10 Most common gynaecological problems every woman must know
At some point in time, every woman reports going through a gynaecological disorder, which severely impacts physiological and psychological health. These must not be ignored, and immediately get an appointment at a reputed gynaecology hospital in Kolkata. Because it can lead to infertility or turn into a life-threatening problem.
Here are the common problems that you must be aware of.
1. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
This is commonly known as PCOS, where a woman goes through irregular menstrual cycles that remain for a prolonged time. Innumerable follicles form on the ovary, which restricts the release of the egg.
The conditions can be genetic, such as a high rate of insulin in the body or if the level of androgen increases.
The general experience is abdominal obesity, recurring acne, abnormal hair growth in the facial region, fertility issues and becoming prone to diabetes
2. Dysmenorrhoea
In regular terms, this is known as painful periods, where a woman experiences severe abdominal pain during menstruation. This is divided into two categories – Primary (no pelvic disorder is observed) and Secondary (associated with the underlying pelvic disease).
The natural chemicals secreted by the body, such as prostaglandins, result in primary dysmenorrhoea. And, endometriosis and fibroids result in secondary dysmenorrhoea.
Sudden abdominal cramp is felt, and the intensity of pain increases. This may often spread to the lower back.
3. Endometriosis
This problem is associated with the uterine lining, where the lining starts growing outside the uterus and spreads to other associated parts.
This generally occurs due to hormonal disturbances and irregular menstrual flow, problems associated with the immune system and underlying genetic factors.
Digestive troubles are most relevant and are accompanied by intense menstrual cramps and spotting between menstrual cycles.
4. Vaginitis
It is a condition where the vagina gets inflamed and can be experienced by any woman going through her reproductive phase.
This may occur due to infection, side effects of antibiotic medication, unsafe sexual intercourse, or using hormonal tables or spermicidal creams.
A burning sensation is felt while peeing, along with an itchy vagina. There is a continuous irritation, and even a foul smell is discharged from the vagina.
5. Urinary Tract Infection
This condition is also known as UTI, and it is quite common in women of all age groups. The condition occurs due to bacterial infection in the vagina that spreads to the urethra and bladder and, in severe cases, affects the kidney.
If someone is already suffering from pelvic nerve/muscles problems, they get susceptible to such infections. Further, any blockage within the urethra, bladder, or kidney can result in UTI.
A burning sensation is felt while peeing, and the urine appears cloudy with a strong odour. In extreme cases, blood tinges are also found in the urine. This is accompanied by fever, backache, nausea, and if left untreated, can affect the kidneys.
6. Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
The problem is associated with the body’s genital organs, including the fallopian tube, uterus, pelvic peritoneum, and others.
If someone uses IUCD or has a medical history of pelvic inflammation or has multiple sexual partners then this disease can occur.
The general experience includes extreme pain in the lower abdominal region, abnormal vaginal discharge, fever, lethargy, vaginal bleeding and painful sexual intercourse.
7. Genital Herpes
This is a sexually transmitted disease, a form of viral infection. It is associated with sores and blisters.
Being a communicable disease, this spreads from an infected person during anal or oral sex.
The primary symptoms are flu, chills and fatigue, which develops into muscular pain, nausea and blisters around the genital organs.
8. Dyspareunia
This problem is also known as painful sexual intercourse, and it occurs due to structural conditions or even psychological reasons that can affect the person.
Vaginitis, PID, narrow vagina or vulval infection can lead to this condition. Even structural issues such as thick hymen can generate Dyspareunia.
Pain during penetration remains for a couple of hours after the intercourse.
9. Fibroids
Muscular tumour-like growth is observed within the uterus but is rarely cancerous. There is a variation in size, shape and location.
The reasons can be hormonal or genetic, and no other general reason is found.
Extreme pressure is felt in the lower abdomen, along with heavy periods and bleeding between the cycle. This also results in painful sexual intercourse.
10. Ovarian Cysts
Women of any age group can be affected by ovarian cysts, where sacs filled with fluids develop in the ovaries.
This problem may result from pelvic infection, hormonal issues and endometriosis.
In an abdominal region, a swelling or bloating is felt, accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
What is the Cure?
Certain gynaecological problems can be treated by maintaining g a healthy lifestyle, personal hygiene, sexual education or taking medicines for symptomatic relief. However, antibiotics are also prescribed at the gynaecology hospital in Kolkata based on the severity. Whereas in some instances, a doctor would suggest surgery or hormonal therapies.
ILS Hospitals offer the best medical treatment for gynaecological problems; consult with a gynaecologist today!