All About Blood Groups and Immune System

Blood groups affect our immunity directly. Different blood groups are responsible for antibody generation in our bodies in response to viruses, bacteria, and other intruders.

When antigens present in the blood come in contact with an unknown substance, they signal the immune system to take the needful measures against such components. Blood is broadly classified into 8 types, and you must know your blood group before undergoing any medical procedure.

Understand how your blood type is related to the health and immunity system and how likely your body will acquire various diseases based on your specific blood group.


It is observed that blood group A is more likely to develop stomach cancer among all blood groups. The ABO gene also plays a significant role in heightening cancers of the lungs, breast, liver, etc. If you have an A blood group, it’s wise to get yourself thoroughly checked for these cancers.


If you have a blood group A, stress might be a common and frequent issue for you. As individuals with such blood type have more release of cortisol and stress hormones in their body, they might find it very tough to deal with anxiety.

Heart Diseases

A specific type of gene called an ABO gene can put you at a greater heart disease risk. This threat multiplies further if you live in an area where pollution levels are high. If you belong to the blood group- A, B, or AB, chances of coronary heart diseases are elevated for you. Get yourself thoroughly checked before any mishap.

Pregnancy Complications

Many people don’t know about the rhesus factor (Rh) and its fatal consequences in unfavourable contact with substances. If a pregnant woman’s rhesus factor does not match that of the child’s, the mother’s immune system might recognise the child as an allergy and start making antibodies against it. Further, this can lead to dangerous outcomes for both the mother and the baby.

If you are pregnant and are looking forward to a healthy and easy delivery of the baby, I would advise you to visit a gynaecologist hospital as soon as possible. If you live in a rural area, try contacting some well-known gynaecology hospital in Kolkata, Mumbai, Delhi, etc. These hospitals will have the best medical facilities and services and will be able to cater to all your needs.

Brain Functioning

The ABO gene can also lead to low brain functioning and memory loss and cognition problems. As the O blood group doesn’t have this gene, people with this particular blood type are free from such illnesses. Study shows that individuals having blood group, A, B, and AB, are more likely to develop memory and brain-related problems than those having O blood group.


People with blood group O are less prone to get infected with malaria, as the parasite causing this illness doesn’t get easily attached to blood cells of O type.

You need to know your blood type before entering into a medical procedure. Your immune system might not receive certain kinds of treatments positively, and the incompatibility could be fatal. As this problem is common in blood transfusions and pregnancy, you would want to get thoroughly checked beforehand. Dredge out the best gynaecology clinic, gynaecologist hospital near you, or visit sites like to contact the most reputed gynaecology hospital in Kolkata and nearby cities.