Attention Indian Youth! As You Might Be Susceptible To Premature Heart Ailments
Earlier it was said that heartbreak from a romantic relationship was one major reason for heart illness. But, these days, the scenario is quite different. The threat of heart attack is looming over Indian Youth more than it did until a decade ago. This paradigm shift has resulted in Indian youth susceptible to various heart ailments 8-10 years sooner as compared to other ethnic groups from all over the world. As per the statistics collected from some of the best heart hospitals in India, at least 35 percent of the heart patients are under the age of 40. Several cases have been reported where the age of the patient is as young as the early 20s.
Causes and connections for heart ailments
Some of the common causes for these premature heart ailments that have been found are mainly due to family history, personal history of some heart conditions, diabetes /pre-diabetes, excessive stress and unhealthy lifestyle. The genetics root happens to be the most influencing factor when it comes to developing a cardiac ailment. Best heart hospitals have witnessed patients being diagnosed with premature heart ailments, happen to have a parent or sibling with a similar health history. Men are at more risk than women when we compare according to age. Women often show first signs of heart ailment approximately 10 years later than men. However, factors like diabetes in the family, and smoking, may cause, premature heart ailments even in women.
Why are Indian Youths suffering the most?
Indian Youths are somewhat dealing with the dual burden of mental and physical stress. On one hand, due to the cut-throat competitions, they are forced to work exhaustively in order to make a decent living leading to physical exertion and stress. On the other hand, their inability to cope up with the work stress, affect their family life leading to mental stress as well. As a result, the incidents of premature heart attacks are increasing among youth in their years of servitude.
How can Indian youth address it?
Though heart ailments sound scary to deal with, but it can be easily taken care of if preventive measures are taken on time. Heart attack is predominate, not a first-degree illness, meaning it often develops from underlying complications as already mentioned. Thereby, controlling these early warnings can help manage it effectively.
On this International Youth Day, we advise every India youth to take some time out of their busy lives and dedicate the same towards their health. Adequate exercise, quitting alcohol and smoking and leading a healthy lifestyle, often makes change and improve the lifestyle. In case, any symptoms of heart or chest discomfort arises, they are recommended to seek advice from one of the best heart hospitals at the earliest.