All You Need To Know About Angiograms
Angio means blood vessels related, whereas gram refers to a picture. Angiograms are tests conducted by doctors to find narrow or blocked arteries. Arteries are not visible on normal X-rays. Hence contrast dyes are used to make them visible. Getting angiography in Kolkata is an easy process with very few complications involved.
If your doctor has recommended you to get an angiography done and you are looking for all the information related to it, you have come to the right place. We have pooled for you all the information related to angiography, from the basics to the important bits usually ignored and which no one talks about.
Why Are Angiograms Done?
As already stated above, angiograms are done to find blocked arteries or find reasons for unexplained chest pain. It can also be done in case of
1 – Heart attack
2 – Heart failure
3 – To find out the source of internal bleeding
4 – To determine the renal artery’s quantity, location, and condition in case of a kidney transplant.
5 – Detect any other problem happening to the patient’s blood vessels.
Procedure Of Angiogram
1 – Before you are prepped for angiography in Kolkata, the medical team reviews your medical history and checks your blood pressure and other vital signs.
2 – It’s usually advised not to eat or drink anything the night before the surgery.
3 – You will be changed in a hospital gown, and you have to lie on the x-ray table, where sedatives will be given to you through an IV line inserted in your veins.
4 – A tiny incision will be made through which dye will be inserted into your arteries to make them visible. You might experience slight discomfort when the dye is injected, but it would be manageable. In case it is causing you too much discomfort, let the doctor know about it.
5 – Once the dye is injected, the doctor would discover any blockage easily. Any further action would be decided accordingly.
6 – The whole process can take about 45 minutes to one hour. Once the process is completed, you will be taken back to the recovery area, where you will be monitored for a couple of hours.
7 – You can be discharged on the same day, or in some cases, asked to stay overnight in the hospital. It is advised to consume a lot of fluid to get the dye out of your body.
When To Call Your Doctor?
Once your angiogram is done, you will recover quite easily. But in the following cases, please don’t hesitate to give your doctor a call:
1 – You have a fever or show signs of infection
2 – You face breathlessness or sudden chest pain
3 – At the incision site, you feel continuous increasing pain.
4 – There is numbness or weakness at the incision site
An angiogram is an easy procedure that is mostly painless. You should not be worried about getting angiography in Kolkata done since the procedure comes with minimal risk, and the recovery process is easy and discomfort-free. In most cases, the report is made available within a day by the doctor, after which a further treatment plan is decided. You can browse through https://www.ilshospitals.com/ and schedule an appointment if you want to get an angiography in Kolkata.