
Allergies: Types, Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Before we start with allergies, let me ask you, do you know what is the exact definition of an allergy? Well, in response to certain foreign substances, your immune system starts reacting. It is that exaggerated reaction which is known as an allergy. The substances that produce allergies are known as allergens. Now let’s start with the symptoms of different types of allergies that are most common.

Symptoms of different types of allergies

Your allergic reactions can be severe or mild. Here are symptoms of some common allergies –

Food allergy
  1. Swelling of the tongue, lips, throat or face

  2. Anaphylaxis

  3. Tingling in the mouth

  4. Hives

Hay fever
  1. Stuffy, runny nose

  2. Sneezing

  3. Red, watery or swollen eyes

  4. Itching of the eyes, nose or roof of the mouth

A drug allergy
  1. Itchy skin

  2. Hives

  3. Facial swelling

  4. Anaphylaxis

  5. Wheezing

  6. Rash

An insect sting allergy
  1. Hives or itching all over the body

  2. Swelling in a large area at the sting site

  3. Chest tightness, cough, shortness of breath or wheezing

  1. Skin rash

  2. Loss of consciousness

  3. Severe shortness of breath

  4. A weak and rapid pulse

  5. Light-headedness

  6. A drop in blood pressure

  7. Vomiting and nausea

  1. Scaly, dry skill appearing on inflamed red areas

  2. Burning sensation

  3. Extreme itchiness

Latex allergy
  1. Asthma

  2. Hives

  3. Rash and itching

  4. Anaphylaxis

  5. Watery eyes

Skin contact allergy
  1. Inflammation, open sores, localized redness

Causes of different types of allergies

Here are some common causes of allergy –

  1. Insect stings such as from a wasp or bee

  2. In case of latex allergy or other substance allergies, they are caused when you touch them

  3. Food allergies are caused from certain foods including fish, tree nuts, peanuts, shellfish, milk, wheat and eggs

  4. Airborne allergens include animal dander, pollen and dust mites

  5. Drug allergy can be caused by certain medications including penicillin-based antibiotics or particularly penicillin

Treatment options for allergies

Of course, your treatment of allergies depends on the severity and type of your allergy. Here are some general guidelines –

  1. To control itching, use oral antihistamines

  2. Keep your skin moisturized

  3. In severe cases, use immunosuppressive medications

  4. Topical corticosteroids

  1. Oral maintenance medications

  2. Inhalers

  3. Injectable medicines under the supervision of our doctors

  1. Oral steroids

  2. Injectable medicines administered in our hospital

  3. Oral antihistamines


The preventive measures that you should take to avoid allergies depend on the type of allergy you have. Here are some general measures –

  1. You can keep a diary with you in order to track what you eat or what activities you do. This will help you and your doctors at ILS Hospitals to identify the triggers

  2. Try to avoid the known triggers. This applies to the case if you already know what type of allergy you have

Allergies are not something you should take lightly. Some allergies are life-threatening. In order to make sure that you are safe, do consult our doctors at ILS Hospitals. They have knowledge about all health problems and diseases, and you will find yourself healed once you consult them. Call us now to make an appointment.