vessels that transmit blood to the heart. Even some people have problems with valves that do not work properly and break in the normal rhythms of the heart.

Generally, cardiac surgery is prescribed beforehand to stay out of risk and is an important part of the diagnosis. It occurs when the cardiologist makes a diagnosis of cardiovascular disease within your heart, and surgery is the only option to cure it.

Oftentimes, heart disease can happen to anyone before expecting it and in this case, cardiovascular surgery is an emergency treatment. This issue can happen if anyone seems to have a cardiac arrest or if they are diagnosed with really dangerous heart blockages.

Depending on how severe the problem is, you might not require surgery. Therefore, you should make an appointment for a Cardiologist to get the best heart treatment in Dum Dum, Kolkata. 

Different types of heart surgery

There are numerous types of cardiovascular surgery which are done depending on how severe the condition of the patient is.

  1. Coronary artery bypass grafting often known as CABG treats damaged coronary arteries. This creates a new passage for the blood to flow into the heart.
  2. Aneurysm repair surgery replaces the damaged part of the aorta by using a graft. It offers another safer way for the blood to flow.
  3. Left ventricular reconstructive surgery aids aneurysms that form in the muscles of your heart. This might happen due to a heart attack.
  4. Septal Myectomy assists patients who are having the problem of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. This type of disease thickens the cardiac wall leading to improper blood flow.
  5. Inserting technological devices like a permanent pacemaker, left ventricular assist device (LVAD) or implantable cardioverter device (ICD) can make the condition far better.
  6.  Heart transplantation is done for those who have end-stage cardiac failure.

Conditions that are treated with cardiac surgery

Cardiac surgery affects and treats several critical heart problems.

1. Congenital heart disease

2. Coronary artery disease

3. Cardiac failure

4. Heart valve disease

5. Arrhythmias

6. Aneurysms

Risks or complications associated with heart surgery

Open Heart surgery in Kolkata can enhance the quality of life and make things better after the operation. However, it has several flaws or risks that can happen after the surgery. However, it depends on the patients and their conditions. 

1. Bleeding

2. Damage in nearer blood vessels or artery

3. Heart stroke

4. Having more confusion or less clarity in thinking

5. Having an allergic reaction to anaesthesia

Moreover, the chances of the risks become higher if the patient is found to have diabetes, kidney problems, obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or peripheral artery disease.

Wrapping Up

This blog gives you a detailed idea of what heart surgery is actually, its types and the diseases cured. We have made a discussion on the types of surgeries that are performed and the diseases that are aided. Moreover, we have also mentioned the usage of technological innovation that can help with cardiac disease.

However, heart surgery is a short-term procedure but aftercare is a long-term procedure which must be taken care of. Before taking any serious decision you should consult with an experienced cardiologist who can diagnose the problem.

FAQs(Frequently Asked Questions)

Here are some of the frequently asked questions and answers that you should know when you go for a consultation with the best heart surgeon in Kolkata

Q1.  What should be expected before the surgery?

The surgery is very severe and you will be restricted from eating or drinking after midnight before the surgery. Several medicines like aspirin, will be restricted as it clots the blood.

 Q2. What happens during the surgery?

 During heart surgery the cardiologists will make an access through the breastbone and extend the ribs to operate the heart.

Q3.  How long is the surgery conducted? 

The duration of the surgery depends on how severe the problem is. For instance, the coronary artery bypass surgery is conducted for about 3 to 6 hours.

 Q4.  What are the restrictions after the surgery?

You cannot do any heavy household chores in the home. Activities like walking, taking the stairs will be restricted after a few months of surgery. Shouting will be completely limited as it will affect the heart.

 Q5. Can someone do exercise after the surgery?

After the heart surgery you will wonder if exercising will be safe. But, exercising and staying fit will keep you healthy. It can strengthen your body and keep you healthier.



How Can Joint Replacement Surgery Improve Your Work-Life?

Joint replacement or Arthroplasty surgery- this surgery can change the person’s life who is suffering from joint damage. Joint is the place where two bones come together that can be a shoulder, knee, hip, elbow, ankle, and finger. 

