A Brief Introduction of Depression
We all spend our lives between phases of happiness and sadness and obviously in between several shades of the mentioned emotions. A state of extreme happiness is euphoria and usually does not ring any alarm but the state of extreme grief or sadness, however, is called depression and it can cause some serious damage if not addressed on time.
Sadly, many myths surround depression, its treatment, and cure. And thus, many do not seek medical treatment for it in the best hospitals in Kolkata. Moreover, several individuals do not consult the treatment for the recommended time period and thus, often does not make full recovery and relapse due to the same in future.
Several people assume depression as a made up illness, ruling it out altogether from the list of medical problems itself. For them, it is a mood fluctuation that does not affect the overall physical or mental health or ability. However, it has been found that an individual suffering from clinical depression, might lose functionality in several aspects.
Another group believes that depression resolves on its own. Well, since anything is possible, it may be true for those with exceptional willpower, but for the rest, sadly it is not. Professional help, individual or group therapy are often required to cure the individual out of clinical depression. However, a handful of the reformed patients recommends making lifestyle changes, medication, yoga, and spiritual guidance can make a significant change and also empower them to deal with it in future.
There’s yet another group of people who do count depression as an illness and believes that it does not resolve on its own. Though it might appear like a sensible class of people, sadly, they believe no drug in the medical world can cure an illness of mind and mood. However, thankfully, in this era, medical science has ways to treat most of the problem. And depression is no exception. After ruling out the possibility of the thyroid through physical examination, an actual depression can be effectively addressed through medication.
In fact, about 80% patients respond positively to treatment. The remaining patients are musty those who discontinue treatment in between and relapse again. Thus, in a nutshell, depression is a very real medical illness and more people suffers from it than they admit it openly. But with medical help, it can be treated completely. Thankfully many hospitals in Kolkata offer best treatment for the same.