Joint replacement surgery can happen for various reasons such as injuries, osteoarthritis, infections, rheumatoid arthritis or other such causes. It has an impact on the patient’s body such as stiffness, pain and swelling. However, it can  be treated by proper treatment with medicines. Now you may ask when an individual is required for Arthroplasty surgery. 

Through this blog, we’ll discuss when someone needs to opt for replacement surgery, how it can improve work-life and more. So, read on!

What is Joint Replacement Surgery?

Arthroplasty is a type of surgery to replace damaged joints with a new artificial one. It’s also known as joint replacement surgery. During this procedure, an orthopedic surgeon takes out the old parts of your joint and puts in a new one that can be made of metal, plastic, or ceramic.

However, replacement surgery has different types. Orthopedic doctors can understand which type of Arthroplasties need to be conducted. On this note , ILS Hospitals, an expert hospital of joint replacement in Salt Lake has modern technology setup with an expert orthopedic doctor to give the best treatment of Joint replacement surgery in Kolkata

Type of Arthroplasties or Joint Replacement

Joint can be replaced with arthroplasty including:

1. Knee
2. Shoulder
3. Elbow
4. Hips
5. Ankles
6. Fingers
7. Wrists
8. Toes

There are two type of Joint Replacement surgery, such as:

1. Total joint replacement: When you get a total joint replacement, the doctor replaces all the parts of a joint with a special fake one.

2. Partial joint replacement: With a partial joint replacement, the doctor only replaces some parts of the joint. Sometimes, doctors call this joint resurfacing.

Joint Replacement Surgery: How It can improves Work Life

Joint replacement surgery can make a big difference in someone’s life. People who have successful surgery feel less pain, can move better, and enjoy life more. But many people wonder when they can go back to work after surgery because they want to get back their work life as soon as possible. 

After leaving the hospital, patients recover at home and follow instructions for taking care of themselves. It usually takes between three to eight weeks after surgery before they get back to their active work again. But everyone’s recovery is different, and some people might take longer, especially if they weren’t very healthy before surgery.

Here’s a general idea of when different types of workers might be able to go back to work:

1. Office workers: 4 to 6 weeks
2. People who do a mix of physical and desk work: 3 months or more

People who have physically demanding jobs should be careful because they could hurt their new joint if they go back to work too soon. It’s important for them to think about changing to a less physically demanding job to keep their joints healthy in the long run.

How Should You Prepare for Joint Replacement Surgery?

Your doctor or surgeon at the best multispeciality hospital in Salt Lake will help you prepare for surgery. You may need:

1. A check-up to make sure you’re healthy enough.
2. Blood tests.
3. A heart check with an electrocardiogram (EKG).
4. A dental check-up to prevent infections.
5. Scans like X-rays, MRI, or CT scans.
6. Tell them about any meds or supplements you take. You might need to stop some before surgery.
7. Your surgeon will tell you when to stop eating and drinking before surgery, usually eight hours before. They’ll also let you know which meds you can take with a sip of water on the morning of surgery.

Your surgeon will tell you when to stop eating and drinking before surgery, usually eight hours before. They’ll also let you know which meds you can take with a sip of water on the morning of surgery.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs):-

Here are the few relatable questions that we have jotted down rto let you know about more information about Joint replacement. 

Q1. What are the precautions to be taken after joint replacement?

It’s recommended to use a higher toilet seat instead of lower ones and avoid activities like jogging, running, and intense sports after getting a joint replacement. You can do moderate-paced walking, climb stairs, and swim without any issues.

Q2. Is joint replacement a major surgery?

In most situations, a new knee joint will stay strong for 20 years or more. Getting a new joint is a big surgery with some risks. It’s crucial to understand these risks and talk about them with your surgeon before going ahead with the surgery.

Q3. What is the most common joint replacement surgery?

Hip and knee replacement surgeries are very common, but doctors can also replace other joints like ankles and shoulders.

Final Words

Joint replacement surgery, also known as arthroplasty, is a helpful and safe procedure. It helps people move better and reduces long-lasting pain. After getting a new joint, most people feel better and can do more without hurting.

It can be said that if your doctor suggests joint replacement, you should opt for that. A joint replacement surgery has the potential to improve your work life. Contact ILS Hospital, a multispecialty hospital in Salt Lake for an appointment with an orthopedic doctor.